Saturday, March 26, 2016

Once Again: Is Writing Or Saying "OMG" Acceptable To God?

This is a "throw-back" to an article I posted on March 12, 2012.  But, I have found that it does not hurt to keep reminding ourselves that our Lord God is above all, beyond all - yet He is so close to us that something as simple as using His name in a flippant manner, i.e., such as using His precious name as an exclamation point to pep up our conversations - hurts Him.

This is what I posted in 2012; but it is even more relevant today:

IS WRITING OR SAYING "OMG" ACCEPTABLE TO GOD?  In earlier TimesDaily Religion Forum and Facebook posts, I have suggested that this is taking God's name in vain - and should not be used by any Christian believer.

In a response to my post, a Religion Forum Friend offers this opinion:

"Just for the record, I am a Christian and I try very hard to moderate what I read on Facebook.  I do have many pastors and ministry staff on my Facebook and see nothing wrong with that. 

I do sometimes have friends who say things that I really wish they wouldn't, and often they go back and delete the post when they have had time to re-think what they wrote.

But just so you know, OMG doesn't have to mean anything a Christian shouldn't say.  I choose to read and type it as 'Oh My Goodness!!!'  Of course it could be, 'Oh my gosh,' too."

It is true that a person could be meaning "Oh, my goodness" - but, in most cases, if the person who says this is asked, he/she will admit that what was said really did mean "Oh, my God!"

How often, on television and in person, have we heard people exclaiming "Oh, my God!" - to add emphasis to a statement?  Watch Jay Leno or David Letterman.  They, and many of their guests, must say this dozens of times in each show.   This is why I seldom watch Letterman for he is the worst offender - and I am beginning to wean off Leno for similar reasons.

And, in person, when I have experienced a Christian saying this - if I smile and ask them to finish their prayer - most often they will have a red face having been caught in a momentary indiscretion.

My Religion Forum Friend suggests that a person might be meaning to say, "Oh, my gosh!"   But, what is that person really saying?

gosh [gɒʃ] interj --an exclamation of mild surprise or wonder [euphemistic for God, as in by gosh!] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
So, just as a person uses the word "Geez" or "Geezus" - as a worldly society accepted alternate for Jesus Christ; so is a person who uses the word "Gosh" using this as an off-handed way of saying God.

No matter how we slice it, it is still taking God's name in vain - for it is using God's name as an exclamation point to emphasize a statement. 

And, this is why when I hear a Friend say "Oh, my God" or write OMG - I will frequently suggest, "Please, go ahead and finish your prayer" - for we know that any Christian who begins with, "Oh, my God" - must be on the way to finishing that prayer with, "I ask this blessing upon my family" - or a similar prayer closure.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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