Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Trump vs Cruz - How Will "YOU" Decide?

While I know it is not always pleasant to mix discussion of politics with discussions of Christian faith, there are times when we must.  Let us not make the same mistake America made in the presidential election of 2008 - showing erroneous bias because one man was in a false religion and the other was in a cult church.  Nor should we make the same mistake as in 2012 when comparing a cult church follower with a man of undisclosed faith.

TRUMP VS CRUZ - Is reminiscent of Obama vs Romney!  And, in a sense
reminiscent of Obama vs McCain!

Think about it, why did YOU not vote for Mitt Romney - because he is a Mormon?  Look at what that got you - eight years of Obama's destruction of America's morals, economy, and sovereignty.

So, let's talk about Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.   I will admit that Trump may be an "Easter and Christmas Only" Christian, while I believe Cruz is an involved Christian.  So, what do we learn from this?

All of the candidates for president seem to be spending 90% of their public air time talking childish school-yard trash about their opponents - rather than talking nitty-gritty about the true issues facing all Americans, issues important to all of us.   And, when Donald Trump does address the issues in a common sense way - Cruz, Hillary, Bernie, all the Liberal Socialists, and all the RINOs want to crucify him.

But, let's talk specifically about Trump and Cruz, for I do not believe any American in his/her right mind would want more of the Obama-styled Liberal Socialism we have been subjected to in the past seven plus years of King Obama's rule.  And, that is what you would get if Hillary or Bernie were to win - Liberal Socialism on steroids!

Back to the real world.  We have Cruz taking personal, childish potshots at Trump and his family.   And, we have Trump taking personal, childish potshots at the Cruz family.  Enough!  Grow up!  Both of you!

So, how should we weed through all this school-yard "spitting contest" between Cruz and Trump?  Well, we just have to listen to what they say when they DO talk about issues. 

Which candidate truly offers the best solution to issues such as:  (1) Moral decay in America, (2) America drowning in Illegal Immigrants who have been given carte blanche by the Liberal Socialist regime of Obama, (3) America's economic woes and who can best resolve them - a successful businessman OR a Senator who has been a part of creating that mess in our Legislative Branch of government, (4) America's bloated health care industry created by ObamaCare (or better named ObamaCouldCareLess).

Then we have to look at how each would handle foreign affairs.  In that arena both are relative
neophytes and it will be a learning curve.  But, I do believe that Trump will be more of a Reagan type foreign affairs president.  In other words, I believe he will state the true Conservative position - and stand with it, much like Reagan did when in office.

Now, let's get to the issue I keep hearing regarding Trump and Cruz - which was the same we heard with Obama and Romney - RELIGION!

Who is the stronger Christian?  I believe Cruz wins that accolade.  However, with that accolade also comes greater responsibility:

Luke 12:48, ".  .  .For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more."
Pastor Chuck Smith tells we Christian believers, in his commentary on Luke 12:48: "God holds you responsible for your knowledge.  Knowledge creates responsibility before God.  And having the knowledge that you have, brings you into a greater responsibility before God.  God holds you responsible." 

James 4:11, "Do not speak evil of one another, brethren.  .  ."

Pastor David Guzik tells us in his Study Guide for James 4: 

a. Do not speak evil of one another:  Humbling ourselves and getting right with God must result in our getting right with other people.  When we are right with other people, it will show in the way we talk about them.  So we must not speak evil of one another and not judge our brother.

i. James rightly will guard us against the illusion that we might be right with God, yet evil towards our brother.  As John says, he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? (1 John 4:20)
While I do believe that Ted Cruz is a true Christian and the jury might still be out on the Christian faith of Donald Trump.  Yet, based upon the Scripture passages above - which of the two has the greater responsibility to reflect the nature of a Christian - Cruz or Trump?

Both are taking a stand based upon what they perceive to be their greatest strengths.  Both are laying their cards on the table and saying, "This is who I am!"

Trump tells us he is a successful businessman who understands that the Christian faith is important to most Americans - and, although it does not appear that he is a Bible-based Christian believer - he does recognize that our Christian faith is important to us and I believe he will stand with us on moral issues and other issues which affect our Christian faith.

Cruz is a Christian believer; at least that is the way I view him.  However, he seems to be willing to lay aside all Scripture pertaining to gossip, Christian responsibility toward his fellow man, and is willing to speak evil of another - in his attempt to win an earthly election.  It seems he is laying aside his Christian mantle when he stands before the cameras.   That makes me nervous.

Well, my Friends, this is MY take on the 2016 Presidential Election.  What is yours? 

Keep in mind that America could be at a crossroad today - attempting to rise out of an entrenched Liberal Socialist regime and stand on strong Conservative Values once again.  The way YOU VOTE will help decide where America goes in the future.  Think about that as you consider who will win your vote.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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