I have long respected Ray Comfort for his evangelistic fervor in sharing the Word of God. But when I received his e-mail asking, "Is the New House Speaker, Mike Johnson, a GENUINE Christian?" - I will admit that I was at first offended.
Why? Two reasons: first, when I saw the title, I did not know who had sent this e-mail - and I thought it was someone from the Left already attempting to attack our new Speaker, declaring his Christian faith to be only a front.
And second, that made me think of a conversation my wife, Dory, and I had recently, when we were discussing a church we are familiar with which, I discovered, does not celebrate the Lord's Supper, aka Communion - or does it so infrequently that is seems as though they have discarded the Lord's Supper, forgotten His admonition to "do this in remembrance of Me."
Dory told me that a friend who had also attended that church shared her understanding of why this church does not do Communion, "They are afraid there may be people in the congregation on that day who are not really believers, or who are carrying a sin within, and may offend God by taking Communion unworthily."
Really? My question was, "Who in any church can say that another person is, or is not, a Christian believer - or is not worthy that day to participate in the Lord's Supper?"
I will speak only of Baptist churches, for that is where I have spent the past 36 years. In the theology of different Baptist denominations, there are three Communion practices:
1. Closed Communion: Which declares that only baptized members of their local congregation may take Communion in their local church. Their reasoning is that there may be visitors who are not really believers.
For me the obvious question should be: "How do the pastor, elders, deacons know that "all" the members of "their" local church are truly believers or are worthy on that day? How do we know if the pastor, elders, deacons of that church are truly believers or are worthy on that day?"
If Billy Graham, Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie, Charles Stanley, J. Vernon McGee, etc., had walked into their Closed Communion local church - would the pastor have refused to let them take Communion - because they might not really be believers, or worthy?
2. Close Communion: Which declares that only members of their denomination may join in Communion with the local church. Same question: "How do we know . . . . . ?"
3. Open Communion: All in the worship service on the Day of Communion may join hands at the Lord's Table. How does this work? 1 Corinthians 11:28, "But let a man (each individual) examine himself."
Looking at the person sitting next to you, do you know if that person is worthy to celebrate the Lord's Supper? Do you know if the pastor, elders, deacons of that church are worthy to celebrate the Lord's Supper? You and I cannot know, the pastor and other leaders cannot know - ONLY that person and God knows for sure.
So let's not remove the Lord's Supper from our worship - because we do not know about that other person. Know yourself and let the others do the same. "But let a man (each individual) examine himself."
And follow what Christ has told us in 1 Corinthians 11:24-25, "He broke it (the bread) and said, 'Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.' In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.' "
To set the record straight, I misjudged Ray Comfort's e-mail message - because I had not yet opened "his book" aka, his e-mail - I had initially judged ONLY from the cover - which we all know is not always reliable. I apologize to Ray Comfort and give him a big "Atta Boy!" for his description of House Speaker Mike Johnson. I agree with Ray 100%.
So, who is Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of OUR Congressional House of Representatives? Glad you asked!
Prior to his election to Congress in 2016, for nearly 20 years Mike successfully litigated high profile Constitutional Law cases in district and appellate courts nationwide. For five years he served as a law professor at the Liberty University Helms School of Government.
Before Congress, Mike Johnson was senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, now known as Alliance Defending Freedom. And very important to me, but anathema to the Left, Speaker Mike Johnson's home church is the Cypress Baptist Church in Benton, Louisiana.
In Congress, Mike has served on the House Armed Services Committee, he was appointed to the prestigious House Judiciary Committee, and Mike was elected to be Vice Chairman of the House Republican Conference.
In his first public address before the House, Speaker Mike Johnson said that his first measure would be a resolution supporting Israel amid its war against Hamas. He also stated, “I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear: that God is the one who raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you – all of us.”
In his speech, Speaker Johnson noted that standing high in the house chamber, in full view of all Congressional Representatives as they fulfill their duties to "We The People" is the motto: “In God We Trust.”
And Speaker Mike Johnson declares that this motto was a stern rebuke of atheistic Communism during the height of the Cold War - and that America is the only nation to be founded on a creed referencing our inalienable rights given by our creator.
My photo composite below shows an earlier address to our Congressional House of Representatives by Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, as he points toward the marble relief of Moses hanging in our Congressional House - to remind all of us that Israel is America's friend and ally in the Middle East.
And early in his first address as Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson said, "I looked up at the top of the chamber and I saw the face of Moses."
When the House Chamber was remodeled in 1949-50, 23 marble relief portraits depicting historical figures noted for their work in establishing the principles which underlie our Constitutional American Law today.
They are looking out over the House Chamber in the U.S. Capitol - as a reminder to all who are chosen to represent "We The People" in Our Congressional House of Representatives - that those men, especially Moses, and "We The People" are holding them accountable as they serve us today.
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Is the New House Speaker, Mike Johnson, a GENUINE Christian?
By Ray Comfort, Founder & CEO, Living Waters
“So often we are disappointed by those politicians who have a measure of faith before elections, and once they’re in power, they become weak in their faith.” — Ray Comfort
Mike Johnson just became the new House Speaker — the third highest position in United States government. He has proclaimed faith in God, but is he a genuine Christian?
Ray Comfort gives some commentary on this topic, shows compelling footage of Johnson’s public address - and Ray uses the phrase, “In God We Trust” as a springboard to share the Gospel with a college student.
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That said, I am asking ALL my FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors) to view Ray Comfort's video from his e-mail which proves that we now have a strong Conservative Speaker Of The House, a House which can begin to move forward in correcting many of the Left-Initiated Mistakes begun on Jan 20, 2021, when Old Joe began to sleep in our Oval Office.
After you and your family view the video, then share Ray's video with all your FRANs, asking them to do the same.
We have to spread the word that America has taken our first step back toward righting the "Sinking Ship of State in America" - and moving toward "Making America Great Again" as we VOTE CONSERVATIVE in the 2024 Elections.
God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,