Monday, August 5, 2024

Join Me In Standing Against Satan

FOR THE PAST 35 YEARS, I have shared a lot of Prayer Requests and a lot of Blogs with you, both Christian and Political.  Why Christian?  Because I have been a Christian believer since 1987 and a Christian writer for the past 35 years.  Several years before I was saved, God prepared me for the Christian Writing Ministry He would called me to circa 1989 and if I do not follow my calling, I will be disobedient.

Why political?  Because I believe that an informed American will have a strong knowledge of what is happening in the political offices which govern our city, state, and federal governments.  And while being a Christian is not a criteria nor gating factor for one serving in a government office, I would hope that many are Christian believers and that America will always have Christian influence within all our branches of government. 

But until today, I have never shared a Prayer Blog.  Today I want to do that - for a very special Christian Brother/Friend who I believe has been especially gifted by God - but has currently lost his way spiritually.

Why am I asking prayers for such a man?

FIRST, he has been a Christian brother for many years and I know he will not lose his eternal salvation.  But he has been under heavy attack from Satanic spirits and he really needs our prayers.  We all, to some degree, may experience a weakening of our faith in times of stress and trouble.  If we were perfect, we could avoid those experiences - but I will admit that I am not perfect, nor as strong all the time as I would like to be.  Are you? 

My Friend and Christian brother, Nathan, has experienced major backsliding twice.  He recovered once, but Satanic spirits doubled their efforts and Nathan needs our prayers to beat them this time.

Because of his outstanding business acumen, he has been financially successful in almost all his business ventures, amassing a sizable fortune. But the greater his financial success, the more anxiety he had, and the more it tore at the seams of his personal life.  Business success and money became his gods, causing him to stop depending upon God.  He began to look toward his own God-given strengths and attributes, which allowed him to be successful, as the cause of his financial successes.

In Nathan's words about giving God control of his life, "
Once I had gotten everything I wanted in life, I would give God control.  This made perfect sense to me!  Get to where I wanted to be and then let God have control.  My thought was if I made just a bit more money, then I could spend more time with my family and develop my relationship with God.  But the more I made and the bigger my companies grew the more time I spent away from my family and the more miserable I became."

His anxiety over business and wealth, his addiction to pain medications from heath issues - brought personality changes which were eating away at his relationship with his wife and young daughter - bringing it close to breaking.  But praise God, this time, like the prodigal son, Nathan found his way back to God and family.

Nathan tells us of that Moment of Truth, "
I knew beyond a doubt I needed God in my life.  I needed to let God lead, guide, and direct me.  But I was struggling.  Then one day in the fall of 2014, .  .  .  Suddenly I saw, with perfect clarity, I was serving myself and my own carnal desires, worshiping material things and success.  I was practicing a contemporary form of materialistic idolatry.  I was a saved, religious hypocrite who only wanted God involved when I needed Him.

Then it really hit me, I knew I was going to stand in front of God and give an account of my actions.  I would give an account of the testimony I had with others.  I would answer for the husband and father I had been.  Then it really hit me.  My daughter would likely marry the type of man I had become.  I was not the man of God that I wanted to be and I certainly wasn’t the man of God I had been created to be.   It was time to change."

The backsliding son had returned, to God, and to his family.  He was backsliding no more.

BUT the Satanic spirits were not through with my Christian brother, Nathan.  They doubled their spiritual attack and Nathan once again was pulled from trust in God and this time slid into the dark world of the paranormal, began depending upon Satanic ways and seductive spirits.

In Nathan's own words:  "
I was an accomplished athlete in high school, especially in basketball, and as you know when you are young, nothing hurts for long.  Unfortunately, by the age of 16, I was visiting a chiropractor weekly and had knee surgery, and by my late 20’s I was having legit neck and back pain.  Entering my 30’s, I was diagnosed with degenerative disk disease and mild spinal stenosis. 

To control the pain, I had steroid shots in my spine, trigger point injections in my muscle, and pain meds.  By the time I turned 40, I was on 240 milligrams of morphine a day and getting over a dozen trigger point injections every 8-12 weeks. .  .  .
In October 2016, I was unfortunately rear-ended by another driver. The effects of the wreck caused massive nerve damage and muscle atrophy that forced me to have an anterior cervical fusion of my c5-c7 disks."

As he was becoming more and more addicted to medications and drugs to soften his pain, the Satanic spirits launched a more deceptive, dark, and evil attack against Nathan.  His marriage was finally broken, he was alone - then the Satanic spirits introduced New Age dark religion into his life. 

From childhood we have envisioned Satan and his Satanic spirits as being gross, angry red beings with horns, holding a three pronged spear (trident).  But that is far from the truth.  Satan and his angels can appear in any form they choose, i.e., before I became a believer, Satanic spirits appeared to me as my maternal grandfather who supposedly committed suicide, but I was uncovering evidence that led me to believe he was murdered. Satanic spirits played on that desire to prove the report wrong.

Here I can truly relate to the Satanic spirits attack on Nathan - because for about 10 years before I became a believer, I was very much involved in the Psychic/Paranormal/New Age world of darkness.  During that 10 years, I had a number of up close and personal encounters with those dark spirits.  Trust me, they know our hot buttons - and they know how to reach us through those weaknesses.  

Example From childhood I was told that my maternal grandfather committed suicide.  As an adult I questioned that and began examining the evidence, concluding that he was murdered. I was, and am, still very convinced that he was murdered.  In the early 1980s demonic spirits appeared to me appearing to be my grandfather.  I will discuss those up close and personal encounters with Satanic spirits in another blog. 

But I will emphasize this: I DO KNOW the dark world of doubt and backsliding which Nathan is experiencing now - and I know that our prayers are the only way to bring him back to his real Father and family - and to push Satan's spirits away from him.

In the late 1990s, after becoming a Christian believer, Dory and I were working with a friend on an international project and transaction.  One day he excitedly shared with us the fantastic book he was devoutly reading, highlighting much of the text - treating it like a Bible. 

In effect it was a bible to him, for it was a book written by one of the leading New Age authors, psychics, and influencers of that time, Doreen Virtue.  At that time, if anyone mentioned New Age influencers to me, my mind automatically went to Doreen Virtue.  That is how prevalent her occultic writings and public exposure were at that time.

Our friend offered to lend his New Age bible to me to read.  I accepted - for one reason.  I would rather have that book and have it hidden away, rather that having him worshiping at the alter of the New Age guru, Doreen Virtue.  That is how evil I saw her and her influence at that time.

When I began my research for this Prayer Blog, I came upon a new revelation which really blew my mind, and I give a really Big Praise To God.  For He had changed that lady, Doreen Virtue, who, through her books, speaking engagements, New Age products, and influence - had lured thousands, if not millions, away from the path to God and onto the path into Satan's world. 

God took her from the depths of New Age darkness - and brought her into the family of God.  In 2017 she rejected her New Age spiritual beliefs - and became a born again Christian.  Now she writes and speaks for God, not Satan.

My immediate thought?  If Doreen Virtue could be brought to God by the radio teaching of Pastor Alistair Begg - then my Christian brother, Nathan, most certainly can be brought back into His arms.  By our prayers!

A moment of insight! 

Isn't it amazing how often New Age Occultist - such as Doreen Virtue was before God stepped in - come to us as Pretty Women - reminiscent of the 1990 movie, Pretty Woman, where a prostitute and a wealthy businessman fall for one another, forming an unlikely pair? 

Then Satan can use such attractive blonde exteriors such as Doreen Virtue was during most of her New Age career, to lead vulnerable people into the dark world of psychics, witchcraft, tarot cards, sorcery, Wicca, and the dark Satanic world?  Satan sure knows how to deceive.

We know that God is Omnipotent, all powerful, nothing can overcome Him - and there is nothing He cannot overcome - if only we will turn to Him.  In my mind and heart, I can picture many people around the world, leading up to her moment of decision in 2017, praying for Doreen Virtue to be saved from the dark world of the Paranormal. 

And on that day in 2017, God answered their prayers, He made it happen for Doreen.  He can make it happen for my brother, Nathan, also, if we all lift him in prayer.

I am asking for prayers from around the world, that what happened to Doreen Virtue in 2017 - will happen for my Christian Brother/Friend, Nathan now.  I am asking that your prayers will become so great that God will reach down and lift Nathan from the pigsty of the psychic and drug world - and like the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), fully restore him to God and to his family.  If you will pray, God can make it happen, just as He did with Doreen Virtue.

Let me tell you a bit more about Nathan Tabor.  In 2007 I met and became close Friends, and an even closer Christian brother, with Nathan.  I have long respected his Conservative Christian Values, his Patriotism - and his deep knowledge of our political process, and his knowledge and wisdom on who is governing America, who is governing the United Nations, and how that is affecting all the world. 

When we met in 2007, Nathan had recently, 2004, run for Congress in North Carolina's 5th Congressional District with an impressive list of supporters.  His first attempt to run for the high office of Congressional House of Representatives was outstanding, even though he did not win that time.

On the other hand, I personally benefited by his not going to Congress in 2004, for in 2007 when I met Nathan he had founded "The Conservative Voice," an online newspaper.  And he invited me to be a guest columnist.  I wrote in The Conservative Voice, mostly in the Faith & Family section, but at times visiting the Politics section, for several years, posting about 500 articles.  That was a true blessing and a great learning experience. 

In my own Christian Writing Ministry, my Friends Ministry eNewsletter, Facebook Notes, our Bill & Dory Gray Christian Ministries blog site, and in the TimesDaily Religion Forum where Nathan and I met - while varying,
my list of readers probably never exceeded 2000 worldwide, predominately Christian.  On Nathan's The Conservative Voice, I was now writing to reach about 250,000 readers worldwide - covering a much broader spectrum of beliefs and ideas.  That was a challenge which I know God gave to me, through Nathan.

Nathan Tabor was an entrepreneur, businessman, speaker, business consultant, life coach, real estate investor, commercial real estate broker, author, Liberty University adjunct professor, and founder of Handling Life.  Since 1999, he has founded and operated more than two dozen businesses, grossing over $150 million in sales. 

Along the way, he has had some amazing successes, and some failures, in the areas of commercial real estate, automobile financing, direct product sales, web-based marketing, strategic partnership facilitation, consulting/coaching firm, and online educational courses. 

He has been an exceptional author of political, business, and Christian books.  But the book which really impressed me is
"The Beast On The East River:  The U.N. Threat to America’s Sovereignty and Security."  I am still amazed that a man who was only 33 years old then, but looked to be 21 - had the insight, wisdom, and knowledge to recognize the real threat posed by the United Nations - and the ability to put that understanding into a book.

Below is a
short C-SPAN video interview which shows the Nathan Tabor I met and grew to admire on the TimesDaily Religion Forum in 2007.  I knew from the beginning that he is a very special person, gifted by God with unique intelligence, wisdom, maturity, and a deep love for America.  Yet I am still amazed at the level of maturity, knowledge, and intelligence I see in him during this interview in the C-SPAN video.

In the C-SPAN interview, Nathan admits he is 33, but looks 21.  Suggesting it was possibly a part of why he did not win the 2004 seat in our Congressional House of Representatives.  Yet when he speaks his intelligence and knowledge make him seem to be a man of twice that age and experience.  He speaks intelligently, with knowledge, with the authority of a person who knows his subject matter very well.  It is a shame he did not go to Congress in 2004, for we need people like him in Washington DC.

View this video and you will see the Nathan Tabor I knew, my fellow Alabamian then living in North Carolina, the man who was a very successful entrepreneur, businessman, author - and an even stronger Conservative Christian brother. This is the man I am asking you to lift in prayers.


By Nathan Tabor - Founder and CEO, The Conservative Voice

Nathan Tabor talked about his book "The Beast On The East River:  The U.N. Threat to America’s Sovereignty and Security," published by Nelson Current.  His book argues that the United Nations hopes to establish a “new world order” that limits the sovereignty of the United States. 

He urges that the U.N. be abolished and replaced with an organization that allows for dialogue between nations, but does not have the power to infringe on the rights of the United States and its citizens.  He also talks about threats to education and moral values.  After his presentation he responded to audience members' questions.

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Bill Gray Note:  The book, published in 2006, accurately prophesies what we now see has happened to America's Education and Moral Values.  The current decay of our education and moral values began in Bill Clinton's presidency - and then rapidly accelerated under Obama's Secular/Muslim administration - and Joe Biden is merely a puppet carrying forward what Obama and the United Nations started. 

All of this was their concerted efforts to surrender America's Sovereignty to the United Nations.  A major tool in the Anti-America arsenal was the resurrected, nourished, and promoted "Racial Division" in America - all done at the behest of their master puppeteer, The United Nations.

You can see why I am asking major prayers for my Christian brother and Friend, Nathan Tabor.  For even though I am absolutely convinced that Nathan has not lost his salvation - it would be a real shame to allow Satan's minions to cause him to waste all the talents God has given him.  America needs people today like Nathan Tabor.

I realize this Prayer/Blog has been a wee bit long.  But that is how important I consider your prayers are for my Christian Brother/Friend, Nathan Tabor.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

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