Saturday, May 1, 2010

Is It Unchristian
To Support Strict Immigration Laws?

Am I being unChristian when I support stricter immigration laws? No. In no way. For all illegal aliens who want to go home and enter America legally; I will welcome them with open arms.

However, I get very bothered by those who break America's laws by sneaking across our border -- and then march through our cities in protest marches, demanding "Their Rights!" What rights? They are criminals; because they are breaking our immigration laws. The only right they have is a ride back to the border -- and let them or their government pay for the bus fare.

Why am I writing this tonight? Because I just watched the news and saw the massive preparations Los Angeles is having to do to prepare for the Immigration Protest March tomorrow in downtown Los Angeles. Supposedly 100,000 will march to City Hall in protest of Arizona's newly passed Immigration Law. And, tomorrow, the Los Angeles Police Department will have to assign 800 additional police officers as crowd control and protections for these protesters.

So, let's examine the facts: (1) 100,000 marchers, many of whom are illegal aliens, will march in Los Angeles tomorrow, (2) Los Angeles has to spend a bundle of money in preparation for this demonstration, (3) and, the LAPD has to spend a bundle of money to put an extra 800 police officers on the streets of Los Angeles, to protect these illegal aliens. Am I the only one to see that something is wrong with this picture?

Wouldn't that money be spent more productively if given to the Education Department, the Fire Department, and the Police Department to make them more effective?

With all the money being spent today in preparation -- and all the funds it will cost to put an additional 800 officers on the street -- at a time when Los Angeles is having to have lay-offs, having to curtail hiring new officers, having cut backs in funds for education, etc. -- we are spending a fortune to protect those who are guilty of crimes, while they march to protest against our laws which they are guilty of breaking. Isn't this picture out of focus?

It would be much cheaper to replace those LAPD officers with ICE officers from the Immigration Department who could check for legal identification -- and, then have buses waiting to take those without legal papers back to the border crossing.

And, then, the U.S. government can send a bill to Mexico City for reimbursement of the cost of transporting their citizens back to the border. Now, that sounds like a plan to me.

Why am I so irked? Is it because these people are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families -- by coming to America? No, that is the history of America. But, if you recall, those early immigrants from Europe, etc., came through Ellis Island -- they did not swim across the border.

What really irks me is that they come into America illegally, making them criminals -- then, they march in protest against the laws they have broken -- demanding "Their Rights!" -- and tomorrow they will be chanting the motto: "First there was Jim Crow! Now there is Juan Crow!" Forgive me, my Friends, but that is crock of baloney! If I were not a Christian; I might say it a wee bit more strongly.

First of all, this shows either their ignorance of Jim Crow -- or that they are downright lying, attempting to piggyback on the plight of the Africans who were kidnapped and brought to this country.

What is Jim Crow?

"Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states, between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-Black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens."

The blacks in America today are descendants of African blacks who were KIDNAPPED in their own countries and brought to America as slaves to be sold. They are descendants of blacks who, even after being freed, were treated very wrong.

Does anyone know of ANY Mexicans or ANY other Hispanics who were KIDNAPPED and brought into America? I do not. To the best of my knowledge; all 12 to 20 million illegal Hispanics in America came of their own accord, illegally, into America. None were kidnapped and forcibly brought to America.

If I were an African-American, I would be very insulted that these people are trying to get a free piggy-back ride on the backs of early African slaves by using their history and their plight -- as leverage to force America to grant amnesty to illegal Hispanics today.

Am I being unChristian in writing this? No.

I have great disdain for the same-sex marriage crowd who wants to use the plight of the African-Americans as their piggy-back ride.

I have great disdain for the abortion supporters who wants to use the plight of the African-Americans as their piggy-back ride.

And, I have great disdain for the illegal aliens who want to get a free piggy-back ride on the backs of African-Americans.

Personally, I give Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona, and all the Arizona legislatures who stood with her, a really big "ATTA GIRL!" and "ATTA BOY!" for having the courage to do what is right and what is best for America. America needs more politicians like these who will take a stand, even if he face of great adversity -- and do what "We The People" voted them into office to do; what their constituents want to see them do to protect us, our families, our communities, and America. Too few politicians can even remember "We The People" -- much less recall what it means.

This November, in the elections -- let's give them a reminder they will not soon forget.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

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