Sunday, February 13, 2011

We Can Change Our World -
One Person At A Time!

In the TimesDaily Religion Forum today, my Friend, Vic, began a discussion titled A Miraculous Cure" -- about a man blinded in one eye by an explosion. Then, twenty years later, he recovered his sight when he bathed his eyes in the waters of the Our Lady of the Grotto fountain and prayed. I will not say that the water had any special affect -- but, we all know that prayer can and does have amazing results.

Of course, all our atheist, secularist, and other non-believing Friends immediately started mouthing those worn out old questions, "If He is a God of love; why does he allow people to be sick and injured? Why does He allow bad things to happen?"

My answer to those queries today:


God loves us all so much that He gave us "free will" -- the ability to think and choose as individuals. Can anyone really say that he/she would prefer that God makes all the decisions and allows us no choice in any matter? I would not want that -- and neither does God. I don't believe anyone wants this.

Why? Well, if you had FORCED your spouse to marry you -- how would you know if you are loved? You might as well go to the store and buy a robot or a rubber doll if that is the kind of love you prefer.

When God gave man "free will" -- with that came the ability to do good or to do evil. When one person chooses to use his/her free will to harm another -- that is man working, not God. Could God stop such actions? Yes. But, then He would be invalidating His gift of free will.

So, when you see a person committing genocide, infanticide, or just murder in general -- that is not God working, that is man's creative genius at work.

But, Uno, and our other atheist, secularist, and vanilla flavored non-believers -- if you want to stop some of these horrible actions from occurring, I have a suggestion. Pray! But, first, you must sincerely pray to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior -- and, then, your prayers will be heard in the throne room of God the Father.

If all the atheist, secularist, and other non-believers did this -- can you imagine the effect it would have on the world? This, alone, would virtually stop all murders, terrorism, and other crimes. For, if these people become Christ Followers, how can they be praying to God and committing such evils at the same time?

I know, I know -- you will bring up the people in churches who are child predators. However, you are forgetting one thing -- I said if these people sincerely become Christ Followers. Just because a person is a priest, pastor, or anyone else "claiming" to be a Christian -- this does not make him/her a Christian.

Being a Christian is not putting on holy robes or putting on your Christian hat. Being a Christ Follower is to sincerely seek and find your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ -- and, then to repent, turn from the ways of the world, and turn to follow Him. This, if done by all atheists, secularist, and other non-believers -- could be world changing.

Why not give it a try -- and see what effect YOUR turning and praying can have upon our world?


Imagine a world where many atheists, secularists, and other non-believers turn from their worldly endeavors -- and sincerely turn to Jesus Christ? Can you see the dramatic effect this would have on our world? What have YOU done today to make this happen?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

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