Thursday, November 28, 2024

Have You Experienced This?

HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED THIS? ~ I almost burst into laughter when I saw this cartoon, thinking, "Oh no, art imitating life again!" Not because I am dissing prayer - for that is the time we are speaking directly to God, thanking Him, praising Him, and asking for His continued blessings. So no, I will never speak bad of prayer.

But I have discovered a new kind of prayer. I call it Gen Z Prayer - and it is one of the negatives birthed by the advent of the iPhone generation. Forget going to church holding a Bible, or praying from your local church printed prayer list - no need, they, and many others, are in your iPhone. Forget praying from the heart - no need, a list of hundreds of prayer recipients has been sent to your iPhone by your pastor or prayer meeting leader.

Believe it or not, I experienced this phenomenon as early as 1990 - brought to us via e-mail and the internet. In 1990 I was a relatively new believer (1987) and seeking knowledge and leadership wherever I could find it. Brings to mind an old song "Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places." But besides my home church, the Fil-Am Church of Irvine - I discovered Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's KWVE K-Wave Christian Radio. There I found Pastor Chuck Smith and many other great Calvary Chapel pastors.

Unfortunately I also found my way onto the CCCM Prayer List (Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa) which lists hundreds of folks to pray for - by name only. Once again I am not dissing prayers for our missionaries - but since I am not familiar with each of them personally, wouldn't a prayer for God to protect, provide for, and encourage "ALL our missionaries" as a group be more effective - for God does know each of them personally, while we do not. Then we could concentrate on praying for the needs of our local brethren, whom we do know.

And I have experienced this Gen Z phenomenon in more recent years. I was attending the combined Bible Study/Prayer Meeting of a local church and right away found that their prayer meeting was a Gen Z iPhone Prayer Meeting.

After a devotional, we would break up into small groups for prayer. I would seek out one particular group, for my blessed, intuitive, dear Friend/Brother, Danny, sensed my discomfort in trying to pray into an iPhone - and allowed me to only do the closing prayer. But still, sitting there listening to people read names (almost like reading from a telephone book, another blessing unknown to most Gen Z brethren) - could lull one into a short nap.

Once again, I am not dissing prayer, for prayer is like having God on your Speed Dial, always there. While I have been comparing the impersonal iPhone prayers to "let's hold hands and pray" type prayer - a beautiful memory came to mind. Circa 2000, Dory and I had gone to an evening service at the Fil-Am Church of South Orange County - and as was usual, Pastor Sam Lacanienta had a short devotional at the rear of the church before the service began.

Dory and I were in that group and when Pastor Sam asked us to choose a prayer partner for prayer - a young boy about 10 years old, Eduardo, asked if he could be my prayer partner and I was thrilled that this young boy would ask an older man to be his prayer partner.

Eduardo and I went to another pew and I offered an initial prayer, then Eduardo began to pray. He prayed for a while and then sat silent for a period of time which I took as time for a closing prayer. When I began, a blessed thing happened - I heard Eduardo saying, "I was not through yet!" And through a big smile, I told him, "Please continue."

Later the week, Dory and I attended a Youth Bible Study at Eduardo's home. Right away I noticed that Eduardo, the youngest in the group, was the one most actively leading the study. Talking with his dad later, I told him, "I believe you have a future pastor in your family."

Yes, all of these thoughts rolled out of my mind when I saw this cartoon. And the thoughts have blessed me.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Click on the image to enlarge




Tuesday, November 26, 2024

My God Is Real, In My Life, In My Heart, In My Soul - Do You Know Him?

Mary Gray, My Sister-In-Love, Shared The Graphic Below ~  And not only did each of these affirmations resonate with me, I can name specific times when I know each occurred.

1. I Have Felt God's Loving Arms Around Me:  In 2020 Dory and I were helping our pastor hold Bible Studies at the Vintage Terrace Senior Apartments in Corona, California.  A number of the residents there were members of our Fil-Am Church of Corona (now CICF) and that gave us a good base for Bible studies in the apartment complex.

At one Wednesday Morning Bible Study, a gentleman, Frank, showed us black wart-looking growths on his face - and shared that they were confirmed to be cancer.  A couple of days later, I began to notice my comb snagging on something in my right temple sideburn.  When I looked, it was a black growth much like on Frank's face.  I had never noticed that growth before.  Yet here it was, snagging and bleeding when I combed my hair.

I showed it to Dory and we agreed that I should see a doctor right away.  That night as I lay in bed, I placed my finger on the growth and prayed that God would remove it.  Immediately I felt a warm glow wash over me, a peaceful feeling as though God was telling me that my prayer had been heard.  I rolled over and peacefully slept like a baby. 

The next day the growth was a little smaller, the following day a bit smaller yet - and on the fourth day - it was gone completely.  But God left a white discoloration where it had been, maybe to remind me to be thankful?

Atheists and other skeptics on the TimesDaily Religion Forum began to ridicule me when I shared my story, smirking such comments as, "Bill has a magic finger!""Bill has been drinking too much of that Jim Jones cool-aid!" -  and on and on. 

A few years ago I shared this story with a Baptist pastor friend and showed him the white discoloration.  He said nothing, just turned his head and walked away - obviously questioning my sanity.

That is okay, for I realize this was a special moment between God and me - so if folks refuse to believe me, that is not a problem.  For when I see that discoloration, I just smile and thank God.

2.  I Have Heard His Voice: In 1993, my step-father moved my mother from her comfortable home of 50 years in Alabama - same phone number, same address, same neighbors - for 50 years.  Mom had previously, over a couple of years, had several strokes, but had recovered from all and was still able to function well.   But he used the excuse that her several strokes over the past couple of years left her confused. 

He sold her home and moved her to Little Rock, Arkansas, so he could be near his daughter.  I was angry, but said nothing.  A couple of months after moving her to Little Rock and using the money from selling her home to buy a mobile home - he and his daughter put her in a nursing home.  I was furious and it is probably for the best that I was not near him then.

While I was fuming inside, furious, I felt God reminding me, "You prayed for a way to make sure she is saved.  This is your opportunity."   Did the Holy Spirit speak to me audibly?  No, He spoke to my heart - and I heard Him loud and clear. 

For 20 years my step-father had her in the Herbert W. Armstrong cult church.  And even after 20 years she was shocked when I told her that Jesus would forgive any and all sins that a person commits - past, present, and future - even murder, if that person would believe.  Her response, "I didn't know that!"  After 20 years in the cult church, she did not know that Jesus died to forgive ALL our sins.

I called the nursing home in Arkansas and asked if there was a Baptist church in the neighborhood.  I was told there was one next door - and they did Bible studies at the home.  I called the pastor and told him about my mom.  He took her a Bible and got her involved in their Bible study.

A month or so later he and I were talking and he told me, "Bill, I led her in prayer to receive Christ, but I am not sure she understood."  I told him, "I know, pastor, that is why I have not tried over the phone."  So when my mom had a final stroke, was in a coma for several days, and then passed away, I had no confirmation that she was really saved - and that was a burden on my heart.

It was maybe a month after the pastor and I talked that she had a stroke and was in a coma.  I flew to Little Rock and after a few days when she did not wake up,  I went for a walk in the evening - and  as walked I was praying to God, "Lord, I am in a dilemma, I want to be with her if she awakens, but I don't know how long to stay.  Many folks stay in a coma for months or longer - and I have to go home, back to work.  But I do not want to fly home and then be told she passed away while I was traveling.  What am I to do?" 

I walked back to where I was staying - and ten minutes later the nursing home called to tell me she had just passed away.  That was God answering my prayer question.  He knew it was time for her to come home.  We transported her back to our hometown in Alabama on Wednesday - and on Thursday evening we had her Viewing. 

Before the people arrived, I went into the room where she lay to be alone with her.  As I was standing looking at her, I heard a voice as clear as if I were standing and talking to you.  The voice said, "Do not worry, she is with Me now!"

Friends who know me will tell you that I am a very conservative person, both in my personal life and in my Christian faith.  Yet I know, beyond all doubt, that the Holy Spirit spoke to me that evening - audibly.  Why was I so blessed?  Only God knows the answer to that question - but I am so blessed and thankful that He did give me that assurance. 

The next day when my Friend, Pastor Vince Arnaldo, called from California and I shared about that moment with him - his immediate response was, "Bill, that is His Blessed Assurance."  And I had to agree with him.

Later I asked my brother, Bob, if he had heard His voice that night, and he had not.  Never before and never since have I actually heard the Holy Spirit speak to me audibly.  But that night I did - and it was not that I was waiting for it, nor was I expecting such a miracle. 

I went into the room just to share one last quiet moment alone with her.  But we were not alone, He was with us.  That night God gave me a miracle of assurance that i will see my mom again some day.  And for that I am forever grateful to Him.

3. I Have Witnessed His Work In My Life:  I have had an exciting career in the computer industry, almost 50 years.  The first 12 years as a Computer System Field Engineer, most often the go-to guy when the local guy could not fix a problem.  Then I moved into Computer Sales as a Sales Engineer.  In both aspect of my career, I met many amazing people and was involved in many interesting applications of computers.

During those episodes of my career I would travel, meet with clients or prospective clients, to make their computer run again, or to talk face-to-face with them to understand their need and suggest the right computer product to fit that need.

Then one day I began to notice a major change in the computer industry.  Knowledgeable Sales Engineers who could visit clients, sit with the clients, and help solve their problem - became a thing of the past. 

Overnight all sales were done over the phone, often with sales people who knew only ten technical words and was working on straight commission and had to sell a volume of products to make a living.  And for repair forget the Field Engineer going to the client's site to solve a problem - ship it back to the dealer or the factory and wait until it could be fixed or replaced. 

Helping a client solve his problem by sitting down with him was gone forever.  Now it was, "How many can I ship you and how soon do you need them?"   Volume became the key word.

I worked for a while for a company in Orange County, California, which had a contract with disk supplier Seagate.  The company was obligated to take one million dollars a month in Seagate disk drives.  Each month, Seagate shipped them a million dollars of drives stacked on pallets.  It was up to the client company to have room for all those pallets of disk drives.  Basically it was push last month's pallets out the back door - to make room for more pallets coming in the front door - contractually.

The pallets received the month before must be out the door to customers - or the company would have no room for the new pallets.  I saw the company sell pallets of drives for less than cost - just to make room for the incoming million dollar order.  It was crazy. 

I asked the president of the company, "If you are selling products for less than cost, there is no net profit.  Your sales people work for a percentage of net profit.  When the net profit is negative, how are your sales people earning a commission?"  His answer, "Oh, we work something out."  What?  Increase the net loss?

During that period, I sometimes found myself being unemployed for long periods, at times as long as a year.  It was a new world for me.  But Dory and I never lost hope, for we knew that God was working in our lives.  How well I recall one Sunday when Dory and I drove down to Laguna Beach after church just to walk on the beach and relax. 

As we were leaving the beach I stopped to put gas in the car.  I pumped $5 of gas, which at that time was almost a full tank, not today.  After getting gas, all we had left was the change in my pocket.  But Dory and I were not stressed, we just put our faith in God and relaxed.

Sometimes God would provide our needs through our daughter, Lana.  Other times it seemed as though our needs were met - and looking back, we are not sure now where that came from, but we know it was God working in our lives. 

I remember one Sunday we were at our Fil-Am Church of South Orange County where Pastor Freddy Cortez was the senior pastor.  Dory and I had not said anything to anyone about needing money.  But as we were all getting ready to leave church after the service, Pastor Freddy's dad, Fred Sr., shook my hand and left a folded $20 bill in my hand. 

Just an act of goodness and Godness on his part, but it was really appreciated by Dory and me.  I will never forget that blessed handshake.   Thank you and God bless you, Fred Cortez, Sr.

4. NO ONE Will Ever Convince Me That God Is Not Real: I recall once when we lived in Orange County, I was in our family doctor's office waiting to have an x-ray.  Since I was alone in the room, I started looking around and noticed a chart of the wall which showed the muscular structure of the human body - not the organs, not the skeletal structure, not the massive number of nerves.  In other words the chart showed very little of the amazing human body - yet it was full showing only the muscular structure. 

I remember looking at the chart and wondering how any doctor could have that knowledge, and justify not being a Christian, not believing in God the Creator.  The level of complexity found in the human body could not happen by chance, no matter how many millions or billions of years Evolutionists and Old Earth Creationists might attribute to science.

And over the years as I have debated with atheist, agnostics, and vanilla-flavored non-believers - I am more convinced that even the atheist really knows that God is real.  But they deny Him for one reason, they fear they will not be in control of their lives if they turn to God.  When they say God is not real, they are really convincing themselves, more that we who share with them.

The beautiful hymn written by Kenneth Morris in 1944 says it best:  "My God Is Real"

There are some things I may not know,

There are some places I can't go,
But I am sure of this one thing,
My God is real - for I can feel Him in my soul.

I thank my beloved sister, Mary, for sharing this graphic, causing me to look inside, causing me to remember and Thank God for patiently proving His love for me through those long 50 years I was walking with the world before believing - and for reminding me that He has always been with me, even when I was running from Him. 

Like an earthly father, our Heavenly Father never gives up on us while we struggle in this mortal body.  I pray these thoughts and remembrances resonate with you as they have with me.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Click on the image to enlarge: