Tuesday, February 18, 2025

This Blog Touches My Heart In So Many Ways

THIS BLOG TOUCHES MY HEART IN SO MANY WAYS  ~  Today, Feb 17, 2025, is my brother, Bob's, 91 birthday, which he is celebrating in heaven with our mom and so many, many other loved ones today. 

As a child growing up in the Shoals of Alabama I virtually had three moms ~ my mom, my Aunt Nina, and my Aunt Ola.  In 1993, living in Orange County, California, I knew that Aunt Ola was in the hospital in Alabama, but did not realize it was serious. 

One day I was at work and I had a strong feeling that I wanted to call Aunt Ola in the hospital.  My cousin, Bobbie Byrd, answered the phone and told Aunt Ola, "Billy Joe is on the phone.  Do you feel like talking?"  She answered, "No, just tell him that I love him."  An hour later she passed away.  My mom joined her in heaven in 1994.  Aunt Nina had preceded them in 1973.

Watching the video below touches special compartments of my heart reserved for them and other very special ladies - for I find myself in the Winter of Life, a time when I keep losing so many parts of my heart, so many friends, loved ones, and very special ladies who, each, own a piece of my heart - and are gone, for now. 

In the winter of 1955 I was in the Air Force Tech School at Lowry AFB, Denver.  During that time I met two very special women - Jacquie Lynn Dodge and Betty Martinez.  I married Betty, but never forgot Jacquie and our moments together.

In 1965, there was Pat Goodwin, an amazing woman I met while working at Boeing in Seattle for six months, then she followed me to Los Angeles where we had a very special three years relationship.  Later in the 1960s, there was Judy Seale with whom I shared many life experiences, traveling America and experiencing the wild, decadent 1960s decade of America.

Betty passed away in 2001, just a week before 9/11 - Jacquie Lynn in October 2010 - Pat and Judy both in 2024.  Dory and I have been together for 47 years and I daily ask God to give us many more productive years together.  My sister-in-law, aka, my sister, Mary Gray, in Florence, Alabama, is a couple of years older than me and seems to be in very good health.  Thank you, Lord.

About 15 years ago I discovered that I have a half-sister, Imogene Donaldson, who lived in Port Angeles, Washington.  After we discovered one another, we talked often on the phone, but due to my travel limitations, I never had a chance to meet her face-to-face. 

Yet I was amazed at her strong yet loving voice, even though she was a few years older than me.  She seemed to be ten years younger than me.  She was promoted to heaven in 2022 - but we will meet again and this time it will be for eternity.

I have read, and written, about the Winter Season of life - but have never admitted being there.  When anyone inquires about my age and if I am getting to be old, I declare, "When I get old, I will let you know!" 

While I may continue to ignore Father Time, so many of those close to me have not - and each one takes a piece of my heart with them.  There is a consolation to that ~ when I get to heaven it will be easy to find all my loved ones and and special friends - each will be holding a piece of my heart. 

Through the years there have been so many special people and if I try to include even a few sentences about all of them - I would be writing a book instead of a blog.  Yet when we meet again, I will recognize each one, as they will also be holding a piece of my heart.

For some reason this song popped into my head:

"I wish you bluebirds in the spring,
to give your heart a song to sing.
And then a kiss, but more than this,
I wish you love."

Until we meet again, in this world or the next - to all of you, My Friends and Loved Ones, "I wish you enough! God bless, Bill

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bill Gray posted on Feb 17, 2017:

THE VIDEO BELOW DEFINITELY BROUGHT A MAJOR FLASH-BACK FOR ME ~ In February 1994, I was home in Alabama for my mom's funeral. I stayed a week and then had to come home to California.

My Aunt Anne wanted me to visit her before I left - but I ran out of time.  I promised her that I would be coming home again soon and would definitely visit with her then.  She was killed a month later in a car accident.

When Dory, Lana, and I left Alabama to fly home, my brother, Bob, was in good health and I had no doubt that we would be home often to visit.  But life has a way of changing even the best plans.  I was never able to go home again while Bob was still alive. 

We talked often on the phone and I was thrilled by his devout walk with our Lord - but the last time I saw Bob was at the Huntsville airport in 1994.  He was promoted to heaven January 12, 2016.

Yes, I will see him again one day.  I will see him, mom, and the many other loved ones who have gone on before me.  But I miss talking with him today - and I cannot tell you how many times I have reached for the phone to call mom or Bob - then realize that I cannot.

Why am I sharing this with you?  Watch this video and you will understand.  Every time we part - may be the last time.  Did you remember to say, "I love you"?  Three little words - but the most powerful words you can ever say - for they may have to last you a long time.

I Wish You Enough!


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Click on the image to enlarge:




Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Nehemiah 6 Recitation By Chantelle Gibbs - Amazing! ~ 2014, And Today In 2025

Our daughter, Lana, is in a Bible Study Group at Harvest Christian Fellowship and they are studying the book of Nehemiah. 

That brought back a beautiful deja vu memory of our Fil-Am Church of Irvine (FACI) Home Bible Studies - and especially of a young toddler, Chantelle, who was always at our home Bible studies.  Of course she brought her mom, Nimfa, and younger sister,

When Chantelle was a senior in high school, or maybe just entering Biola, she gave the recitation of Nehemiah 6 in church - and her mom, Nimfa, shared it with us. 

In 2014 I was so inspired by her recitation that I have shared the video a number of times over the years.  And because Lana's Bible study group is in Nehemiah, I am inspired to share it again. 
Maybe Lana can share it with friends in her study group.


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Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:17:42 -0700
Bill Gray <billdory@pacbell.net>

Back in the 1990s, our church, the Filipino-American Church of Irvine (FACI), had what I still view as the perfect Home Bible Studies.  I call them Family Bible Studies, for no one was excluded. 

In our Friday Night Home Bible Studies, we often had as many as 30, 40, or more people there to study God's Word.  And we had all ages, from toddler, to youth, to young adult, to mom and dad, grandma and grandpa - and all in between.

The kiddies sat on the floor in the middle of the room, we adults sat on sofas and chairs - and Pastor Sam Lacanienta taught us.  Being a kid at heart, sometimes I also sat on the floor.  I will admit that Pastor Sam has always been very adept at keeping the young ones interested, while not boring we who were a wee bit older. 

I have heard folks complaining that having children in the Bible studies with adults is distracting.  Not so, when they are included. 

So, what did we have?  We had youth hearing the Word of God, hearing our discussions, and most often able to be included in the discussions.  True, the toddlers cannot do that, but what they do see is mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and all their friends sharing love, the love of God, and Christian love for one another.  That image will always stay in their minds. 

And as they grow older, they, too, can join in when we read and discuss God's Word.  In a Family Home Bible Study of God's Word, nothing is wasted - not the love, not the lessons, not the memories.

In that large Bible study group we had in the 1990s, I was blessed to watch the young people grow in knowledge of God's Word.  And I have been blessed to see them put that knowledge into action.  

At least four of our young men from those studies have become Godly pastors leading local fellowships.  All four married young ladies from our Family Bible Study groups - and are raising their own children up to be Godly children.  That is truly paying it forward.

Over the years, I have had the joy of watching all those young children who were in our FACI Bible study group in the 1990s go on to lead positive Christian lives, virtually all of them in some way involved in ministry - from mission trips, to becoming missionaries, to being active in local Christian fellowships, to being pastors and pastors' wives, and so much more.

I have even had the joy of seeing my own granddaughter, Elyssa, who is now a junior at a wonderful Christian college in Santa Barbara, going on several mission trips.

As are told in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he (she) should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."

My reason for writing this blog is my memories of a young child, Chantelle, who was in 1990s Family Bible Studies - who is today a perfect example of what I have written.   One of the families in those studies was my Christian sister, Nimfa Veneracion, and her two young daughters, Chantelle (left) and Gabrielle (right). 

The photo below is how they looked during those 1990s Bible studies.  Several years ago, Nimfa posted a video of Chantelle doing a recitation at church.  At that time, Chantelle was still in high school or maybe just entering Biola University.  But, that video totally blew my mind.

In this video, Chantelle is reciting, not reading, but reciting the full chapter of Nehemiah 6.   And, she does it so well that we get the feeling that Nehemiah is actually telling the story himself.   This is an amazing performance and I pray that you enjoy it as much as I always have - every times I have watched it.

Nehemiah 6 @ Celebration - Chantelle Gibbs Recitation


My Friends, this family is a perfect example of paying it forward.   And, that is what Jesus Christ has instructed all Christian believers to do in His Great Commission:

Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. . . 

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. . . Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation."

My Friends, there can be no greater example of that Great Commission - than seeing Chantelle Gibbs reciting Scripture is such an exciting and inspiring way.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Click on the image to enlarge: