Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Food For Thought - Or Why Is True Bible Study So Important?

Why is a Family Bible Study so important?  Why is an interactive, discussion style Bible Study so important?  At times I am really amazed at how God will use life circumstances to teach us, to give us revelations and insights.

A few weeks ago, Dory's Windows 7 business computer crashed, would not boot up.  So she had a choice - give me time (at that time, an undetermined piece of the puzzle) to try to fix her computer - or buy a new computer.  But waiting for me to fix her computer meant she would not be able to do her real estate work until I finished, assuming I could fix that computer.  

Both options offered an upside and a downside.  Fixing her existing computer, assuming I could, might takes weeks.  Which meant she could not do her work.  Definitely a downside.  But the upside was that it would save her money.

On the other hand, buying a new computer meant having to learn to use Windows 10 - definitely a downside.  That transition for Dory, going from a Windows 7 computer to a Windows 10 computer - reminds me of the time, circa 1985, she had to take a quick, unexpected trip to Spain, with no one to travel with her who spoke Spanish.  On a previous trip her traveling companion spoke Spanish, but she was not available for this trip.

At the end of her visit to Spain, Dory found herself traveling from the Costa Brava region to Barcelona alone by train, and then trying to navigate from the train station to the hotel - about half a mile.  Walking down the street she could find no one who spoke English.  She truly had a problem trying to find the hotel.

For her, trying to navigate a new, unfamiliar computer was much like trying navigate in Barcelona and not speaking the language.  While Dory is very knowledgeable of real estate - she is not a computer or technology whiz.  She knows enough about using her Windows 7 computer to use it - but what will she do if she has to navigate the Windows 10 foreign language computer world?

We decided to take the plunge into Windows 10.  But now I needed to see if I could make her Windows 10 system look, feel, and act like her Windows 7 system.

Looking back on that, and other related problems with this transition - I realized two things:  First, in today's world of technology - virtually everything you need to know can be found on the internet.   Second, you can find the information - but you HAVE to know the right questions to ask.  Not as simple as it might seem.  Many times I have found that having one word wrong in my question - would take me into left field and lost.

"Okay, Bill, so how does that relate to Bible Studies?"

Glad you asked.  Basically there are three types of Bible Study.  First is the "sermon" Bible study - which is not a Bible Study, but a Friday night, or midweek, sermon.  One might pick up a tidbit or two - but statistics have shown that folks retain about 10% of what they hear in a sermon versus 40% or better in an effective Bible Study.

Next is the "prewritten study guide" type of Bible Study where everyone has a Bible Study guide book, most often written by a knowledgeable Bible teacher - but written to be simple enough to be understood by new "babes in Christ" - new believers who are just getting started - and yet complex enough to not be boring to the more mature Christian. 

Yes, you are right.  That is like writing a single text book which can be used in a Kindergarten class, the same book used in high school classes, and also for young folks in college.  Any ideas how you would do that?   Most authors of such Bilbe Study guides write them with some pretty good comments - but then drop to the inane level when composing the questions.  After all, they don't want to lose the Kindergarten students by confusing them.  So they end up most often boring the more mature believer into dreamland.  I believe you can see the problem with a "one size fits all" Bible Study guide.

In the early 1980s, I was working for Ferranti International Controls, a Houston based division of Ferranti International in Manchester, England.  I was asked to come to Houston and present a two day seminar on Computer Graphics.  I asked my boss, "What level of graphics knowledge will the people attending have, so that I can tailor my presentation?"   His response was like a glass of cold water in the face, "There will be people there with zero knowledge - and people with a great deal of knowledge in computer graphics."   Wow, how to address that diverse audience?

How did I address the zero knowledge folks without losing them - and still not bore the others?  I prepared 300 overhead transparencies (this was before PowerPoint Presentation).  My two day seminar would use 100 transparencies - and the other 200 gave me a data base in case I needed to answer a question not covered in the initial 100.  That meant that I had to be able to talk intelligently about all 300 transparencies, even though I wanted to use only 100.

Now you can see the problem with doing a "one size fits all" Bible Study from a pre-written study guide - and a "one size fits all" computer graphics seminar.  Someone could fall asleep - either from being totally snowed under, or from being bored to sleep.   Not a good solution with either.

And the third kind of Bible Study is the one I prefer and the only kind I will lead.   Notice that I said "LEAD" and not "teach."  A good Bible Study - where the group is actually "studying" the Bible - does not need a teacher, only a leader, one who can keep the discussions moving, and keep them from going off into left field and never returning. 

This kind of Bible Study is a "discussion" or "dialogue" study - based upon an expositional reading and discussion of a passage or a book of the Bible.  I have seen such Bible Studies go on for hours - because the people get so involved in a discussion that no one wants to stop.  That is where a good "leader" comes in - to keep the discussions active, to allow for short side trips where folks may agree or disagree in a short side discussion - but not allowing the study to get mired in a tangential swamp, never to be seen again. 

This is where God recently surprised me.  In a moment of revelation, He tied my thoughts regarding the past few weeks of making Dory's computers workable for her - and my long held thoughts on what makes an effective Bible Study - into a common thread.  What is that common thread?  Simple.  Regardless of what problem you need to solve - the answer depends upon asking the right question.

When working to make Dory's Windows 10 look like a Windows 7 to make her work easier - I had to go on line and "Ask the right questions."

When we want to have an effective Bible Study - we have to encourage and allow the people to "Ask the right questions."  And, if the comments and questions are not forthcoming - the good Bible Study leader needs to know how to "Ask the right questions" to prime the knowledge pump and get folks talking.  And, yes, even allowing them to debate, argue, and at times, agree to disagree ~ and all the while we are studying and learning God's Word.  Works for me. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day - We Celebrate Our Freedom By Honoring Those Who Paid For It

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.  Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings, and participating in parades.

In the late 1940s, when I was a young teen growing up in Alabama, my step-father was a World War 2 veteran who grew up in the rural area around Russellville, Alabama.  Each year on Memorial Day, or Decoration Day as it was called then - all in that rural area would gather at a local church, have an "All Day Singing & Dinner On The Ground" to celebrate God's blessings, and then they would decorate all the graves in that small cemetery. 

In those days my big thrill was sampling all the great food which was spread on tables, truck and wagon beds, and anywhere else the local ladies could spread their finest table clothes and display their culinary masterpieces. 

But Memorial Day also elicits strong memories of events which brought me to begin the journey of building a Memorial Web Site for a pilot in our 311th Fighter-Bomber Squadron. 
1/Lt. Robert A. Ford, Jr. was killed on March 11, 1957, when the F-86 he was flying crashed

The crash was caused by a maintenance error.  Bob Ford was ferrying an F-86 jet back to Osan Air Base.  The plane had gone through maintenance at the Mitsubishi Maintenance Center at the Komaki Air Base, Nagoya, Japan.  Maintenance had installed 200 gallon wing fuel tanks on the plane - which had been configured with mounting hardware for 150 gallon tanks. 

Let me just preface this blog with an update:  On Christmas Day, 2009, Libby Ford was promoted to heaven and is buried with the love of her life, Bob Ford, in Arlington National Cemetery, the United States military cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia / Washington, D.C.

Libby lived long enough to see their granddaughter, Laurie, receive her Ph.d. and become a Forensic Scientist in Louisiana.

Recently, Libby and Bob's son,
Robert A. "Chip" Ford, III, joined his mom and dad in the presence of God.

And one last side-note:  In 2014 I received a message v
ia The Korean War Project 311th FBS Page.  Air Force pilot, John DuPriest, came to Korea just two months after Bob's death and a month after I had rotated back home to America.  Bob's aircraft was assigned to John, but he was not told of the history:

Reply To Message 47692    From: John DuPriest

Subject: 311th Fighter Bomber Sqdn

Wonder of Wonders!!   I served in the 311th from May 1957 - May 1958.  I was assigned F-86 #24748!   I have several photos of it with my crew chief and depicted on my helmet which I still have. .  .  I know some will say; "But Bob was killed in a crash."  Entirely possible since we did not always fly the Bird assigned to us - Inspections, servicing periods, etc.  Anyway, Ole 748 was mine.  I wish I had known about Bob then, I would have flown a little prouder if that is possible.  F-86 drivers were absolutely obnoxiously proud!

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Hi John, You are right that Bob Ford was not killed in the plane he flew, FU-748.   Bob was overdue to rotate home, but because he was assigned to go back to college to get his Master's degree and his classes did not begin for another 60 days, he was held over in Osan.  He could have been rotated home and allowed a bit more leave before starting school - but the Air Force decided he was better off sitting on his hands in Korea.

Since he did not have regular flight duty he and Major Andy Anderson flew two planes to Mitsubishi in Japan to be refurbished and they were to fly two others back that had already gone through the Mitsubishi plant.   When they got there, the plane that Major Anderson was to fly back was not ready - so Bob came back alone.

Coming back, he did like many other pilots and requested from the K8 (Kunsan) tower permission to make a high speed, low level pass.   Unknown to him, the people at Mitsubishi had installed mounts for 150 gallon fuel tanks - but, actually put 200 gallon tanks on that plane.  So in his high speed, low level pass - the g-force yanked the tank off one wing causing him to flip over at just 500 foot off the deck.

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Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 5:24 PM
From: Bill Gray

Hi to all my Friends,

My long, long time Friend and high school classmate, Jimmy Moore, sent the following article to me.  This is just an excerpt from the article:

From 'Eternity' to Here
By Peggy Noonan
Updated May 25, 2006 11:59 p.m. ET

Americans didn't always appreciate our soldiers the way we do today.

"The first note was clear and absolutely certain.  There was no question or stumbling in this bugle.  It swept across the quadrangle positively, held a fraction of a second longer than most buglers hold it.  Held long like the length of time, stretching away from weary day to weary day. . . .  This is the song of the men who have no place, played by a man who has never had a place, and can therefore play it.  Listen to it.  You know this song, remember?"   ("From Here to Eternity" - a novel by James Jones, page 213)

For novel readers who care about war, and warriors who cared about novels, a great memory is the picture, seen in tens of millions of imaginations, and finally in a film, of Pvt. Robert E. Lee Prewitt playing taps at Schofield Barracks, 25 miles from Honolulu, on the eve of Pearl Harbor, in James Jones's great novel, "From Here to Eternity."  

It was published 55 years ago and sold three million copies, and it is on my mind today because I'm thinking about the taps we will all hear this Monday, Memorial Day, at ceremonies and in cemeteries throughout the country.   When I hear it I'm going to think of what my father always said when he heard taps.  "Play it, Prewitt," he'd say.  Because that character was like men he'd known in the American army of World War II.

Reading that article, immediately my thoughts went to an Air Force pilot I served with in Korea, in 1956-57.  1/Lt. Robert A. Ford - "Bob Ford" to all who respected and admired him - died in the crash of an F-86 jet fighter plane on March 11, 1957, while serving his country in Korea - in the "war that was not a war" - in the war that, to this day, has not been resolved, for no peace treaty has ever been signed. 

The war stopped on a "cease fire" in 1953.  But, technically, it is still a war in which America has been involved since 1950.   Does anyone believe that we can have "peace" with the "nuclear bomb threatening" North Korean regime even today?

The reason my thoughts went back to my fellow serviceman, Bob Ford, when I read this article - is that, for almost fifty years, Bob Ford's widow, Libby, and his family, have been trying to get our government to give them closure, by giving them an uncensored copy of the accident report which took Bob's life in 1957 - and some acknowledgment that Bob's life was not wasted in vain.

In 1999, Libby Ford sent a request to the Korean War Memorial administrators asking that Bob Ford's name be listed on that memorial.  Her request was denied because Bob was not killed between 1950 and 1953.

On September 11, 2003, a friend sent me an e-mail which contained a URL link to a new web site, the Korea War Project.  This is a web site run independently of any government organization by two brothers who want to honor their father and others who served in our "war that was not a war."  

It was about 3:00 AM and I was ready for bed.  But, I went to the web site out of curiosity.  I found my Air Force organization, the 311th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, and began to browse through the Message Page.  Just as I was about to stop for the night, a name jumped out at me - 1/LT. ROBERT A. FORD, JR. KIA.  Below is the message I found on the Korean War Project web site that night:

MESSAGE NUMBER: 4627  --  EMAIL POSTED: 1999-11-09

FIRST NAME: Elizabeth (Libby) - LAST NAME: Ford

COMMENTS: 1/Lt. Robert A. Ford, Jr. was killed in Korea on March 11, 1957 after being extended over in Korea longer than he was supposed to serve, due to the fact that he had been accepted to attend the University of Illinois to get his Masters Degree.  They didn't know what to do with him before school started, so they held him over there longer than he should have been there; consequently he was killed because of a faulty plane he was flying.

My Friends, her message was posted on September 11, 1999.  I found it on September 11, 2003, exactly four years to the day after it was posted.  And this should make you will recall another infamous day, September 11, 2001.  Was this divine providence or not?  You decide for yourself.   For me it was. 

The next morning I called Libby Ford, who lives in Virginia, and we began a friendship which has led to me doing a memorial web site for Bob Ford.  I invite you to visit this web site - and say a prayer for this family:

1/Lt Robert A. Ford Memorial Web Site:

Then, I ask you to forward this e-mail to your senators, to your congressmen and congresswomen, and  to your president - asking them to give this family the closure they have sought for almost fifty years.

Between 2003 and today, I have written a letter to the Secretary of the Air Force, two letters to President Bush, and a letter to First Lady Laura Bush.  The Secretary of the Air Force just sent us back to an Air Force Colonel in New Mexico who had initially put us into this Military "Catch 22" Loop.  The two letters to President Bush have just been ignored. 

The office of First Lady Laura Bush did respond, saying that they were going to forward our request to the appropriate agency.  That agency turned out, once again, to be the Pentagon - which, once again, put us back into the "never-ending Military Catch 22 Loop."

In other words, regardless of the hoopla and honors we will see this Memorial Day weekend, regardless of all the praise and rhetoric we will hear from our national leaders for our military people and their families - families such as the Ford family, a family which paid the ultimate sacrifice in 1957 - are forgotten!

This Memorial Day, If you really want to honor our fallen military heroes - then ask our leaders to honor those who fell many years ago, those whose families are still seeking closure.  Yes, let us honor those families.  Then, I will believe your rhetoric about honoring our military men, women, and their families of today.  For, these of today - will, soon, be those forgotten men, women, and families of tomorrow.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day - and a glorious Memorial Day,


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How To Preach And Teach ~ From "Grace In Focus" - May/June 2018 Issue

God has blessed me with the ability to love.  First, I love my God with all my heart. Then I love my wife, my family, my extended family, and my Friends.  And I love to read, study, and share God's Word through the writing ministry He has given me.  My reading and studies falls into different categories:  I love to read and study God's Word and books related to His Word, i.e., trusted commentaries, books, and magazines. 

I love to participate in expositional Bible studies and Sunday School dialogues.  And for a broader understanding of the world around me, there are certain magazines and books from cult churches and teachers which I will read - for educational purposes only.  And, finally, after a long day at the computer - I often like to read historical novels to help me fall asleep at night.

Do I always agree with those trusted commentaries, books, and magazines?  No, not always.  But praise God, I believe He has given me the gift of discernment which allows me to study those resources, learning from them, and noting where I believe they stray from the true Biblical meaning.  And, that is why I will often share an article with you, my Friends, even though I might disagree on minor points with the article or author.

I really enjoy reading and learning from the magazine "Grace In Focus" from the Grace Evangelical Society.  Basically their doctrinal position is defined in what they call the Free Grace Movement - and I have one disagreement with them on the doctrine of salvation.  This is not to knock them or belittle them.  It is a matter of defining "repentance."  All Conservative Christians and church fellowships agree that we are saved "by grace through faith - alone."   No argument there, for "works" play no part in our salvation.

The disagreement comes when they classify "repentance" as a work - much like "baptism."   To me, repentance is an inner spiritual change which happens when I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  It is not a physical thing I do, i.e., like being baptized.  It is that inner spiritual desire which comes when I am betrothed to my Lord.   To me, repentance and faith go hand in hand - much like the heart and blood pumping which keeps us alive.  Without the blood being pumped by our heart, we are dead physically.  Without the repentance being pumped by our faith, we are dead spiritually.

That is much like the love we feel for our spouse.  If that inner love were not there, you may marry your spouse - but are you truly wed?  Do you have a real, honest relationship with your spouse - or is it a marriage of convenience?

The same is true of your betrothal to your Lord Jesus Christ.  Your repentance was an integral part of sealing that relationship.

No, I am not saying that our brethren in the Free Grace Movement are less Christian or less saved.  That is why I am always proud to recommend their magazine "Grace In Focus" to all my Friends.   I believe you will enjoy this short introductory video:

Is Salvation Really Free?

Let me briefly share one other Bill Gray "gotcha!" which bothers me - more on a personal level.  When I was twelve years old, I had an experience (no, not of a sexual nature) with a traveling Pentecostal Revival Preacher in my hometown - which drove me away from God until I was fifty years old.  All those years, I still felt the need for God in my life - but because of that experience, I kept God at an arm's distance.

And because of that experience, I cannot bear to use the words "Preach" or "Preacher."  It is like someone pouring salt in an old wound.  I had a strong desire to edit this article and remove the word "Preach" out of it - but that would not be true to the author.   A pastor/teacher can "preach" at me - and most likely I will tune him out.  He can "yell" at me - and I will definitely tune him out.  However, if that pastor/teacher "talks" to me - he will have my full attention.

Discussing this recently with our daughter, Lana, her thoughts were, "That happened so long ago.  Just forget about it."

And, I replied, "If you had been raped at the age of twelve - could you really put that completely out of your mind and never have it affect you?"

I was spiritually raped at the age of twelve - and that feeling which kept me at arm's length from God all those years - is still in there.  And that is why I will often walk away when someone "preaches" at me instead of "talking" to me.

With that small side-view, let me clarify that I agree with the folks in the Free Grace Movement - EXCEPT when they classify "repentance" as a work.   Other than that, we seem to be on the same page.

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Grace In Focus magazine, May/June 2018 issue
By Bob Wilkin

Most of our readers are not pastors and will never preach in a church.  However, all of you teach others about the Lord Jesus Christ in one way or another.  Many of you have taught, are teaching, or will teach Sunday school.  Some teach home Bible studies.  Some speak at the local Gospel Rescue Mission or Young Life or Campus Crusade for Christ.  And, of course, parents teach their children.

We all teach.  So we all can benefit from learning how to preach and teach.

The Bible Does Not Tell Us How:

The first thing to realize is that the Bible gives no instructions on how to preach or teach.  None.

While I took four courses at Dallas Theological Seminary on how to preach, none of them showed me any Bible verses that backed up the method we were taught.  We were taught to use principles gleaned from modern communication theory.

Thus, freedom is possible in preaching and teaching.  We are not locked into an introduction, three main points, each with an illustration, and a conclusion.  We can please the Lord using various methods as long as we accurately communicate what God’s Word says.

The Bible Barely Shows Us How:

There are examples of sermons in Scripture.  Unfortunately, the examples we have are, for the most part, not full sermons.

And we do not have a lot of sermons in either the OT or the NT.  We have some.  Most are in Acts.

I do not think that the partial examples we have of sermons are meant to tell us how we should preach and teach.  I think they give us principles upon which we can draw.  But there is no indication that there was some formal way to preach.

Ideas from Communication Theory:

Anyone who has ever taken a speech class knows that a message should have an introduction that draws the listener in - a body with one big idea - and a conclusion that reminds the listener about your big idea.  Most would suggest using illustrations as ways to draw readers in and keep their attention.

Bill Gray Note:  From my 1960s Dale Carnegie Sales Training Class:  "Tell the audience what you're going to say, say it; then tell them what you've said."

In Scripture, we find that most illustrations were examples of OT accounts.  When Stephen preached in Acts 7, he covered: Abraham’s call and his journey of faith - Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs - the journey to Egypt - Joseph - Moses in Egypt - Moses and the burning bush - Moses as deliverer - the tabernacle - Israel’s resistance to God - and then Israel killing Jesus the Christ.

Before I went to seminary, I spoke topically.  If I wanted to give a message on giving, I’d draw together ten or more passages on giving and try to weave that into a message.

In seminary, I learned to preach passages of Scripture (expositional teaching).  Rarely do I speak topically anymore.  Probably 80 to 90 percent of my messages are verse-by-verse exposition of a single passage.

The advantage of preaching passages is that you are constrained by the context to preach what the original author intended.  It is very tempting when preaching topically to take verses out of context to make the point you want to make - without the need of dealing with the details of passages. But that means you end up preaching your thoughts, not God’s thoughts.

Bill Gray Note:  Many years ago, Dory and I were watching Benny Hinn on television.  As I said earlier, I sometimes listen to and read what cult leaders, and other questionable teachers, have to say as part of my Christian education.  His sermon was on "anointing oil" and during his message he would pop Scripture verses on the screen to support what he was saying.  Since I could not watch and check the Scripture verses in my Bible at the same time - I just noted the verses and went back later to test his teaching (Acts 17:11). 

Of the ten or so verses he quoted to support his message, more that half had no relationship, at all, to that message.  He must have searched for all verses which mention the word "oil" and put those in as his proof text.  And, I suggest that is why he popped the verses on the screen and off again so quickly.  That is the danger of using only topical messages - they can be used to support a predetermined theology which is questionable when stood alongside true Biblical teaching. 

The Big Idea:

Step one is knowing what it is that God is saying.  You need to be able to reduce the entire content of your message into one fairly short sentence. Ideally, I try to make the title of my message the big idea.  So the title of my message on James 2:14-17 is “Faith without Works Is Unprofitable
(= Dead).”

You are not ready to write your sermon until you can summarize what your passage means.  And, yes, I suggest you write out your sermon, even though I recommend you not read it to the audience.  You just have it in front of you to remind yourself of your main points.  But writing it out helps clarify your thinking.

Once you have the big idea in writing, it is time to produce your outline.

The Outline:

This step is often skipped.  I know from experience that is a huge mistake.

Without an outline, the message is just a stream of consciousness.  Words follow words without a necessary connection to the message.  The audience can’t see where you are going.  Your outline will be your two or three main points, as well as possible sub-points under each main point.

A house is framed so that the rooms turn out right.  A sermon or lesson has an outline so that the message stays on track.

The points of your outline might reflect the flow of thought in the passage.

Or, you might cover the entire passage under point one - and then points two and three might cover possible objections to what the passage is saying, and possible applications of the passage.

Your outline must produce your big idea.  The points either build to the big idea, explain the big idea, defend the big idea, or apply the big idea.

Develop an outline before you start writing.

The Introduction:

I like reading fiction.  I find that reading the dust jacket summary makes it easy to get started.

Reminder:  “A house is framed so that the rooms turn out right.  A sermon or lesson has an outline so that the message stays on track.”

In a sense, your introduction is like the blurb about a book or the trailer that movie makers produce to get people to go to their movies.

The introduction is attempting to tap into what is called a felt need.  That is a need with which most people (can) identify.

Your introduction should pull your listeners in, but it needs to go somewhere.  A standup comic can pull the listener in, but he isn’t going anywhere with his jokes.  Our introduction needs to pull your listeners into what the text is teaching.

I remember in my senior preaching course, my professor told me that my introduction was clever and got his attention.  However, it was like a reverse in football.  In the introduction, I had the listeners going in one direction.  Then in the body of the sermon, I went the other way.  I gained their attention, but the message itself did not deliver on what the introduction led the audience to expect me to say.  Make sure your introduction pulls people in, then leads them in the right direction.

Bill Gray Note:  In a mid-1980s Creative Writing Class I wrote an essay titled: "Beware Christianity Can Be Dangerous To Your Health."   And a young Christian classmate was upset at first.  But then I explained that I was drawing people's attention to the atrocities of the Middle Age Crusaders against those who did not hold their same faith.  And to the Conquistadors such as Hernán Cortés who conquered the Aztec Empire, Francisco Pizarro who destroyed the Incan Empire, and Hernando De Soto who cut a bloody swath through the Indians of southeast America searching for gold. 

The Crusades by the papacy during the Middle Ages aimed at taking the Holy Land for Christendom.  I explained to my classmate that these actions were all supposedly done in the name of Christianity.  So, what may have seemed as a momentary misdirection with my classmate - was the reason for the title of my essay.

The Body:

The body can have just one point - just your big idea.  Or it can have two, three, or more points which are related to or which built toward your big idea.

Most of the time I like to outline the passage I’m preaching and make my sermon points correspond to the way the passage develops.  For example, here is my outline for the body of my sermon, “His Promised Return Is Certain (2 Peter 3:1-9)”:

1. Focus on Christ’s Soon Return (vv 1-2)

2. Don’t Let Scoffers Distract You (vv 3-4)

3. Remember the Flood (vv 5-7)

4. The Delay Is Not Long from God’s View of Time (v 8)

5. God Will Fulfill His Promise Soon (v 9a)

6. The Delay Is Because Death Does Not Please God (v 9b)

The Conclusion:

Sometimes I write the introduction and conclusion before I write the body of the sermon.  When I write the conclusion, I like to make sure that it links up with the introduction.

Did I raise some questions in the introduction?  Then I answer them in the conclusion.

Did I raise a felt need in the intro?  Then I need to explain how God’s Word answers that felt need.

Did the sermon challenge our worldview?  Then in the conclusion I will talk about how this passage changes the way we view our world.

Ideally, I will mention the big idea multiple times in the sermon and multiple times in the conclusion, too.  In my sermon on 2 Peter 3:1-9, I will often repeat that Jesus’ soon return is certain.  It is guaranteed.  It will happen any day now.  It is imminent.  We should be watchful because when He returns we long to hear Him say, “Well done, good servant.”

“Make sure your introduction pulls people in, then leads them in the right direction.”

The Length of the Message:

The length depends on where you are speaking.  Most of the time I’m given 30 to 40 minutes to speak.  For me, that is around
2000 to 2500 words in my sermon manuscript.

At times I’m only given 3 to 5 minutes to speak.  Many of the little videos we’ve done for GES are that length.  In those cases, I typically do not manuscript what I’ll say.  Instead, I put down my big idea and three or four things I want to say about it.

In little messages that are topical and not based on a specific text of Scripture, I find it vital that I have an anchor passage.  I will quote the passage in the video so that people can see that the idea comes from Scripture and not just from theology.  It is not enough to teach the truth.  We must teach the truth from Scripture.

Of course, in a 3-minute message, I will not give a detailed explanation of a passage.  But I will quote it and at least give enough explanation so the listener can see that the truth I’m explaining does come from Scripture.

On the occasions when I manuscript short messages, I’ve shot for around 500 words for 5 minutes.  For example, for my Logos Course on Free Grace Theology, I wrote up 72 short segments designed to be around 10 minutes each.  I aimed to keep those to 1000 words or less.

Different Styles Can Be Effective:

J. Vernon McGee simply marched through the Bible.  He did not have much of an introduction or a conclusion.  He used illustrations.  But he did not use lots of illustrations.  He taught the Bible verse by verseAnd people loved it.  They still love it today, long after he has gone to be with the Lord.

R. B. Thieme had a similar approach.  However, he would dig in very deeply on every verse.  Thus one message might cover only one verse.  Or it might take several messages to cover one verse.  He loved to teach people key Greek and Hebrew words.  Doctrinal pastors today continue that method of preaching.  And I’ve observed that it has a powerful impact on many people.

The string of pearls approach may be effective at drawing crowds, but it doesn’t really produce strong disciples.  That approach was made famous by Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller.  The string is a principle from the Bible.  The pearls are illustrations.  So the pastor might start his sermon with a story, then mention a verse or two, state a principle that comes from the verse, and then the rest of the sermon is illustration after illustration supposedly fleshing out the principle.  While entertaining, not much discipleship occurs.  People do not learn the Bible.  They learn little ditties like, “Life by the yard is hard.  Life by the inch is a cinch.”

Effectiveness in preaching is measured by what pleases God, not by what draws large crowds or raises large amounts of money.  A small church that accurately proclaims God’s Word has effective preaching.  A megachurch that does not accurately preach God’s Word has ineffective preaching.

Another style is dramatic presentations.  Pastors with acting ability sometimes do a great job of this.  While this can’t be done every week (unless you don’t care about teaching the whole counsel of God’s Word), it can occasionally be done with great interest.

I’ve been in churches where the sermon is linked to a skit.  The skit is done by actors in the body who prepare the audience for the sermon.  In a sense, the skit becomes the introduction to the sermon.

Bill Gray Note:  I know of one megachurch where the pastor was teaching by using short video clips drawn from current movies or television shows.  The pastor would show the video - and then in his sermon attempt to show the positive or negative aspects of that short video in Biblical terms.  In that church the weekly Bible studies had to mirror the pastor's sermon from the previous week.  So the Bible studies became critiques of movie or television clips.  I could find no Biblical value in such studies and went elsewhere.

Final Thoughts:

The Bible does not command us to preach or teach in a certain way.  We might use different methods depending on what we are teaching or preaching.  But the key we must never forget is that we aim to proclaim God’s Word accurately.  We want to please Him.  No matter who is sitting in the pew, He is our ultimate audience every time we preach or teach.

Bob Wilkin is Executive Director of Grace Evangelical Society.  He lives in Highland Village, TX, with his wife of 41 years, Sharon.  His latest book is "Is Calvinism Biblical? Let the Scriptures Decide."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I pray that, even though this blog is rather long, you have been able to harvest a few good thoughts, i.e., "golden nuggets" which will be helpful in your ministry, whether it is sharing the Gospel with unbelievers you meet in your daily life, leading a Bible study or Sunday School class, or giving a worship service message.  As Bob Wilkin tells us in this article - the main goal is to share the Word of God accurately and effectively.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Eschatology? - It's All Greek To Me! ~ Another Look

This blog is a rather long discussion of eschatology, i.e., the End Times.   In it I have attempted to explain the Biblical End Times based upon what Scripture tells us.  Why read a long writing about Biblical doctrines which do not affect your salvation?  Because the more you know about Biblical prophecy and how it fits into your Christian life - that should give you a greater sense of eternal security, a firmer knowledge that you, a believer and follower of Jesus Christ - have His promise, His absolute guaranty of eternal, never ending, joy in the presence of God.

Some may read the blog in its entirety, others may scan it only for "golden nuggets."  And then some may look at the blog, decide it is too long, and delete it.  No hard feelings either way, for I have gained knowledge in doing the writing.  But I do pray that YOU are one of the readers or scanners and that you will find something here that is worth the effort.

In September 2012 I wrote this blog discussing one of our Wednesday Bible Studies.  We began John 14 and in verses 1 to 3 the obvious observation was made – that passage is describing the Rapture.  And that is where such a discussion can often go south.  Why?  Because believers are not always on the same page when it comes to understanding the Rapture and why and when it will happen.

Yes, a discussion of the Rapture is about prophecy.  Prophecy is about the future – but, such a study is also about fulfilled prophecy; which shows that those past events, are proven history.   Why study prophecy?  First, prophecy is one key element which validates our Bible, showing that it is truly the inspired Written Word of God.  Why do I say this?  Well, the Bible is the only sacred book, including those of all world religions, which offers prophecies.   And, to date, Bible prophecy has been proven to be 100% accurate.

The Bible has over 1800 prophecies in the Old and New Testaments.  Except for the prophecies of His Second Coming, i.e., the End Times – all of those prophecies have been fulfilled, proven by both religious and secular writings.  To date, Bible prophecies are 100% accurate, not one has failed to be fulfilled.  That, in my mind is rock solid evidence that the Bible is the Written Word of God.

My second reason for believing we should study prophecy is a bit more pragmatic and practical.  Over the years, I have driven across America a number of times.  And once, I drove around America on an 8000 mile solo journey.  Each time, before starting my driving adventure, I sat down with my Auto Club map and marked my route.  Today we might use Google Map, but same principle.

Why did I do this?  I wanted to be sure I was taking the best route considering current highway conditions, and I wanted to know how far I should drive each day.  In other words, I planned my trip, noting any detours or delays I might encounter, the 24-hour truck stops where I might rest and find the services I would need - all to make sure that I arrived safely at my final destination.
That is what we do when we study prophecy.  Based upon past experience with prophecies, and what we have learned more recently through further study of prophecy – we plan the best possible route to make sure we arrive at our final destination, heaven, on schedule.

So, let me share what I believe the Bible is telling us about the End Times, and specifically the Rapture - when it will happen, what happens before the Rapture, and what will happen after the Rapture.

Let’s back up to the beginning and take a quick overview of Biblical time.   In my Bible Timeline Chart below, the Eternity on the left is Eternity Past, when only the Triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) existed.  “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

Some thousands of years ago, and we are not sure just how many thousands, God created the universe and all within it.  That included we humans and all other living creatures, our earth, all the sciences, and all the laws governing those sciences.

On the chart we are given two important dates: The year that Christ was crucified (33 AD), and the year that Creation began (about 4004 BC) – give or take a few more (but not less) thousand years.  Certainly not the millions or billions of years which atheists, secularists, and evolutionists must have to make Darwinian Evolution viable.

DATE OF THE CREATION:  I have shown that the Creation happened “about 4004" BC.  Why?  This is the date set by James Ussher (1581-1656), Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, in his book “Annals Of The Word.”   He was one of the most famous theologians of the English Reformation.  One of his principle claims to fame was that he calculated the date of creation to 4004 BC by tracing the lineages in the King James Bible.

The idea that the Bible gives us enough information to exactly date the creation of the heavens and the earth is held by many theologians, Bible scholars, and teachers.  Traditional Judaism views the year 2000 as 5780 years after the creation of the universe.  In the seventeenth century Irish Archbishop James Ussher, after extensive research, put the date of creation in the year 4004 B.C.

Time calculations based upon genealogies found in Genesis 5 and 10 were used to establish his date of the creation.   When the different ages of the men in those genealogies were totaled, it was believed the result was the number of years between Adam and Abraham.  Figuring backward from the time of Christ Ussher arrived at the year 4004 BC.

There are problems with doing this.  The genealogies in the Scripture are not complete.  There are gaps in them:

"Matthew's genealogy traces the ancestors of Joseph, the legal father of Jesus.  The structure of the genealogy descends from father to son, beginning with Abraham. Additionally, Matthew divides the genealogy into three groups of fourteen generations, separated by important historic points."  (For more on this subject, please visit:  GotQuestions dot Org - "14 Generations')  

Matthew 1:17, "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations."

Much of the Hebrew writing in the Old Testament is poetic, and we find that also flowing into New Testament writings, as in the groupings in Matthew 1:17 which seem to follow that pattern.  

"Because there’s so much poetry in the Hebrew Bible, it’s fitting to familiarize ourselves with the basics of Hebrew poetry.  What is it that makes a Hebrew poem poetic?  In a word, (it is) parallelism."   (From: GotQuestions dot Org - "Synthetic Parallelism") 

Thus Archbishop James Ussher's year 4004 calculation may not be fully accurate, but it does give us a guideline which shows us that the date of the Creation was in the thousands of years ago - and most certainly not millions or billions of years ago as science and Darwinian Evolution claim and need.

   Looking at the day that the Messiah was cut off (Daniel 9:26), i.e, when Christ entered Jerusalem, His Triumphal Entry (now called Palm Sunday), and one week later was crucified - that date is shown as 33 AD.

In 1894, Sir Robert Anderson (1841-1918), Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard, intelligence officer, theologian, and writer - did extensive research and published his book “The Coming Prince” – which today is quoted by many Bible scholars and theologians.  That book can be downloaded free in PDF format at:

In his book, “The Coming Prince” Anderson lists the dates for the Passover between 22 AD and 37 AD.  Note that the Passover would start at sundown of the previous day, and end at sundown for the date shown.  The Passover meal would be eaten the previous evening.

Passover meal on Thursday evening (considered part of the Jewish day of Friday) - arrest, trial, and crucifixion on Friday - resurrection on Sunday.  That is three days by Jewish accounting.

These possible dates from 22 AD to 37 AD listed in“The Coming Prince” (pages 45-46) are:   

22 AD, Sunday April 22
23 AD, Thursday March 25

24 AD, Wednesday April 12

25 AD, Sunday April 1

26 AD, Thursday March 21

27 AD, Wednesday April 9

28 AD, Monday March 29

29 AD, Sunday April 17

30 AD, Thursday April 6

31 AD, Tuesday March 27

32 AD, Monday April 14

33 AD, Friday April 3

34 AD, Tuesday March 23

35 AD, Monday April 11

36 AD, Friday March 30

37 AD, Thursday April 18

Since we know that His crucifixion had to have occurred on Friday the only viable dates are 33 AD and 36 AD.  Most scholars and theologians will go with the 33 AD date.

My chart below is an overview of all time – from Eternity Past to Eternity Future.  But, let’s focus on key events:

1.  CHRIST WAS “CUT OFF” and crucified:  Daniel 9:26 

2.  CHRISTIAN CHURCH BORN in the Upper Room:    Acts 2 

3.  THE RAPTURE:   John 14:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 

We will begin with the Rapture.  Jesus Christ will come in the air to take His church, His worldwide body of Christian believers, out of this world which is about to experience the closest thing to “hell on earth” ever to happen, the seven year Tribulation.  Scripture passages which describe this imminent Rapture are: 

John 14:1-3"Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.  (2) In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  (3) If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. 

1 Corinthians 15:50-54
, “Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.  (51) Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, (52) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.  (53) For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.  But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, ‘Death Is Swallowed Up in victory (Isaiah 25:8).’ ”

Isaiah 25:8-9
, “He will swallow up death for all time, And the Lord GOD will wipe tears away from all faces, And He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth; For the LORD has spoken.  (9) And it will be said in that day, ‘Behold, this is our God for whom we have waited that He might save us. This is the LORD for whom we have waited; Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.’ "

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18,
 “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.  (14) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.  (15) For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.  (16) For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.   (17) Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up (in Greek, harpazō - in Latin, rapiemur - in the English transliteration, Rapture) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.  (18) Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

Based upon the following Scripture verses, I believe the Bible teaches that the Christian church will be taken out before the Tribulation begins, i.e. “PreTribulation” Rapture: 

Revelation 3:10, “Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testingthat hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him.”

Are the Rapture and His Second Coming the same event?   No.  And this does not mean that there will be a Second and Third Coming of Christ.

At the Rapture, Jesus Christ returns to remove His church (all believers in Christ) from the earth.  The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54.  Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected, and along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air.  This will all occur in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.  Thus, the world will not see it happen; they will only see the after-effects – when millions of people instantly disappear.

At His Second Coming, the whole world will see Jesus as He returns to defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His Millennial Kingdom, His Millennial Reign as King from the throne of David in Jerusalem for 1000 years (Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32).  His Second Coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16.

Important differences between the Rapture and the Second Coming are: 

1.  At the Rapture, believers meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17)  ~  At His Second Coming, believers return with the Lord to the earth (Revelation 19:14).

2.  The Rapture occurs before the Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10)  ~  The Second Coming occurs after the Tribulation (Revelation chapters 6–19). 

3.  The Rapture will be secret and instant (1 Corinthians 15:50-54)  ~  The Second Coming will be visible to all (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:29-30).

4.  The Rapture is imminent; it could take place at any moment (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54)  ~  The Second Coming of Christ will not occur until after certain other end-times events take place (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation 6-18, Revelation 19:6-9).

5.  And, a strong reason for belief that the PreTribulation Rapture and His Second Coming are two separate events, separated by the seven year Tribulation – is the Wedding Feast of the Lamb  ~  The Wedding Feast occurs in Revelation 19:6-9 – and the Bride of Christ has to prepare herself prior to the wedding.  When is this preparation finalized so that Bride of Christ is ready for her Bridegroom?  It happens at the Believers’ Judgment (Bema Seat Judgment) - BEFORE the wedding (2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, Revelation 19:8).

Daniel 9:24-27 

The Tribulation is a seven year period of Refiner’s Fire for the nation Israel. 

Daniel 9:24, "Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people (Israel) and your holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.

Daniel 9:25, "So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress.

Daniel 9:26, "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.

Daniel 9:27, "And he (the Antichrist) will make a firm covenant with the many (the nation Israel) for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."

The “seventy weeks” are seventy weeks of years, i.e., 490 years.  This is the time God has given the nation Israel to get right with Him.   The 490 years began when King Artaxerxes issued the decree which would allow Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city.  (Nehemiah 2:1-8)

After 49 years (7 weeks of years), the city was rebuilt.  The nation of Israel then had 434 years (62 weeks) to get right with their God.

God sent their Messiah, who, on the last day of the 483 years (69 weeks) – entered the city of Jerusalem declaring Himself to be the Son of God, their Messiah.   This was the day of His Triumphal Entry which we celebrate as Palm Sunday.

After the 69 weeks, their Messiah, Jesus Christ, was “cut off” – crucified.

Christ Is Cut Off:  Christ was crucified and buried.  After three days, He resurrected and, for forty days, He appeared to over 500 believers (1 Corinthians 15:1-11).  Then, after telling His apostles to wait in Jerusalem for what the Father had promised – the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit  – He ascended into heaven.  In prayer, the disciples, 120 total, waited in the Upper Room for ten days, and then the Holy Spirit came upon them, indwelling each of them.  And, the Holy Spirit was not subtle about His works this time: 

Acts 2:1-4, “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  (2) And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.  (3) And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them.  (4) And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Why did the Holy Spirit come with such a flourish?  I do not believe it was to scare anyone - but to get the attention of those non-believers outside in the streets.  

Acts 2:6-11, And when this sound occurred, the crowd came together, and were bewildered because each one of them was hearing them (the apostles) speak in his (the visitor) own language.  (7) They were amazed and astonished, saying, ‘Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans?  (8) "And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born?  (9) Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, (10) Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya around Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, (11) Cretans and Arabs – we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God.’ "

That day, when the apostles went outside and shared the Gospel, about 3000 souls became Christian believers.  That day, the church went from the initial 120 disciples in the Upper Room, to over 3000 believers.   Several days later, in Acts 4:4 we are told that, “But many of those who had heard the message (the Gospel) believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand.” 

Notice that this time, Scripture tells us “the number of men” which was a Jewish way of counting crowds.  Very likely there could have been hundreds, or even a few thousand, women and children.  Within a week, the number of believers grew from 120 disciples to well over 5000.  Thus, the Christian Church was born.

The Church Age:  When Christ died and resurrected, He took us from under the Law to living under the Grace of God.  This period of Grace has lasted for over 2000 years.  How much longer will it last?  No one knows!  

Matthew 24:36-42, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. (37) For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.  (38) For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, (39) and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. (40) Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left.  (41) Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left. (42) Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.”

This is telling us that the Rapture,
when Jesus Christ will appear in the air and all believers will be “caught up” or “snatched out” - harpazo in the Greek language, which in the Latin Vulgate was translated as rapiemur from which we get our English transliteration “Rapture” – is imminent. 

In other words, it could happen at any moment – or it may not happen for many years.  We do not know.  However, we do know that all the signs, all the prophecies, which would precede the Rapture have occurred.  There are no more signs left to hasten or to prevent the Rapture from happening today.  Are you ready?

The Rapture will happen, and some time after that (it could be days, weeks, months, etc.) the  Antichrist will ascend rapidly to world power.   In Daniel 9:27 we read, "And he (the Antichrist) will make a firm covenant with the many (the nation Israel) for one week. . .”

The signing of that covenant with Israel is the event which will start the seven year Tribulation clock ticking!  And, from that time, you can set your clock by the events we know will happen.  There will be 3 ½ years of relative peace, when Israel actually believes the Antichrist to be their friend.  The Antichrist will somehow convince the Muslims to share the Temple Mount and the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt, full worship and sacrifices will resume, and Israel will be blessing their friend, the Antichrist.

Then, in the middle of the seven year Tribulation, the Antichrist turns and shows his true evil nature.  He enters the Jewish Temple, sits on a throne in the Holy of Holies – and declares himself to be God.   This is the desecration, abomination, or “abomination of desolation” of the Temple (Daniel 9:27) which begins what Jesus described in His Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:15-28) as the Great Tribulation, the last 3 ½ years of the Tribulation when the full wrath of God will be poured out on the world.

5.  CHRIST’S SECOND COMING!   Revelation 19:11-21

Seven years, to the day, after the Tribulation begins – Jesus Christ will return to earth.  The first time He came as the Sacrificial Lamb.  The second time He comes, He will come as the Lion of Judah, in all power and glory (Revelation 19:11-21).

The Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:14-16, 19:17-19) will be fought and the armies of the Antichrist will be destroyed.  The Antichrist and his False Prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20).  Satan will be locked the abyss for 1000 years (Revelation 20:1-3).  And the survivors of the Tribulation will stand before Christ at the Sheep and Goat Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46).

Believers who have survived the Tribulation will go into the Millennial Kingdom of Christ in their mortal bodies.  Non-believers who have survived the Tribulation will be sent into the lake of fire to join the Antichrist and his False Prophet.

Christ will establish His Millennial Reign, the Kingdom of God on earth, from the throne of David in the holy city Jerusalem (Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32).  From there He will rule the nations, the world – the perfect theocracy.

During the 1000 years, the Millennial Kingdom will be populated by those who returned with Christ at His Second Coming: (1) the Bride of Christ, the church, (2) all the Old Testament saints,  and (3) the Tribulation saints – all in our immortal bodies.

And, the Tribulation saints who survived the Tribulation will enter the Millennial Kingdom in their mortal bodies.  They will still be marrying, having children, and raising families – all the things we do now; except with Satan locked in the abyss and with the Antichrist and his False Prophet in the lake of fire – there will be no temptations or attempts to lure them away from Christ.

However, all those still in their mortal bodies – those who came from the Tribulation and those born during the Millennial Kingdom – will still have their Adamic sin nature.   Those survivors coming from the Tribulation will be believers.  But those born during the Millennium, because they still have their sin nature, will have to invite Christ into their hearts (Revelation 3:20).  They will still need to believe, receive Christ, and be sealed by the Holy Spirit (John 1:12, Ephesians 1:13).

In Isaiah 65:20-21 God tells us about those Millennium mortals, through the prophet Isaiah, "No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, Or an old man who does not live out his days; For the youth will die at the age of one hundred And the one who does not reach the age of one hundred Will be thought accursed.  (21) They will build houses and inhabit them; They will also plant vineyards and eat their fruit.”

But, unfortunately, even though everyone will have a Garden of Eden lifestyle, and although Satan and his demons are not there to tempt Millennial mortals – many will still be apathetic, not rebelling against Christ - just not showing any real interest in becoming children of God.

During the 1000 years of the Millennium, billions will be born – many receiving Christ, many others still rejecting Him.

And, I believe this is why Satan is released from the abyss after the 1000 years – to test those who have been apathetic toward Christ.

6.  THE FINAL BATTLE WITH SATAN:   Revelation 20:7-10

Satan is released from the abyss and will travel the world one last time, recruiting all those ambivalent, apathetic souls who never bothered to have a saving relationship with Christ.  Now, Satan is free to tempt them – and he will build a huge army, “the number of them is like the sand of the seashore” (Revelation 20:8) and will lead them against Jesus Christ, the saints, and the holy city Jerusalem.   This is the final battle of history

Revelation 20:7-10, When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, (8) and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore.  (9) And they came up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved cityand fire came down from heaven and devoured them.  (10) And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

Revelation 20:11-15

When Christ was crucified and went into Hades/Paradise for three day; He led the Old Testament saints out of Paradise and into heaven (Ephesians 4:8).  Yet, those non-believers whose spirits were in Hades/Torment (Luke 16:19-31) stayed there, waiting to be resurrected into their immortal bodies at the Great White Throne Judgment. 

Revelation 20:5a, “The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. . .”

They will stand before Christ in judgment.  But it is only a judgment of punishment for they sealed their eternal fate when they died still denying Christ.  Christ, in His perfect justice, allows them to stand before the Holy Tribunal to hear the fate they chose for themselves while still in this mortal life.

8.  NEW HEAVEN, NEW EARTH, NEW JERUSALEM:    Revelation 21 and 22.

After the Millennial Kingdom and the Great White Throne Judgment, Christ will take all believers into Eternity Future to be with Him forever.  Isn't that where you want to be, in the never ending, eternal presence of Jesus Christ?

This has been a rather long discussion of eschatology, i.e., the End Times.  As I wrote earlier, some may read the blog in its entirety, others may scan it only for "golden nuggets."  And then some may look at the blog, decide it is too long, and delete it.  No hard feelings either way, for I have gained knowledge in doing the writing.  But I do pray that YOU are one of the readers or scanners and that you will find something here that is worth the effort.

Let me close with this absolute fact: 
no one is saved - or not saved - based upon his/her belief concerning eschatology, or any other non-essential Christian belief.  Our salvation is based upon our relationship with Jesus Christ, alone.  This relationship will include (1) believing that He is the eternal preexisting deity, the Son of God, (2) believing in the Triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three Persons in one Godhead, all equally sharing the same attributes, and (3) believing that the Bible is the Written Word of God, was Holy Spirit inspired in its entirety, and is the sole authority for salvation and for guiding us in our daily Christian walk.

Belief, or non-belief, in other Biblical issues - such as the date and length of the Creation, the Rapture, other End Times events, method of baptism, etc., will not affect our salvation.  What is affected is our Biblical maturity, our knowledge of God's Word, and to a degree, our sense of eternal security in Christ.

Why do I like to discuss these non-essential issues?  Well, for one thing, I am an Eschatology buff, I love studying prophecy.  And, I often discuss Eschatology and other non-essential beliefs to encourage myself, and others, to dig deeper into God's Word, to get more involved in personal and corporate Bible studies.  The more mature we grow in our knowledge of His Word - the greater our sense of eternal security.  And that Biblical maturity can help us to be more confident, more effective witnesses for our Lord.  I pray you have enjoyed our journey through the End Times.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Additional suggested reading: 

"The Triumphal Entry," by William Lane Craig -  Reflections on the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem one week before his death.