Friday, September 16, 2016

WARNING To All My Christian Friends!

WARNING TO ALL MY CHRISTIAN FRIENDS ~ And even to those who have not quite decided:  There is a new Facebook group page posted by an Atheist titled: "10 Tough Problems in Christian Thought and Belief."  He is on Facebook, and that page points you toward his web site, for one purpose - to sell his new book by the same name.

Upon first seeing this on Facebook I thought it might be a new Christian Facebook group.  However, immediately upon opening his page, and before I even had a chance to look at his About page, I got a funny feeling - for one of the very first post uses vulgar language. Whoa!  Would a Christian do that?

My Friends, this is why I ALWAYS strongly suggest to all my Christian Friends - when you encounter a new, supposedly, Christian page or web site - the VERY FIRST thing you should look for is that person or ministry's Statement of Faith.  And, I suppose my immediately finding vulgar language on his Facebook page told me his Statement of Faith - the world, or none!

I have posted his book cover - but with a slight modification.  I added the "I Am God" overlay just to give the cover a better flavor.  Although you can still see all the pertinent details and know why YOU should avoid him and his books.


The tag line at the bottom of the book cover reads:  "A bold, refreshing take on Christianity.  H. L. Mencken would be proud." - Hector Avalos

"Who is Hector Avalos?"  Glad you asked!

Hector Avalos (born October 8, 1958) is a professor of Religious Studies at Iowa State University and the author of several books about religion.  He is a former Pentecostal preacher and child evangelist. ~ Avalos is an atheist activist and advocate of secular humanist ethics.  ("Hector Avalos" -

"And, pray tell, who is H. L. Mencken?"  Once again, glad you asked! 

(H. L.) Mencken (journalist, satirist, cultural critic, and scholar - and avid atheist) looked forward to his Dayton (Tennessee) assignment (the Scopes Monkey Trial) as a chance to bash some of the things he hated most - the South, religion, and stupidity.  According to historian Paul Boyer, "Beneath Mencken's ridicule of the ignorant hayseeds of America was a very profound suspicion of Democracy itself.  Mencken really believed that there was a small elite of educated and cultivated and intelligent human beings, and then there were the masses who were really ignorant and capable of nothing but being led and bamboozled."  ("American Experience | Monkey Trial | People & Events - PBS" -

In a strong sense, it seems that H. L. Mencken's beliefs about we Americans across this beautiful nation - is a perfect fit for the way Obama, Hillary, and all the Liberal Socialists look at us.   

Are YOU part of "the masses who were really ignorant and capable of nothing but being led and bamboozled"  - as viewed by Mencken, Obama, Hillary, and the Liberal Socialist Gang? 

Or, are YOU going to stand up and VOTE for America and all Americans in November?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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