Monday, May 30, 2016

True Riches Are Not What The World Sees!

TRUE RICHES ARE NOT WHAT THE WORLD SEES! ~ Yesterday, driving home from showing property to Dory's client, she and I were discussing our relative wealth.  This stemmed from someone commenting to her this week, "Why are some real estate brokers quite wealthy - while others are not so wealthy?"

I reminded her of something I have often shared.  In my nearly 50 years in the computer industry, I have worked with a number of people who have become quite rich materially.  You may know some of their names: Bill Gates and Paul Allen, who later started a small company named Microsoft.  Paul Terrell, who founded the Byte Shop computer store chain.  And there were a number of others who have done quite well, materially.

So, when folks ask me why, when I knew and worked with all those people - did they become materially wealthy, while I did not?  I merely, and quite sincerely, tell them, "Today, I am exactly where God wants me to be."

"Bill, do you really believe that God wants you to be poor - while all of these other folks with whom you have worked - are wealthy?"

My response, "What do you call wealth?"

Like the man in the graphic below (posted by a Friend on Facebook), I have the greatest wealth a person in this mortal life can attain - eternal life in Christ, eternal salvation.  What more could anyone ask?

And in addition to the promise of eternal life in the presence of God - over 25 years ago God gave me a Christian writing ministry, a ministry where I can share His Word, His Gospel, with people all over the world through my writing.  Wow!  What a bonus gift!

Actually, God has given each and every Christian believer a ministry.  It is called the Great Commission and to paraphrase, it tells us to, "Go, make disciples, baptize them, TEACH them. . . Be His witnesses in ALL the world" (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15).

If you have not yet discovered your ministry, ask Him to show your ministry to you.  Not all believers will be another Billy Graham or Chuck Smith; many of us will simply be those ushers who welcome folks at our worship service, or those talented hands which prepare the food for our fellowships, those hands which clean the sanctuary after the service.  There are so many ways to serve God and our fellow man.

And, many of us may simply be those Christian believers who, when we meet a stranger, will merely smile and say, "God bless you."

Who knows, one day you may meet that person who was a stranger, but is now a brother or sister, in heaven and he/she will say, "Thank you for the smile and the blessing you gave me.  I needed it that day.  It lifted my spirits that day and allowed me to seek the Lord."

In 2 Timothy 4:5, God, through the apostle Paul, admonishes us, "But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."   So, you see, just like the man in the graphic below - I am quite wealthy!  And, if you are a believer, SO ARE YOU!

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To. . .

A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO.  .  .   Oh, wait, that was a successful Broadway play and movie.  But, I did have a funny thing happen yesterday on the way to buy a suit which caused me to remember a 1971 event.  A day in 1971 when I was taught that "Words have meaning!"

My granddaughter, Elyssa, is getting married on June 19th and I need to buy a new suit for the occasion.  For some reason, since I left the computer sales world about seventeen years ago and begin to spend all my time doing Christian writing - all the computer sales suits hanging in my closet seem to have shrunk.  How does that happen?  Must be the material.

Anyway, Dory and I decided I need to buy a new suit and Dory told me about a store she found which had tons of suits.  After she told me about the store, I decided to check them out and went online to their web site.  Immediately trepidation began to set in as I watched their web site automated video begin to show their line of suits.  

The store web site uses two models.  One actually looks somewhat like a model - and the other looks more like the owner's son or grandson.  The suits worn by the model-looking guy look pretty good.  But, the other guy, who had twice the number of appearances in this repeating video (you remember, owner's son or grandson) did nothing to make me feel like going to that store.  This guy committed every fashion faux pas imaginable - blue suit with brown shoes, brown suit with black shoes, suit pants and jacket three sizes too small, etc.,   He brought to memory the old saying, "Stuffing ten pounds of manure in a five pound bag!"  Yep, that is what he looked like in the suits he was modeling.

But, nevertheless, the price of the suits was intriguing - so, off Dory, Lana, and I go to visit this Men's Suit Store.   Looking over the stock, I found several suits made of material which looked pretty good.  But, in almost every case, looking at the suit itself, it looked to have been made in a "come and learn to be a suit maker" class - by first year students.   Nevertheless, I tried on several suits and in each case found that the crotch to waist distance was very similar to the "below the waist" blue jeans found in most stores for young folks.  Personally, when I put on my pants, I do not want to feel like I am being sliced and diced.

When I asked the salesman about the cut of the pants, he told me, "You have them too high."   "No, this is my waist."  Then he pulled back his jacket to show me where he wore his pants - and I suggested he needed to pull his pants up and tighten his belt a wee bit.  He looked down and replied, "Oh, yeah."

At this point Dory, Lana, and I decided this was not the store for me.   As we walked to our car, Lana said, "Well, at least their suits were inexpensive."

To which I replied, "No, love, their suits are not inexpensive.  Their suits are cheap!"

"What's the difference?" you may ask.   

Glad you asked.  And, this is where I had my flashback.  In 1970, I joined Computer Automation as their west coast Sales Manager.  The only person I had to manage was myself, but that was my title.  We were selling Computer Automation's Alpha-16 MiniComputer.  At our national sales meeting in 1971, we were introduced to the company's new product, the Naked Mini.

Let me digress just a wee bit.  Dave Methvin, founder and president of the company, had left Varian Data Machines in 1967 and founded Computer Automation.  He was a very good engineer and a decent company executive.  He was smart enough to hire Jack Washington as his Executive Vice President.  Jack was an older, seasoned technology executive who had been president of Robertshaw Controls in Anaheim until his heart attack.  His doctors advised him to find a job with less stress - so he became second in command at Computer Automation where his extensive experience and knowledge could be utilized without the stress of having to be the final go-to man.

So, in 1971, we had our week-long national sales meeting at the
prestigious Balboa Bay Yacht Club in Newport Beach, California, where Jack Washington was a member.  On the first day, our president, Dave Methvin, proudly stood and introduced our newest product, the Naked Mini - which was a board only version of our successful Alpha-16 minicomputer.  It was intended for those customers who wanted to build our computer into their product as an integral component.  Dave proudly announced, "We now have the cheapest computer on the market."

And, wise old Jack Washington, Executive Vice President, interrupted Dave and told him, "No, Dave, we do not have the cheapest computer on the market, we have the least expensive computer on the market."  His emphasis on "less expensive" versus "cheapest" was not lost on Dave nor on any of us. 

And, that is what I mean when I say that "Words have meaning" - and using the right word at the right time could mean success or failure in your endeavor.

Over the many years that I have been doing Christian apologetic writing, I have learned to use the word or phrase which is most appropriate to my reading audience.   Let me give you an example: 

To a Christian believer, I might say, "The moment you were saved, the Holy Spirit indwelled you."

Whereas, to a non-believer, especially those antagonistic to our Christian faith, I would say, "The moment we are saved, we have the Holy Spirit within us."

Same meaning, totally different perception.   Moral of the story:  Match your words to your audience for greater effect.  Especially when sharing the Gospel with a non-believer - for our goal is to point that person toward Jesus Christ and eternal life.

I pray that my Flash Back, or as some may call it, my Thursday Throw Back, will encourage you to share the Gospel at every opportunity.  And, please feel free to share this writing with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors) - for, after all, we want all of us to be getting the right words and phases out to all who are not yet in the Family of God. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I Hate To Burst Obama's Bubble ~ But Transgenderism Is A Liberal Society Created Fallacy!

I HATE TO BURST OBAMA'S BUBBLE ~ But, finally a person with the appropriate pedigree and credentials speaks out on the problem our secular cultural society has created within their own self-created bubble of "protecting the poor transgendered soul."  Below are bullets from a great article written by Paul McHugh, MD, a University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School, and the former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital.  

Read these selected excerpts from his article.  Then if you, like me, want to get the full impact of Dr. McHugh's explanation of the problems being created and lurking behind the amoral Liberal Left's push to eliminate all gender identification, through their selling of the idea of transgenderism and in their efforts to be bigger than God, then you should read the full article.   The URL link is provided below.

However, God has already addressed the amoral Liberal Left's problem:

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!  For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High' "  (Isaiah 14:12-14).
The following excerpts are from "Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme" by Dr. Paul McHugh - June 10th, 2015:

But the meme - that your sex is a feeling, not a biological fact, and can change at any time - marches on through our society.  In a way, it’s reminiscent of the Hans Christian Andersen tale, "The Emperor’s New Clothes." 

In that tale, the Emperor, believing that he wore an outfit of special beauty imperceptible to the rude or uncultured, paraded naked through his town to the huzzahs of courtiers and citizens anxious about their reputations.  Many onlookers to the contemporary transgender parade, knowing that a disfavored opinion is worse than bad taste today, similarly fear to identify it as a misapprehension. .  .  .


First, though, let us address the basic assumption of the contemporary parade: the idea that exchange of one’s sex is possible.  It, like the storied Emperor, is starkly, nakedly false.  Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.  All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they “identify.”  In that lies their problematic future.

When “the tumult and shouting dies,” it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit sexual garb.  The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people - extending over thirty years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered - documents their lifelong mental unrest.

Ten to fifteen years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to twenty times that of comparable peers. .  .  .


The central issue with all transgender subjects is one of assumption - the assumption that one’s sexual nature is misaligned with one’s biological sex. .  .  .


Based on the photographic evidence one might guess Bruce Jenner falls into the group of men who come to their disordered assumption through being sexually aroused by the image of themselves as women. .  .  .


Most young boys and girls who come seeking sex-reassignment are utterly different from Jenner.  They have no erotic interest driving their quest.  Rather, they come with psychosocial issues - conflicts over the prospects, expectations, and roles that they sense are attached to their given sex - and presume that sex-reassignment will ease or resolve them.

The grim fact is that most of these youngsters do not find therapists willing to assess and guide them in ways that permit them to work out their conflicts and correct their assumptions.  Rather, they and their families find only “gender counselors” who encourage them in their sexual misassumptions. .  .  .


What is needed now is public clamor for coherent science - biological and therapeutic science - examining the real effects of these efforts to “support” transgendering.  Although much is made of a rare “intersex” individual, no evidence supports the claim that people such as Bruce Jenner have a biological source for their transgender assumptions.  Plenty of evidence demonstrates that with him and most others, transgendering is a psychological rather than a biological matter.

In fact, gender dysphoria - the official psychiatric term for feeling oneself to be of the opposite sex - belongs in the family of similarly disordered assumptions about the body, such as anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder.  .  .  .


The idea that one’s sex is fluid and a matter open to choice runs unquestioned through our culture and is reflected everywhere in the media, the theater, the classroom, and in many medical clinics.  It has taken on cult-like features: its own special lingo, internet chat rooms providing slick answers to new recruits, and clubs for easy access to dresses and styles supporting the sex change.
 It is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children - and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges.

But gird your loins if you would confront this matter.  Hell hath no fury like a vested interest masquerading as a moral principle.

My Friends, God bless you for caring about America and the mental health of our youth and our coming generations.

Read Dr. McHugh's full article
"Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme" at:

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Saturday, May 14, 2016

I Am A Reading Junkie! ~ AND ~ God's Plan Of Salvation!

I ADMIT IT! ~ I AM A READING JUNKIE!  For years I have been addicted to reading:  books, magazines, newsletters, tracts, you name it - and have subscribed to a number of magazines.  Many are good, for example:  Acts & Facts from the Institute of Creation Research - The Berean Call Newsletter from Dave Hunt's Berean Call organization - Israel & Christians Today from Christians For Israel USA - Converge Point from the Baptist General Conference, aka Converge Worldwide - Imprimis, a newsletter from Hillsdale College - Grace In Focus from the Grace Evangelical Society - Fellowship, a publication of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.  Not that I agree with everything they write, nor all their doctrines, but I learn from all of them.

All of that on top of many books I have in my personal library:  Christian, Cult, historical novels, and, to a lesser degree, even some novels which are not historical, but catch my interest.  After getting all wound up in my writing and study efforts all day - to unwind at bedtime, I often turn to historical novels to relax.  Why historical novels?  Well, I love history, but most often reading history books is like eating plain cake and often tends to be somewhat dry - but when a knowledgeable author has taken those same historical facts and wrapped a stirring novel around them, that is like having a delicious icing on my cake.  I learn while being entertained.

And then. I walk a wee bit on the wild side, subscribing to magazines which I know are from cult organizations.  Some forty plus years ago I became aware of the cult church, Worldwide Church of God, founded by Herbert W. Armstrong.  My step-father got my mother involved in that church.  At the time it did not bother me, for I was not yet a Christian.  But, in 1987, when I became a Christian believer - I was concerned for my mother and began to learn more about Armstrong's church.  What I discovered was not good.  Their theology did not align with mainstream Biblical Christianity.

After Armstrong's death in 1986, the new leader of that church, Joseph W. Tkach, slowly began to move their theology more in line with mainstream Christianity - and, in 1997, that church was admitted into the
National Association of Evangelicals.  As a result, many of the diehard Armstrong followers left the Worldwide Church of God and formed their own Armstrong clone churches.  Later, to escape the stigma of Armstrong's reputation, the decreased Worldwide Church of God changed its name to Grace Communion International.

Why have I said that the Armstrong following churches are cult?  This, from the GotQuestions web site, explains:

A religious sect can be considered a cult when it denies the basic theology that defines the Christian faith.  Armstrongism, with its denial of the Trinity, its false prophecies, and its promotion of Law-based justification, has always been considered a cult.  The Restored Church of God, in seeking to restore the original doctrines of Armstrongism, falls into the same category. “‘They are prophesying lies to you in my name. I have not sent them,’ declares the Lord” - Jeremiah 29:9.   ("What Is The Restored Church of God, And What Do They Believe?" - GotQuestions)

When Tkach led the Worldwide Church of God (Grace Communion International) into theological alignment with mainstream Christianity, many Armstrong devotees and followers left that church.  A partial list of the offshoot churches and splinter groups which left to follow Armstrongism teachings in newly formed churches is:

The Philadelphia Church of God (Gerald Flurry) - Restored Church of God (David C. Pack) - Living Church of God (Roderick C. Meredith) - Intercontinental Church of God (Garner Ted Armstrong) - United Church of God, an International Association (Victor Kubik) - Church of God's Faithful (Robert G. Ardis) - Independent Church of God (Ronald L. Dart) - Church of God, an International Community (David Hulme) - Christian Biblical Church of God (Fred R. Coulter) - The Church of God - Preparing for the Kingdom of God (Ronald Weinland) - House of Yahweh (Yisrayl Hawkins) - God's Church, Worldwide (David Moore) - Church of God, Faithful Flock (Alton Billingsley, a.k.a., Don Billingsley) - Church of God, a Worldwide Association (Clyde Kilough) - Plus numerous smaller splinter groups which still follow the cult teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong.
Now, why am I writing about these churches?  And, why do I subscribe to and read their magazines?  Well, while their theologies are, for the most part, still mired in the cult teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong - their grasp and knowledge of world affairs and how those relate to Scripture is pretty solid.   And, I read their magazines to know what non-Christian churches, i.e., cult churches, are teaching.  Yet, for that same reason, I most often hesitate to refer Friends to their articles for fear that a brother or sister who is not firmly grounded in God's Word - may be led astray.  In many articles from these churches, the article and what it teaches, comparing current world events and Scripture, is often very solid.  But, before ending the article most attempt to lead the reader back to some teaching of Armstrongism.  That I will not pass on to my readers.

Such cult magazines can present two dangers for new believers, (1) the lure of secular society's flawed values, and (2) the lure of skewed teachings from cult churches.  We must be diligent that we do not help either of those enemies of Biblical teachings in their attempts to mislead new believers.

2 Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths."
All this is leading up to my real reason for writing this article.  This week I received the May-June issue of the The Real Truth magazine, published by the Restored Church of God.  The lead editorial, Personal From David C. Pack, is titled "True Conversion - Explained!"   And, the article starts of pretty good (as do most cult teachings) with:

What is true conversion?  Is it merely “professing Jesus as Lord and Savior”?  How and when is one converted?  Is it (salvation) sudden - meaning, immediate?  Or (is it) a gradual process, lasting a long time?  So many struggle with problems, weaknesses, and sins.  Does God expect overcoming - and growth?  And what does this mean?  How is it done?  What role does the Holy Spirit play?  What about faith and repentance?
But, from there the article goes south!

The article "True Conversion - Explained" tells us:

The apostle Paul wrote, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14).  A Christian, then, is one who has the Holy Spirit leading him.  But is having God’s Spirit absolutely essential to being a Christian?  In context, Paul had already said this: “But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.  Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His” (vs. 9)!

It is that simple! .  .  .  All those who are truly converted have the Holy Spirit in them.  But is receiving God’s Spirit all there is to Christianity and conversion - or is there more? .  .  .

How does one actually receive God’s Spirit?  And how can he know for certain that it has been given?  Since this moment constitutes conversion, at what point can the would-be Christian be assured that God has given His Spirit?  Since not having God’s Spirit precludes one from being a true Christian, surely God would not leave His servants in doubt as to whether they have it - or exactly when they receive it!

The book of Acts states, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (2:38).

Receiving the Spirit of God comes upon real repentance and a correct baptism.

This is part of their teaching of a "salvation through works" theology.  According to their teaching, no one is saved UNTIL he repents and is baptized.  One can look at repentance as a spiritual change of heart, spiritually turning from following the world and turning to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  This is not a physical act, it is a inner spiritual change and cannot be considered a "work." 

Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."
On the other hand, baptism is most certainly something we do physically - after we have received the Holy Spirit through regeneration, i.e., been saved.  The very moment we sincerely confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10), we are indwelled by the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1:13, "In Him, you also, after listening to (hearing) the message of truth, the Gospel of your salvation - having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise."  
In other words, you were indwelled, sealed by the Holy Spirit - upon believing, the moment you believed - not upon being baptized.  As a matter of fact, you would have to be very fast to have believed, received Him (John 1:12), and at the same moment, be baptized.   Think about it.  If you are not a believer, there is no reason to be baptized.  So, first, you believe and receive Him - at which time you are saved, you are a Christian believer.  THEN, at the soonest possible time, to be obedient to Christ, you should be baptized in His name.  That could be a few minutes later, a few hours later, or another day - but, you are already a saved and justified believer.

Churches which teach "salvation through works" will quote this Scripture passage:

Acts 2:37-38, "Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, 'Men and brethren, what shall we do?'  Then Peter said to them, 'Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.' "

I like the way that Pastor David Guzik, Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara, explains this passage in his Study Guide for Acts 2:

b. Repent, and let every one of you be baptized:  Responding to the question, "What shall we do?" - Peter gave them something to do.  This means that we must do something to be saved, we must do something to follow Jesus; it doesn't just "happen."

c. The first thing Peter told them to do is repent.  To repent does not mean to feel sorry, but it means to change one's mind or direction - they had thought a certain way about Jesus before (considering Him worthy of crucifixion).  Now they must turn around their thinking, embracing Him as Lord and Messiah.

i. Repent sounds like such a harsh word in the mouths of many preachers and in the ears of many listeners, but it is an essential aspect of the Gospel.  Repent has been rightly called "the first word of the Gospel."

ii. When John the Baptist preached, he said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 3:2).  When Jesus began to preach, He said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17).  Now when Peter begins to preach, he starts with repent!

iii. Repentance must never be thought of as something we must do before we can come back to God.  Repentance describes what coming to God is.  You can't turn towards God without turning from the things He is against.

iv. In this sense, repent is a word of great hope.  It says "You don't have to continue the way you've been going, you can turn to God," something many people desperately want.

d. The second thing Peter says they must do is be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, as an expression of their belief and complete trust in Him.

i. Baptism made a clear statement.  In that day, Jews were not commonly baptized, only Gentiles who wanted to become Jews.  For these Jewish men and women to be baptized showed just how strongly they felt they needed Jesus.

ii. "While baptism with water was the expected symbol for conversion, it was not an indispensable criterion for salvation."  (Longenecker)

The article "True Conversion - Explained" continues:

Receiving the Spirit of God comes upon real repentance and a correct baptism.  .  .  With these things also comes the remission of sin - or forgiveness.  So there is a specific moment when conversion (salvation) begins.  There is a definite time when the Holy Spirit enters the mind and one becomes a true Christian - and God has begotten a new son.

Now we must ask, is salvation now finished in the Christian?  Is he or she now “saved”?  Is the newly begotten child of God suddenly perfect, unable to ever sin or go wrong, because he thinks he has already been saved?

Bill Gray Note:  No Christian is perfect and sinless, regardless.  Only Jesus Christ can make that claim - and that is why He had to die in our stead, because our righteousness is like dirty rags in the eyes of God (Isaiah 64:6).   Since no man can be righteous in the eyes of God, the only way we can be saved is to have the righteousness of Christ imputed, i.e., attributed, imparted, to us (Romans 3:21–22, 2 Corinthians 5:21).  So, when this article writer asks if the new Christian is unable to sin again or go wrong - he is creating a straw-man fallacy. 

Real Christian conversion (salvation) is a gradual process of growing and overcoming - of changing and developing.  But how?  And at the end of the process, what does the “finished” Christian look like?  And what does this have to do with the goal of a Christian - with what he is striving for as his final reward for having been a Christian?

This is teaching us that we are being "saved" all through life.  Yet, God tells us in Ephesians 1:13, "In Him, you also, after listening to (hearing) the message of truth, the Gospel of your salvation - having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise."   We are sealed in Christ, saved, the very moment that the Holy Spirit indwells us.  If we were not yet saved, we would still be seen as corrupt and filthy in the eyes of God (Isaiah 64:6) - and there is no way that the Holy Spirit is going to take up residence in a filthy, unclean temple.

The article in GotQuestions titled "What is impartation?" tells us:

The word impart means “to give, convey, or grant.”  It is very similar to the Greek word for “reckon” or “credit,” as in Romans 4:3, which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness” (cf. Galatians 3:6; Romans 4:22).  To impart is to credit the account of another without the other having earned it.  In Romans 4:3, God imparted righteousness to Abraham’s account simply because Abraham trusted God.

The only way any of us can be declared righteous before God is through impartation.  Our own righteous acts are “as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6).  We have no way of becoming righteous enough to earn heaven or fellowship with a holy God.     
So, the teaching found in the article "True Conversion - Explained" - that when we receive the Holy Spirit within us, i.e., when we are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, that is only the beginning of being saved - cannot be true.  For if a person is not yet saved, that person is still filthy in the eyes of God - and cannot receive the Holy Spirit.

What does happen when one becomes a believer?  There are three phases of a believer's life:  Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification.

What is Justification?

Simply put, to justify is to declare righteous, to make one right with God.  Justification is God’s declaring those who receive Christ to be righteous, based on Christ’s righteousness being imputed to the accounts of those who receive Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21).  Though justification as a principle is found throughout Scripture, the main passage describing justification in relation to believers is Romans 3:21-26: “But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the prophets testify.  This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. . ."    (What Is Justification? What Does It Mean To Be Justified? - GotQuestions)
What is Sanctification?

Sanctification is two-part.  First, sanctify means to set apart.  The moment we believe, God sets us apart from the world, we are now His children.  Second, sanctification is a life-long process of maturing in God's Word and growing more mature in our daily relationship with Jesus Christ. 

The day we marry our spouse, no one can say that we are a perfect husband or wife.  The day we marry, we only start on a life-long journey of growing closer together, to truly being one - one in our love for one another and one in our love relationship with Jesus Christ.  Yet, at the moment we speak our love with an "I do!" - and the one officiating, i.e., pastor, judge, justice of the peace, etc., declares, "I now pronounce you man and wife" - you ARE now married!  But, you will spend a life-time growing in that love.

To grow, i.e., build, a mature marriage takes work.  And, to grow in our relationship with Christ takes work:  (1) being in prayer daily, (2) being in God's Word daily, (3) being in continuous fellowship with other believers, helping them grow in the Lord, which helps us to grow in Him.  That is the process of Sanctification, but it is not the process of being saved.  That was accomplished the moment we asked Him into our hearts, into our lives, to be our personal Lord and Savior, i.e., the moment we said, "I do!" to Jesus Christ.

What is Glorification?

Unless the Rapture happens first, we will all die in this mortal body.  The Scripture passage, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, tells us that the moment we leave this mortal body, at that very moment we are in heaven with the Lord.  If the Rapture has not yet occurred, then our mortal bodies will be in the grave - but our real being, our spirit, often called our soul, will be in the presence of God. 

I see Glorification as a process:  (1) When believers die in this mortal body, God removes our Adamic sin nature.  Then (2) at the Rapture when we receive our glorified bodies, our Glorification will be complete.  We will be like Him ( 1 John 3:2).  No, we will not be deity; but, we will have a glorified, immortal body like His ascension body.  No more pain, no more tears - just eternal joy in our new and wonderfully made glorified bodies.

We believers will enter heaven in spirit at the moment of our mortal death.  We could not enter heaven if we still had a sin nature, for sin, anything impure, cannot enter heaven (Revelation 21:27).  It is my belief that this is the first step of Glorification, when God removes all vestiges of the Adamic sin nature so that we can enter heaven sinless.

Then, at the Rapture we will receive our glorified bodies:

1 Corinthians 15:51-53, "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed - in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality."

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.  And the dead in Christ will rise first.   Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And thus we shall always be with the Lord."

When Christ resurrected from the dead, He rose in His glorified body.  For forty days, He appeared to His disciples - and then ascended into heaven still in His glorified, immortal body.  We are told in 1 John 3:2 that when Christ appears we will be like Him.  I believe this is referring to the moment He comes to Rapture His church from this earth.  This Rapture and the subsequent Believers' Judgment (Bema Seat Judgment) will be the completion of our Glorification, when we, the church, the Bride of Christ, will be clothed in our own righteousness.

Revelation 19:8, "And to her (the church) it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints."

The churches which continue following the teachings of Armstrongism, the doctrines of Herbert W. Armstrong, are cults. Why?  Armstrongism denies the Trinity.

"The truth is - and it would shock millions to know - that the Holy Spirit is not a person. .  .  The Holy Spirit is an agency, a force, a power that is used by the Highest - God the Father - to achieve his purpose.  The Holy Spirit, we repeat, is not a person" ("Good News" magazine, Nov./Dec. 1990, p. 9).

Armstrongism teaches soul sleep and annihilation - it teaches salvation through works - and it teaches one judgment for all.  All of these teachings contradict God's Word, the Bible.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Friday, May 13, 2016

My Friends, I Have Made A Painful Decision Regarding Crusty!

MY FRIENDS, I HAVE MADE A PAINFUL DECISION ~ After about seven dueling years with him on the TimesDaily Religion Forum, and maybe four years dueling with him on Facebook - I have decided to UnFriend my long time nemesis, Crusty.  I have stayed Friends with him all these years, hoping to shine some Light into his world.   And, hoping that our dialogues might be fruitful to my other Friends.  

But, it seems that, instead of seeing any Light - he is becoming increasingly more negative - and our dialogues more frequently turn into "spitting contests" - which benefits no one.  So, it seems that it is time to cut the umbilical cord and say goodbye to my long time Friend, Crusty.

Am I doing this because Crusty disagrees with me?  Absolutely not.  I love discussions regarding our Christian faith.  If no one ever disagreed how could there be a discussion?  If we all agree on everything - where is the discussion?   Without discussion, where is the learning and growth?   

And, that is why, over all these years, even though many Friends have suggested I cut him loose - I have wanted to keep Crusty as a Friend.  And, as long as his participation inspired a few good discussions, I felt it was worthwhile.  But, as I said above - he has gotten more and more negative and disagreeable.

We might bring a negative person into our group, church, etc. - as long as we had hope of our group, or us individually, being a positive influence and our efforts show some progress.  But when that negative person just becomes more negative - it is time to remove the leaven from our group or church.

Having a person in our dialogues who disagrees is not a negative.  That can be a positive, for it encourages discussion.  That is why I am so high on Home Family Bible Studies that are spirited and interactive - with folks who are willing to speak up and share their thoughts on Scripture. 

If no one ever disagreed in Scripture studies, there would be little or no actual discussions.  Without discussing Scripture in an interactive study group - agreeing, disagreeing, agreeing to disagree as Christian brothers and sisters - it would be much more difficult for each of us to mature in our knowledge of God's Word.

Let's say that you are in a Bible study and you find yourself disagreeing with one of your brothers and sisters on the meaning of a particular verse or passage, what will happen?  You will discuss it for a while during the study - but, not wanting to totally sidetrack the study - you let it go. 

What happens next?  Most likely you will go home and dig deeper into your Bible - trying to understand why you believe as you do - and trying to see how your study group friend came to a different conclusion.  In the  process, you and most likely others from that study group are going deeper into Scripture to better understand that verse or passage.  That, my Friends, is how we grow more mature in His Word.

It is a known fact that we get much more out of a Bible discussion group - than we do from a sermon.  In a sermon, even a great sermon, we just listen - and sometimes our minds wander.  Or, something in that sermon will trigger a thought or idea pertaining to a particular passage.  You are dying to ask a question - but, you cannot, for it is a sermon and not a Bible study.  And, unless you take a moment to write down that thought (which most often we do not) - within a few minutes that thought has flown like a butterfly out the window.

And, Bible studies where the leader stands at a podium and teaches - is really just another sermon, but not on Sunday.  That is why whenever I have the opportunity to lead a Bible study - I will always sit among the study group and not isolate myself behind a podium.

I am not saying that we do not learn from sermons, but it is my contention that we learn much more when we are actively discussing Scripture - instead of just listening to sermons.  But, with what we do learn from sermons (20%), Bible studies (40%) and Sunday School classes (40%) - we grow toward maturity in our Christian faith.

Feeling as I do about Bible study and discussion groups - I do not UnFriend a person for disagreeing with me.  I applaud that person and do my best to respond accurately and Biblically to the points raised by that Friend.  But, at some point we must remove the negative leaven when we see the possibility of that negativity leading others down the wrong path. 

And, that is why tomorrow I intend to UnFriend Crusty.   Why not do it right now?   Because if I do it now, Crusty will just notice that I have disappeared.  He will assume that I have UnFriended him, but will just assume that I only did it to jump out of the fire. 

That is not true. What I am doing is protecting other Friends from the fire - and from endless "spitting contests" which seem to be growing with no positive outcome in sight.  At least this way, Crusty will be able to read this last post and know why I have UnFriended him. 

I do pray that someone, somewhere, will be able to reach Crusty with the Light of the Gospel.  Since it seem very apparent that person will not be me, and to prevent his negativity from discouraging and/or affecting other Friends, I believe it is time.  God bless, Bill 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This Is The Amazing Story Of One Gideon Bible - And The Tica Family

THIS IS THE AMAZING STORY OF ONE GIDEON BIBLE - Today, atheists and other non-believers are working to have Gideon Bibles removed from hotel rooms all across America.  How can a Bible tucked out of sight in a hotel room night stand drawer harm or disturb anyone?   Yet, those folks are trying to have them all removed.

For most of my fifty years working in the computer industry, I traveled a lot - to the point that hotel rooms almost began to feel like home to me.  Most of those years I was not a Christian believer.  Yet, knowing that the Gideon Bible was in the drawer did not bother me.  However, there were many times when I would take the Gideon Bible out of the drawer and try to find some solace in it.  Hotel rooms, away from family and loved ones, can be very lonely at times.

But, invariably, during those times, not yet a believer, I would read just a few verses and, not understanding, would give up and put it back into the drawer and go for a walk or watch television.  Why could I not understand and discern what I was reading in that Gideon Bible?  This Scripture verse explains:

1 Corinthians 2:14, "But the natural man (the non-believer) does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

In hind sight, I can see that, even though I could not read and understand the Bible at that time in my life, the Holy Spirit was planting seeds within me.  Seeds that were nourishing that inner calling I had but did not recognize, for the comfort of God.  I was still very much in the world, but something inside me was longing for God.  Yes, I do believe that those Gideon Bibles which I often tried to read on those lonely nights in hotel rooms - were helping plant the seeds which the Holy Spirit, in His time, would use Pastor Sam Lacanienta to harvest and bring me into the family of God.

Is that why atheists are so adamant about having the Gideon Bibles removed from all hotel rooms?   It has long been my belief that there is no such thing as an absolute atheist, one who is absolutely sure that God does not exist.  But, that is what they fervently want to believe to accommodate their worldly lifestyles.

From the article "What is atheism?" on the GotQuestions web site:

Atheism is the view that God does not exist . Atheism is not a new development.  Psalm 14:1, written by David around 1000 B.C., mentions atheism: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" 

Recent statistics show an increasing number of people claiming to be atheists, up to 10 percent of people worldwide.  So why are more and more people becoming atheists?  Is atheism truly the logical position atheists claim it to be? ("What is atheism?"

And, from the article "Why are there so many atheists?" on the GotQuestions web site:

The most likely explanation for the continuing rise of atheism has not changed since the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:6; Romans 3:23).  The very essence of all sin is self-determination.  By denying the existence of a Creator, atheists can do whatever they please without concern for future judgment or eternal consequences (Matthew 12:36; Romans 14:12; 1 Peter 4:5; Hebrews 4:13).  (Bill Gray Note:  Or, so they think!)

In the twenty-first century, self-worship has become culturally acceptable.  Atheism appeals to a generation raised on evolutionary theory and moral relativism. John 3:19 says, "Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil."  

If human beings are self-created, self-determined, and self-centered - then there is no moral law or lawgiver to whom they must submit.  There are no absolutes and no one to whom they are ultimately accountable.  By adopting such a mindset, atheists can focus on seeking pleasure in this life alone.

As long as scientists, professors, and philosophers peddle their atheistic viewpoints as truth and wisdom, people will continue to buy it because the idea of self-determination appeals to our rebellious natures. .  .  .  ("Why are there so many atheists?"

Many times, in dialogues with non-believers, they have told me, "I am in total control of my life - not you, not your God, not any sky fairy, no one but me!"

And, in a sense that is true.  Because God gave each of us the gift of Free Will - we are each free to choose how we will live in this mortal world, in this secular society.  However, the choice we make in this life also determines our eternal destiny:  Heaven with God - OR - Hell with Satan.  In this life we are all free to choose.  But, the moment we breathe that last breath in this life - God takes absolute control and you will either enter Door 1: Heaven - OR - Door 2: Hell, for eternity.  Those are the only two options for all people.

So, how do I feel about Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms?  Praise God for them! 

Many of my Christian Friends have had the pleasure of having The Reuel Tica Family (Reuel, Christine, and their two daughters) come to your local Christian fellowship.  In our local Fil-Am churches in Southern California, I have had the pleasure of experiencing their ministry several times.

From The Tica Family Facebook page:  "The Tica Family has been called for Church-planting ministries in the Philippines - and to Sing, Speak, and Show ministry presentations in the United States."

And, it all began with one Gideon Bible!   Watch this video and see how one Gideon Bible has resulted in the planting of over 600 Christian churches.  This is what happens when the Holy Spirit plants that seed in very fertile soil.   This blesses my heart and I pray that you, too, are blessed to see such great working of the Holy Spirit within one family, The Tica Family. 

Fruit Planted Through A Single Gideon-Placed Scripture Includes Over 600 Churches

If your Christian fellowship has not yet been blessed to have The Tica Family share with you, go to their Facebook page and invite them:

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Monday, May 2, 2016

All Voters “All Americans” - Need To Watch This Video!

Yesterday, I posted this on Facebook:

TRUMP IN 2016!

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to Restore Sanity In America?

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to send all of the Liberal Socialists and RINOs home into permanent retirement?

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to elect Conservative American Leaders who will listen, hear, honor, and respect the voices of "We The People" - spoken in English?

Let's all VOTE IN 2016 to take back our American homeland! 

God bless you and God bless America, Bill

And, a good Friend, Mary, posted:

Mary:   Bill, with all due respect, I am totally confused as to why so many Christians are pro-Trump.  He shares almost none of my conservative values, is insulting to others, and has many other characteristics that are not Christ like.  I honestly have not found one reason to trust him with America or Israel.  I trust you to shed some light on my concerns.

My response to her was:

Hi Mary, Like you, I am sickened by all the negative rhetoric we have seen played out in debates and on television - by ALL the candidates.  I really believe this is the worst I have seen in my lifetime of voting.

That said, I would vote for Kermit the Frog - before I would vote for Hillary or Bernie, or any Liberal Socialist.

I was leaning toward Ted Cruz - until he personally brought Trump's wife and family into his negative rhetoric.  Yes, Trump has done the same - after Cruz started the ball rolling.  But, although Trump has quoted some Scripture (most often wrong or out of context) - he may be a Christian; but, if so, still very much a "babe in Christ" (Hebrews 5:12-14).

However, because I believe Cruz is a mature Christian - that soured me on him.  Others might be able to get away with such trash talk - but, when a person strongly identifies himself/herself as a Christian - then we are held to a higher standard because we are Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20).

So, for that reason I lean heavily toward Trump.  But, I would not be adverse to a Trump-Cruz ticket.  Yet, there again, I would much prefer a Trump-Condi Rice ticket.

Mary, I pray this helps clear a wee bit of he muddy waters we are navigating until November 2016.  We MUST bring some sanity, patriotism, and Christian influence back into American leadership.  

God bless, Bill

She responded:

Mary:   Thank you, Bill!  You truly have helped me.  I am most likely voting for Cruz in the California primary, but whoever is the Republican candidate will get my vote.

The reason I am sharing my dialogue with Mary is found in the video below.   I believe this video is good and should be viewed by all American voters - and ALL Americans should be Voters!

That said, I do disagree with this pastor on one main issue.  He and I agree that, as most often happens - we will end up voting for the "lesser of the two evils" - regardless of who gets our vote this year.   However,  I DO NOT AGREE with his assertion that if we do not like either candidate, we should vote for a third-party candidate - a candidate who, most likely, doesn't have a "snow-ball's chance in hell" to be elected.

He incorrectly reminds us that Abraham Lincoln was elected as a third-party candidate.  And, he names the Whig party and the Democrat party as the two main parties in American politics at that time.  Actually, even though the 1860 election was the first presidential election for the Republican party -  there were no Whig candidates in the 1860 election.  Why?  Because the folks in the old Whig party either morphed into the Republican party - or defected to the Democratic party.

The reason that Abraham Lincoln won the election was because the Democratic party split its votes.   Part of them voted for Stephen Douglas (Democrat) and the others voted for John Breckinridge (Southern Democrat).  Thus, because of the split alliance - the Republicans won the election.

Results Of The 1860 Election:

Presidential Candidate                             Political Party                
Electoral Votes 
        Abraham Lincoln Republican       180
       John C. Breckinridge Southern  Democratic          
       Stephen A. Douglas Democratic        12
       John Bell Constitutional Union        39

Isn't that what is happening to the Republican party today?   The Republican Elites, i.e., those so firmly entrenched and living "high off the hog" from their solid position in the "good old boys" club of politics - are scared to death that Donald Trump will rock their boats.  So, they try to destroy Trump - to save their own corrupt life-styles.

Therefore, while I agree with this pastor in most all he says in this video - I must strongly disagree that it is better to vote for a weaker third-party candidate or a write-in candidate.

The last time that a supposed third-party (really a newly morphed Republican party) was elected - was in 1860!   Do we really want to gamble that Hillary or Bernie are elected - by not voting for Donald Trump?   NO WAY!  Voting for a weaker, unelectable candidate - IS VOTING FOR HILLARY!   God forbid!

Some will tell me,  "But, Bill, the Bible tells us to support out leaders.  See Romans 13:1." 

Romans 13:1, "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."

That is true.  However, notice the wording of Romans 13:1.  It tells us to "be subject to" and in some translations "submit to" those leaders.  It does NOT tell us to Vote For Those Leaders!  Or, to help them be elected by not voting, or by voting for an unelectable third-party candidate.

Jesus Christ appointed Judas Iscariot as one of His apostles.  But, if he were running for president in this election - would YOU vote for him?

And, by the same token, no Christian should vote for Hillary or Bernie - both of whom strongly support and promote lifestyles, abortion, same-sex marriage, etc., which absolutely go against the Word of God.

With that said, please watch this video, for I believe this pastor has a lot of good thoughts:

How Should A Christian Vote If They Don’t Agree With Either Candidate?

And, whatever you do - DO NOT NEGLECT TO VOTE!

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Social Gospel Theology - OR - Biblical Gospel Theology - Which Will YOU Follow?

On May 1, 2014, I posted the article below on Facebook and in my Friends Ministry eNewsletter.   However, considering the current political environment in America today, and the strong probability that the presidential election of November 2016 will be Trump vs Hillary - I believe it is time to revisit those thoughts from 2014.  Because, today, they are more relevant than ever. 

This is the same article I posted in 2014; but, I have made several grammatical corrections and I have added additional material for your consideration before you vote.

God bless, Bill


A GOOD READ FOR ALL WHO WILL CARE ENOUGH TO VOTE!   Hillary affirms her commitment to a Social Gospel Theology - instead of a Biblical Gospel Theology.  What is the difference? 

Biblical Gospel Theology is based upon what God tells us in His Written Word, the Bible.  

Social Gospel Theology is based upon what the secular society tells us it wants.

Hillary's Methodism Rooted In Radicalism
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 | Russ Jones,

Speaking recently at a United Methodist Church event, Hillary Rodham Clinton made it clear she especially appreciates the mainline denomination's commitment to the Social Gospel.

Mark Tooley, president of the Washington, DC-based Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD), says (the) Methodist thought (and teachings) in that small church outside of Chicago obviously influenced Clinton and introduced her to social justice issues.

Tooley, Mark (IRD)"She was especially influenced by a then-young youth minister who I think steered her in a more liberal, activist direction," Tooley tells OneNewsNow. "And she also has cited many times that a radical Methodist youth magazine called Motive made a very deep impression on her. She has said she has kept every issue even decades later."

According to the Boston University School of Theology, Motive ceased publication in 1972 when UMC officials withdrew funding because the magazine's strong stands on civil rights, Vietnam, and "emerging gender issues became more than [the denomination] could take." The final issue was released in two parts: one for "gay" men, the other for lesbians.
- See more at:

Mark Tooley, president of the Washington, DC-based Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD), says Methodist thought in that small church outside of Chicago obviously influenced Clinton and introduced her to social justice issues.

Tooley, Mark (IRD)"She was especially influenced by a then-young youth minister who I think steered her in a more liberal, activist direction," Tooley tells OneNewsNow. "And she also has cited many times that a radical Methodist youth magazine called Motive made a very deep impression on her. She has said she has kept every issue even decades later."

According to the Boston University School of Theology, Motive ceased publication in 1972 when UMC officials withdrew funding because the magazine's strong stands on civil rights, Vietnam, and "emerging gender issues became more than [the denomination] could take." The final issue was released in two parts: one for "gay" men, the other for lesbians.
- See more at:

"She was especially influenced by a then-young youth minister who I think steered her in a more liberal, activist direction,"  Tooley tells OneNewsNow.  

"And she also has cited many times that a radical Methodist youth magazine called 'Motive' made a very deep impression on her.  She has said she has kept every issue even decades later."

According to the Boston University School of Theology,  (the magazine) 'Motive' ceased publication in 1972 when UMC officials withdrew funding because the magazine's strong stands on civil rights, Vietnam, and "emerging gender issues became more than [the denomination] could take." 

The final issue was released in two parts:  one for gay men -  the other for lesbians.

Clinton, also a former U.S. senator from New York, said she cherishes the UMC because it offers the "great gift" of personal salvation - as well as a commitment to the Social Gospel.  But Tooley contends denominational executives embrace a much different worldview .  .  .

Clinton concluded by stating she takes seriously the obligation to the social gospel, which has guided her work as an advocate for women, children, and families. - See more at:
Clinton concluded by stating she takes seriously the obligation to the Social Gospel, which has guided her work as an advocate for women, children, and families.

Thinking voters might want to also read the following article, which is an interview:

God and Hillary Clinton
By: Jamie Glazov, |
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

FrontPage Interview’s guest today, Paul Kengor, (is) the author of the New York Times extended-list bestseller "God and Ronald Reagan" as well as "God and George W. Bush" and "The Crusader." 

He is a professor of political science and director of the Center for Vision and Values at Grove City College.  He is the author of the first spiritual biography of the former first lady, "God and Hillary Clinton. . ."

FrontPage:  What inspired you to write this book?

Kengor:  Well, that question seems to baffle a lot of people.  The market for this book has been narrowed by conservatives who have trouble believing that Hillary believes in God - or liberals who don’t care that she believes in God.  I’ve probably done about 40 interviews with conservative sources, but have yet to do a single interview with a liberal source. 

I thought liberals would think to themselves, “Gee, this conservative author who has written books on the faiths of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush has surprised us with a fair, comprehensive look at the faith of Hillary Clinton, and from literally the first page he doesn’t doubt her claims to be a Christian!”

But that hasn’t been the response, Jamie.  They are not beating down my door.  Maybe liberals could simply give a rip that Hillary believes in God.

Of course, that shouldn’t be a surprise.  Liberals, and especially the dominant press, obsess over the fact that religious voters overwhelming support Republicans, but it is rarely mentioned that liberal Democratic politicians rely on non-religious voters.  Atheists are consistently in the bag for liberal candidates. . . .

So, un-belief works for liberal Democrats.  Here’s a statistical fact: The greater the number of people who do not believe in God, the greater the number of votes for liberal Democrats.  I suppose Al Gore might call that a triumph of reason.

The problem for most of these liberal politicians is that they run for office in America and not in France.  They would do extremely well among the socialist, unbelieving populations of Europe.

This may seem like a digression from your question, but it isn’t.  It brings me to the central reason why I wrote this book: Hillary Clinton realizes that if she is to win in 2008, she needs more than the atheist vote.

My Friends, the Hillary Clinton who would do anything to get your votes, is the same Hillary Clinton of today who is turning over every rock looking for votes.  It is the same Hillary, although a much more radicalized version.

Even though the Ultra Left Liberal Socialist folks keep screaming "Separation Of Church And State" - can that ever be true?    Do you know of ANY Liberal Democrat politician who has NOT stepped into a pulpit to declare themselves?  NO! 

And, when they do, they are carbon copies of Hillary, who basically tells us, "Forget the Biblical Gospel.  Let's talk about secular society's Social Gospel."

Which will YOU follow:  Hillary's Social Gospel -- OR -- God's Biblical Gospel?

Joshua 24:15,If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Who will YOU serve?   In November 2016, WILL YOU VOTE:  For Hillary's Social Gospel  - OR - For God's Biblical Gospel?  

Think about it.  THEN VOTE!

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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with all the world – until He returns.


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