Monday, May 2, 2016

All Voters “All Americans” - Need To Watch This Video!

Yesterday, I posted this on Facebook:

TRUMP IN 2016!

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to Restore Sanity In America?

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to send all of the Liberal Socialists and RINOs home into permanent retirement?

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to elect Conservative American Leaders who will listen, hear, honor, and respect the voices of "We The People" - spoken in English?

Let's all VOTE IN 2016 to take back our American homeland! 

God bless you and God bless America, Bill

And, a good Friend, Mary, posted:

Mary:   Bill, with all due respect, I am totally confused as to why so many Christians are pro-Trump.  He shares almost none of my conservative values, is insulting to others, and has many other characteristics that are not Christ like.  I honestly have not found one reason to trust him with America or Israel.  I trust you to shed some light on my concerns.

My response to her was:

Hi Mary, Like you, I am sickened by all the negative rhetoric we have seen played out in debates and on television - by ALL the candidates.  I really believe this is the worst I have seen in my lifetime of voting.

That said, I would vote for Kermit the Frog - before I would vote for Hillary or Bernie, or any Liberal Socialist.

I was leaning toward Ted Cruz - until he personally brought Trump's wife and family into his negative rhetoric.  Yes, Trump has done the same - after Cruz started the ball rolling.  But, although Trump has quoted some Scripture (most often wrong or out of context) - he may be a Christian; but, if so, still very much a "babe in Christ" (Hebrews 5:12-14).

However, because I believe Cruz is a mature Christian - that soured me on him.  Others might be able to get away with such trash talk - but, when a person strongly identifies himself/herself as a Christian - then we are held to a higher standard because we are Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20).

So, for that reason I lean heavily toward Trump.  But, I would not be adverse to a Trump-Cruz ticket.  Yet, there again, I would much prefer a Trump-Condi Rice ticket.

Mary, I pray this helps clear a wee bit of he muddy waters we are navigating until November 2016.  We MUST bring some sanity, patriotism, and Christian influence back into American leadership.  

God bless, Bill

She responded:

Mary:   Thank you, Bill!  You truly have helped me.  I am most likely voting for Cruz in the California primary, but whoever is the Republican candidate will get my vote.

The reason I am sharing my dialogue with Mary is found in the video below.   I believe this video is good and should be viewed by all American voters - and ALL Americans should be Voters!

That said, I do disagree with this pastor on one main issue.  He and I agree that, as most often happens - we will end up voting for the "lesser of the two evils" - regardless of who gets our vote this year.   However,  I DO NOT AGREE with his assertion that if we do not like either candidate, we should vote for a third-party candidate - a candidate who, most likely, doesn't have a "snow-ball's chance in hell" to be elected.

He incorrectly reminds us that Abraham Lincoln was elected as a third-party candidate.  And, he names the Whig party and the Democrat party as the two main parties in American politics at that time.  Actually, even though the 1860 election was the first presidential election for the Republican party -  there were no Whig candidates in the 1860 election.  Why?  Because the folks in the old Whig party either morphed into the Republican party - or defected to the Democratic party.

The reason that Abraham Lincoln won the election was because the Democratic party split its votes.   Part of them voted for Stephen Douglas (Democrat) and the others voted for John Breckinridge (Southern Democrat).  Thus, because of the split alliance - the Republicans won the election.

Results Of The 1860 Election:

Presidential Candidate                             Political Party                
Electoral Votes 
        Abraham Lincoln Republican       180
       John C. Breckinridge Southern  Democratic          
       Stephen A. Douglas Democratic        12
       John Bell Constitutional Union        39

Isn't that what is happening to the Republican party today?   The Republican Elites, i.e., those so firmly entrenched and living "high off the hog" from their solid position in the "good old boys" club of politics - are scared to death that Donald Trump will rock their boats.  So, they try to destroy Trump - to save their own corrupt life-styles.

Therefore, while I agree with this pastor in most all he says in this video - I must strongly disagree that it is better to vote for a weaker third-party candidate or a write-in candidate.

The last time that a supposed third-party (really a newly morphed Republican party) was elected - was in 1860!   Do we really want to gamble that Hillary or Bernie are elected - by not voting for Donald Trump?   NO WAY!  Voting for a weaker, unelectable candidate - IS VOTING FOR HILLARY!   God forbid!

Some will tell me,  "But, Bill, the Bible tells us to support out leaders.  See Romans 13:1." 

Romans 13:1, "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."

That is true.  However, notice the wording of Romans 13:1.  It tells us to "be subject to" and in some translations "submit to" those leaders.  It does NOT tell us to Vote For Those Leaders!  Or, to help them be elected by not voting, or by voting for an unelectable third-party candidate.

Jesus Christ appointed Judas Iscariot as one of His apostles.  But, if he were running for president in this election - would YOU vote for him?

And, by the same token, no Christian should vote for Hillary or Bernie - both of whom strongly support and promote lifestyles, abortion, same-sex marriage, etc., which absolutely go against the Word of God.

With that said, please watch this video, for I believe this pastor has a lot of good thoughts:

How Should A Christian Vote If They Don’t Agree With Either Candidate?

And, whatever you do - DO NOT NEGLECT TO VOTE!

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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