Friday, January 20, 2017

Is John Piper Stirring Disunity In America?

IN THE 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, many Christians, including pastors, spoke out sharply against Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon - and that helped sway voters.  As a consequence, Obama won a second term and America had four more disastrous years of his Liberal Socialist administration.  

During his eight years in office, Obama created the greatest racial schism in America since the 1900s to 1960s period of segregation in the South and racial divide in the North.

Starting today, January 20, 2017, America has an opportunity to start repairing the distrust dividing our nation - and working toward unity between all Americans.

But, we cannot start the healing if Christian leaders are going to continue to bad-mouth President Trump.

Today, John Piper, a Christian leader and teacher, posted a very negative article about President Trump on Facebook - and several other Christian pastors have shared that article.

The name of the article is: "How To Live Under An Unqualified President"  and it was posted today, January 20, 2017, Inauguration Day. 

The article begins:

Today we will inaugurate a man to the presidency of the United States who is morally unqualified to be there.  This is important to say just now - because not to see it and feel it - will add to the collapsing vision of leadership that enabled him to be nominated and elected.

Not only that, but if we do not see and feel the nature and weight of this sorrow, we will not know how to pray for his presidency or speak as sojourners and exiles whose pattern of life is defined in heaven, not by the mood of the culture.

Why Trump Is Unqualified:  Donald Trump’s immoral behavior in the past, and his ongoing unwillingness to renounce it as evil, show that he is morally unfit to lead our nation.  So was Hillary Clinton because she approves of killing unborn children.   As of last April, Andy Naselli provided some of the facts about Trump’s immoral conduct.

In this article, John Piper is feeding off the eleven year old video where Trump said inappropriate things.  Then, Piper is adding a few false rumors from the internet and a few other questionable accusations - and then declaring Donald Trump unfit to be president.

Well, Mr. Piper, I have two thoughts on that:

First, Donald Trump is our President - so stop whining and start helping, as a Christian leader, to build unity in America.

Second, if YOU are not a sinner - then you have every right to call Trump a sinner.  However, . . .

Third, Jesus Christ died to forgive all sins - past, present, and future - and that includes the sins of a big mouth eleven years ago - and yours today.

Fourth, you question Trump's ability to lead.  Yet YOU bottom feed off trash and innuendos from the internet - and pass them on as though they are gospel.  Do you call that Christian leadership?
Mr. Piper, your suggestion to all Americans that Donald Trump is a scoundrel and not qualified to be president, yet we should pray for him  ~  is rather like telling the bridegroom that his bride is a prostitute - but, don't worry, we will pray for her.   I don't think that marriage would get off to a good start, do you?

I will admit that, over the 29 years I have been a Conservative Christian believer - there have been many times that I have disagreed with Christian leaders and pastors - but, Mr. Piper, what you are doing with this article, at this critical time in America - is beyond despicable. 

I respect most pastors, even when I disagree with them.  But, I still live by the rule Paul gives us in Acts 17:11 to test the teacher and the teaching against Scripture.   And, Mr. Piper, you and the pastors who have shared your article, calling it good - do not pass muster according to that Scripture criteria.

Let me take this moment to ask ALL my fellow Americans, Christian and non-Christian, to take a breath, praise God for this changing of the guard in Washington DC today - and let's ALL, pastors included, stop denigrating the new administration and let's all work toward supporting the new administration in their efforts to turn America around.  Let's ALL start working toward creating unity in America.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely Bill. It is shocking that Mr. Piper would publish such a disrespectful article about our newly elected President, and claim moral ground for doing so. Publicly maligning our new President is biblically incorrect: 1 Timothy 2:1-3 and Titus 2:13-14. Whatever was his purpose AT THIS POINT to spew such bitter comments against our new President? Could the man actually be a closet liberal who voted for Hillary and his real intent is to cause division among the body of Christ?
