Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The 2024 Presidential Election Is Fast Approaching

THE 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS FAST APPROACHING ~  Are you ready and prepared to vote for the virtual life of our America, our American Freedom as we have long known it?   Folks, that is no exaggeration. 

The outcome of this 2024 General Election will either bring Conservative Values and Light back into America after four years of Biden / Harris bottom feeding Darkness and Make America Great Again - OR - the outcome could sink America even deeper into the Dark Abyss of perverted immorality and child abuse via Abortions, Gender Change Mutilations, and Socialist / Marxist Indoctrination in all our schools.

We will be voting between: Open Borders, flooding America with millions of Illegals, Terrorists, Drug Smugglers, and God only knows what else - confused, indoctrinated, and abused children - continuing Inflation and higher prices of food, necessities, and housing - and a society controlled by the Dark Agenda

- OR -

We will vote to Make America Great Again by Closing our borders - giving Parents Full Control of their children and what they are taught - bringing Inflation and High Prices DOWN - and Making America "Energy Independent" once again - and Making America Great Once Again.

For many years, prior to each Election - I began my research by visiting three Reliable, Conservative, Christian sources which I have depended upon in past Elections to give me well researched advise on California and National candidates and issues.  I trust them and find that I have seldom disagreed with their advise.   They are:  Craig Huey, Robyn Nordell, and Nancy Sandoval - and through them, referrals to other Conservative sites. 

1. Craig Huey
~  The Craig Huey Report provides Conservative Voter Guides, news analysis, and critical reports about the issues. 

Craig Huey 2024 California Voter Guide

2.  Nancy Sandoval, aka, Nancy's Picks
~  An American Patriot, a Conservative Republican, a Christian, who in 1996 started to get serious about doing a better job in Voting Her Values.  The word spread, so she began typing & printing her recommendations, which eventually led to her Nancy's Picks web site in 2004.  Her goal is to help Conservative voters, who doesn’t have a lot of time to do the research, but who want their votes to reflect their Conservative Values.

Presidential GENERAL election OF NOV 5, 2024

3. Robyn Nordell
shares her Conservative California Election Website, i.e., Conservative Voter Recommendations and Resources for the upcoming Election.  She believe in seeking an abundance of counsel from wise people -  and has consulted more than twenty Conservative Advisors in the process of making her election decisions for the 2024 Presidential Election. 

Robyn Nordell's Conservative California Election Website

Robyn Nordell also recommends the iVoterGuide web site.  I visited the site and it offers Conservative Voter's Guide for most states.  Just as a test, I put in my Sheffield, Alabama, address from my younger years and was able to pull up the Alabama Voter's Guide.  It showed the candidates, but not the issues.  I am sure you can find a local Conservative Researcher who has covered the issues for your state.

iVoterGuide, Division of AFA Action.

Grounded in God.- Rooted in Research.  ~  Elections are the front lines of an everyday, year-round, fifty-state battle for the soul of our country. iVoterGuide is fighting the good fight by equipping everyday Americans with the tools they need to vote wisely.

For all my Friends in Southern California, and beyond - are YOU ready to vote on November 5, 2024, for the Life of American Freedom?  If you visit the links above under Craig Huey, Nancy Sandoval (Nancy's Picks), and Robyn Nordell - you will find their recommendations and information.

For all my Friends in other states, I am sure you will find the iVoterGuide web site very helpful.  And I am sure you can find equally qualified Conservative Christian Patriots
in your area, similar to the three I have chosen to use in California,.  Do it now - for November 5 will be upon us very quickly.

I copied this list "17 Reasons Not To Vote For Kamala" from Nancy Sandoval's Vote Pick page.  I am sharing it here, for as you can see from my parenthetical comments, she and I are on the same page.  All
parenthetical comments are mine.


1. Co-sponsored legislation to protect ILLEGAL migrants from deportation  ~  (Building Democratic Voter Base with ILLEGALS)

2. Backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All  ~  (Socialism / Marxism For All)

3. Backed banning private health insurance  ~  (Federally controlled healthcare)

4. Supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to ILLEGAL immigrants  ~  (Leaves our Vets / Americans homeless - while housing ILLEGALS)

5. Supported banning fracking  ~  (Keeping gas prices sky-high)

6. Backed defunding the police  ~  (Replace Law Enforcement Officers with Social Workers)

7. Compared ICE Agents to the KKK  ~  (Another form of limiting Law Enforcement)

8. Wanted to ban plastic straws  ~  (More global warming extremism, making AOC smile)

9. Defended banning offshore drilling  ~  (Keeping gas prices sky-high)

10. Wanted to “undo” the Trump administration’s border security, taking 94 executive actions in their first 100 days to rescind Trump-era measure  ~  (Working hard to ensure OPEN BORDERS to allow millions of unvetted ILLEGALS into America)

11. Supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings  ~  (for ILLEGALS breaking into our home, America - not a crime)

12. Said she wouldn’t “treat” illegal aliens as “criminals”  ~  (for ILLEGALS breaking into our home, America - not a crime)

13. Called for “starting [ICE] from scratch”  ~  (Wants to remove ICE Agents and replace them with Social Workers)

14. Argued that temporarily closing the border violated federal law  ~  (Harris does not know our Constitution)

15. Raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund (BLM), a far-left organization that paid to bail out of jail violent criminals, including accused murderers and rapists  ~  (Personally raised BAIL funds to release Criminals back into our society)

16. Supported Los Angeles’ cuts to their police department  ~  (Replace Law Enforcement Officers with Social Workers)

17 . Called efforts to add more police to the streets “wrongheaded thinking”  ~  (Replace Law Enforcement Officers with Social Workers)

Folks, I will close with these suggestions:

On November 5, 2024 ~ Vote Conservative, On All Issues And For All Candidates!

On November 5, 2024 ~ Vote To "Make America Great 'ONCE' Again!"  Vote MAGA PLUS!

On November 5, 2024 ~ Vote For Trump/Vance!  MAGA PLUS! All The Way!

God Bless America,

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