Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Different Strokes For Different Folks! - Revisited In Honor Of Pastor Jesse Pineda

Several weeks ago, after our International Bible Baptist Church (IBBC-Riverside) Sunday afternoon worship service, I had the blessed pleasure of talking with Pastor Jesse Pineda, the pastor of our morning host church, Sierra Vista Baptist Church.  It has always been such a pleasure talking with Pastor Jesse, for with his big smile and his sincere attention, you knew he was really interested in what you had to say. 

That day Pastor Jesse told me, "Bill, I read all your writings and blogs.  I enjoy them."  Then we began to discuss one blog which I have been meaning to repost.  In it I tell about an incident with a traveling "revival preacher" when I was 12 years old - which drove me away from God until, praise God, at the age of 50 I met a pastor/teacher, Sam Lacanienta, who loved me back into the arms of Jesus Christ.  

When Pastor Jesse and I were talking, he was very bothered about what that "revival preacher" had done to me - for he and I both understand that our children are our future spiritual leaders and we must nurture them, not drive them away from God.

What makes my conversation that day with Pastor Jesse so poignant, yet so beautifully memorable - is that the following Monday evening Pastor Jesse had a massive stroke and later was promoted into the presence of God.  That was my last conversation with Pastor Jesse, in this life.  But we will have many more when we meet again in eternity.  That I truly look forward to with all my heart.   This Friday, June 2, 2017, will be the Celebration Of Pastor Jesse's Life and his interment. 

To quote what my dear Friend and mentor, Pastor Sam Lacanienta, would say at such a time, "Pastor Jesse Pineda is a Christian believer.  All here today who are also believers will not say, 'Goodbye' to Pastor Jesse.  We will only say, "Good night, I will see you on that blessed Resurrection Morn.  However, for all here today who are not believers, and do not become believers, you must say, 'Goodbye' to Pastor Jesse - for you will never see him again."

So, with that said, let me share once again with you the blog Pastor Jesse and I discussed, the one I posted on July 11, 2016:

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Different Strokes For Different Folks!

You may wonder why I am using the words from a 1970s sitcom theme song as my title.  Basically it boils down to this:  Two Billys, Two Revival Preachers, Two totally different outcomes.
In  1934, Mordacai Ham, revival preacher, held a revival meeting in Billy Graham's hometown, Charlotte, North Carolina.  At that time Billy was a teenager and not yet a believer.  At the revival meeting Billy met another teen, Grady Wilson, and they became lifelong personal and spiritual friends.  Result of that revival meeting:  both Billy and Grady became believers that week - and both went on to do great work for the Lord through the Billy Graham Crusades.

In the 1940s, a different flavor revival preacher came to Billy Gray's hometown in Alabama.  Looking back on that time, it is obvious that, while this man may have been sincere in sharing the Word of God - his main goal seems to have been putting numbers of converts on the tally sheet to show that his revival meetings were successful.  That would assure him more bookings. 

You may tell me, "Bill, that sounds cruel.  Why do you say that?"

A fair question.  Let me explain.  At that time I was about twelve years old.  My mom wanted to go to church, but because she could not read nor write she was embarrassed.  She was afraid they would ask her to read the Bible or something else.  So, the only time she felt comfortable going to church was at an event such as the revival meeting where she could be anonymous, one hidden in a crowd.

Yet, when I was about ten, she wanted my brother, Bob, and me to go to church.  So, since she could not go with us, she sent us to the closest church.  That church was the Nazarene church which was about two blocks from our home in Sheffield, Alabama.  Bob and I would to to Sunday School, but most often would skip out after that.

Fast forward a couple of years, she had married my step-dad, and they were going to a revival meeting at the Nazarene church.  Mom really wanted me to go with them.  Bob was about fifteen then, so he was off with his friends.  Not wanting to hurt mom's feelings, I agreed to go with her to the revival meeting.  Keep in mind that I was only twelve years old, not really a church goer, and definitely not a believer even though I had heard all about Jesus Christ in Sunday School.
The revival meeting began and the traveling revival preacher got up a full head of steam.  Then, he paused and told us, "Everyone please stand up." 

Everyone stood.  Then, he told us, "Those who are saved believers, sit down."   That left a handful of us still standing.  At that point, numbers must have begun to ring in his mind, for he told us, "After you decide to come forward and let us pray over you, then you can sit down."  In other words, let's add another conversion to my tally sheet.

Thinking back on it later, as an adult, if a preacher had pulled that stunt - I would have turned and walked out of that church.  But, as a twelve year old boy who did not want to lie about such an apparently important issue - I could not sit down.  So, I saw only one alternative - go forward and let them pray over me.

When I got to the altar, the revival preacher and three or four of his accomplishes began to really build up a head of steam, praying and pronouncing, "Hallelujah!' over me.  And, I will admit that with such a thing happening to a twelve year old boy - I got caught up in the excitement and went home believing I was saved - whatever that meant.

What happened after that?  Well, being a twelve year old boy and being full of testosterone I found that I still got funny feelings around pretty young girls.  How could this be happening?  Didn't that revival preacher tell me that I was saved and not a sinner anymore?  So, how could I still have these sinful thoughts?  You can see what was happening, with no one to explain to me what it meant to be saved, with no one to explain to this twelve year old boy that he was still only a supposedly "saved sinner" - my self image went into the basement.

And, because I was obviously a fallen saved person with no hope, I did not want anything more to do with anyone called a "preacher" or any "revival meetings."   The secular world seemed much more accepting and warm to me, a fallen ex-supposedly saved person - so I jumped into the secular pool with all my being. 

And, for the next thirty-eight years, until I was fifty years old, I mindlessly swam in the secular society's polluted pond - until one day, as an answer to Dory's ten years of praying for me - God led me to a pastor who would love me to the cross of salvation.  In 1987, Pastor Sam Lacanienta led me, through love, to Jesus Christ - and I have been a believer, a "forgiven sinner" since then.

But, even though I have been a Christian believer for twenty-nine years thirty years and counting, even though I "intellectually" understand what that early revival preacher did to me and that, in his heart, I think he believed what he was doing was right - to this day I will not address anyone as "preacher."  

I will address them as pastor, pastor/teacher, or maybe brother - but never "preacher" for that brings back memories I would just as soon forget.  In the early 1990s, my brother and his wife were visiting from Alabama and we took them to our church, Fil-Am Church of Irvine (CA), for Sunday worship.
After the service, my brother told Pastor Vince, "Preacher, that was really a good sermon."  I literally had to bite my tongue to keep from telling Bobby, "Don't call him 'preacher' - he is our Pastor.    

So, why am I sharing these thoughts?  Because, in His Great Commission Jesus Christ told us, "Go, Make disciples, Baptize them, TEACH them.  .   .  Be My witnesses in all the world"  (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15).  

Let's break that down:  First, we are told to "Go and make disciples."  That is our marching orders, to be sharing His Gospel and the Word of God, with all who do not yet believe - in all the world.

After we "Go and make disciples" we are told to "Baptize them."  But, in my mind, baptism into Christ is a very special event and should be done by the pastor of the local church this new believer is now attending.   Why?  Because this pastor is now his/her spiritual leader and this local fellowship is now his/her spiritual family.  Such happy events should be shared with your family - biological and spiritual.

On the other hand, if the person, upon believing, wants to be baptized right away - there is no reason that we, as believers, cannot do that.  In Matthew 28:19-20, when Jesus Christ established the Great Commission, including the Baptism Ordinance, and subsequently, in Acts 1:8 and Mark 16:15 when He expanded that Great Commission to send us out into all the world - He was directing the Great Commission and the Baptism Ordinance to all believers, down through the ages - not just to His apostles, nor just to pastors and elders - but to all believers. 

Still, that said, since baptism is a very special occasion it is best done with our pastors and in the presence of our local church family.

That is the example we see with Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40).  The eunuch was traveling back to his home in Ethiopia where there was most likely no local fellowships to join and he was setting out on a long and arduous journey.  So, Philip baptized him.

Now comes a very important point, my reason for writing this blog - we are told to "Teach them!"    When that revival preacher supposedly saved me - no one took the time to explain to me what that meant.  Yes, I had heard about Jesus Christ in Sunday School - but no one ever explained what it really meant to be saved, to be a Christian believer. 

To all my Christian brothers and sisters, that is one of the most important parts of our Great Commission - TEACH THEM!   Don't just sprinkle holy water on their heads, shout "Hallelujah!" and leave.  We have to teach them what it means to be saved and have eternal life in Christ.  And, we believers need to be teaching one another, helping one another grow more mature in our knowledge of God's Word.  We should all be continually learning more from God's Word, daily.  

In closing, let me share a great blessing that most of us have most likely not considered.   This thought came to mind during our worship service yesterday at International Bible Baptist Church in Riverside, California.   Pastor Paul was sharing with us about what life would be like in heaven.  And, because I, like most believers, love to be learning more about God and His Word - this blessing came to mind:  "In eternal heaven, in the eternal presence of God, we will always be learning - eternally."   

Think about that.  For eternity - we will be learning.  And, we will have the absolute Greatest Teacher of all time, Jesus Christ.

"But, Bill," you may ask, "what can we be learning for eternity?"

Let's turn your question around.  "Will there ever be a time, throughout eternity, when we, as glorified, immortal believers, come to know everything?"

There are several Scripture verses which may lead some to wonder:

1 John 3:2 (nasb), "Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be.  We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is."

Yes, when He appears at the Rapture and at His Second Coming, we believers will be "like Him."   Yes, we will be like Him in that we will be in our glorified, immortal bodies - just as He ascended into heaven in his glorified, immortal body.  But, He is deity - and we will not, never, be deity like Him.

In heaven will we know fully, everything?  This verse seems to say that:

1 Corinthians 13:12 (nasb), "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known."

One of God's more commonly referenced attributes is Omniscience, i.e., all knowing.  God knows everything, large and small - for He is eternal God who created everything, large and small.  If you and I ever got to a time in our eternal existence where we will know everything, where there is nothing more we can learn - then we would be Gods.  And, we all know that is never going to happen.  

So, the obvious conclusion is that we will never know everything, that we will always have something to learn - and what better place to be learning than in the presence of the Great Teacher?

One of our many wonderful blessings in eternity - is that we will always be learning, always at the foot of the Great Teacher, Jesus Christ.  Personally, I look forward to attending God's Eternal University of Knowledge.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Are They Ever Really Necessary? ~ Using "OMG" And The "F" Word?

Is there ever a proper time, or an acceptable time, to use "OMG" or the "F" word in your speech or writing?   Do YOU really need that word or the implied phrase to accentuate a conversation or to add emphasis to a writing?  I will bet that virtually everyone who reads my eNewsletters or blogs is intelligent enough to find a better way to pep up a conversation and/or a writing.   Just saying!

Why this latest reminder?  Over the years I have seen a proliferation of those offenses - in discussions, in writings, on television, i.e, in virtually every current means of communication - folks are throwing out the "OMG' implied phrase and the "F" bomb.  When I see that happen my first impression is, "That poor soul was kicked out of school in the third grade and never went back."  Or, that person just loves to offend people.  

Personally, I would rather fall into the first group if I must choose.  But, better yet - I believe I will stay in a third group, one made up of folks who respect God, who respect Christian believers, and who respect the right of others to not be offended by such careless use on our American language.

In 2010, 2013, and 2016 I posted blogs asking folks to be more aware that using these words is offensive to many people.  And reminding all of us that there are better alternatives we can use in conversation and in our writings.  Today, in 2017, I am posting my plea once again - because I love God and it hurts me when someone uses His name in an offensive way, whether on purpose or just not being aware that it is offensive to God and should be offensive to all Christians.

So, if you do not mind, let's look back at those earlier posts:

In October 2016 I posted:  "Why "OMG" Is Still Offensive ~ And Is It Ever Necessary?"

This blog is a thro
wback to several articles I posted in 2010 and 2013.  When a message is right and supports our Christian faith - can we post it too often?  Don't we all need reminders and guideposts along the way to help us stay on track?

My 2013 post on the TimesDaily Religion Forum resulted from the atheist campaign of Richard Dawkins, leading atheist evangelist, when he began putting anti-God posters on city buses in England and, eventually I presume, he will do it in America.   Some of my atheist/agnostic Friends on the Religion Forum saw this campaign as a revelation from their gods.  So, I offered a rebuttal in defense of the true God.

The photo below, from that anti-God campaign, is shown with its instigator, Richard Dawkins.  But, please notice, his sign does not say "There Is NO God!" 

Instead, his sign says, "There's PROBABLY No God."   In other words, his own sign shows that Richard Dawkins, world renown atheist, was not really convinced that God is not real, even though he is seen to be THE Atheist Leader.  Hmmm?  

And, in later years, in some of the "God vs No God" debates where he has participated - he has even acknowledged that God might really exist.  Could that be the Holy Spirit working?  Could that be one of those tiny Gospel seeds which has worked its way down into that fertile soil which is within the soul of all people, even though in some it may be hidden very deeply under layered years of non-belief?

In my 2013 blog titled "Why "OMG" Is Still Offensive ~ And Is It Ever Necessary?" I wrote:

In a TimesDaily Religion Forum discussion begun by an atheist Friend titled "What's Wrong With Atheist Bus Ads?"  She comments, "I'd say there is nothing wrong with them, but what's your opinion?"

d, she gives us the Wikipedia link for the article "Atheist Bus Campaign."    Another atheist Forum Friend responds, "OMG!  I feel so blonde.  LOL, I missed that entirely.  Hilarious!"

To this second atheist Friend, I replied: 

"As a Forum Friend who believes strongly that we can debate, and even disagree, without offending one another - please do not use the name of my Lord and God as your exclamation point.  If you are going to use OMG (which virtually every person knows means 'Oh, my God!') - please let it be the beginning of a serious prayer.

Otherwise, you are offending the God I worship, and you are offending me and all Christian believers.  I realize you are not a believer; but we are - and, as a Forum Friend, I ask that you begin your sentence in another way.  I know that you are intelligent and can honor this request."

She tells me, "Bill, I will not have my speech censored due to your belief.  I am sorry that you took offense to it, but it was in no way directed at you or what you believe in.  I will not use it to be purposely offensive, but if the mood hits me and I feel an 'OMG' is appropriate, then you will see it again.  I am intelligent enough to see the difference in someone being offensive for effect and someone just using a term or phrase for emphasizes.  I would hope you are also."

My Friend, I fail to see when the use of a phrase which is considered offensive to many people - is appropriate.  And, I know that most folks, if they give it a wee bit of thought, can find an alternate phrase to use which is just as effective and not offensive to anyone.

I am not asking to censor your speech.  I AM asking for mutual respect.   Even though you were not purposely trying to offend me and other Christian believers - taking the name of our God, in whom we do believe, in vain - is offensive to all of us.

And, as I said, I KNOW that you are an intelligent person and can find other exclamations to use in lieu of that.

You tell me, "I am intelligent enough to see the difference in someone being offensive for effect and someone just using a term or phrase for emphasizes.  I would hope you are also."

I realize that you were not purposely trying to be offensive.  And, even among Christian believers, there are many who do not realize that they are offending God when they write OMG in a post, or use it in a conversation.   Many folks, especially young Christians, think they are just using a cute exclamation.

To be honest with you, I was not aware of the many ways we had been taking God's name in vain until about 20 years ago when our senior pastor, Pastor Sam Lacanienta, used a Sunday School class to explain it to us.  I had often heard, and probably been guilty of doing it myself, the use of words like "Geez" - which is just a shortened form of Jesus - or "Gosh!"which is just a disguised form of God, i.e., "Oh, my gosh!" - as exclamation points.

But, since that Sunday, I have been very aware of the different forms of taking God's name in vain.  And, it sincerely does bother me to hear others do it so blatantly, even when it is not done purposely to offend another.

Because, at one time I was not aware of the offense - now, when another person does it, I realize that they, too, may not be aware that what they are saying is offensive to most Christians.  So, as a Christian Friend, I will point it out to that person and let him/her know that I find it offensive.  If that person then continues to do it; I realize they are intentionally trying to offend me.

As I wrote, even many Christians do not realize what they are doing when they write or say this.  That is why in September 2010, I posted this Note on my Facebook Notes page:

   In the past few weeks, my heart has been burdened.  I am seeing a proliferation of people, mostly young, but some not so young, whom I know to be Christian and whom I know come from good Christian families - flagrantly posting two very offensive words/phrases on Facebook.

What are these words that I find so offensive?  First, is the initials "OMG" and the second is the "F" word.

Why are these so offensive to me?  Well, the "F" word is self-explanatory.  So, we will proceed to "OMG," a texting shorthand for "Oh, my God!" - which IS taking God's name in vain.  God takes His name and His glory very serious.  That is why He wrote in the Bible, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, . . ." (Exodus 20:7).  Just because it is abbreviated makes it no less offensive - to God and to all Christian believers.

Creating slang versions of His name is the same, i.e., writing, or saying, "Geez" or"Jeezus" - is just as bad as using "Oh, Jesus!" as an exclamation.

Most of the people I have seen writing or saying this have a relatively good education - and I am sure, if that person tries just a little, he/she can find a more appropriate word or phrase to use in venting frustration, to highlight a point, or to make an exclamation.

What does surprise me the most is that 95% of the people I have seen recently using these offensive words and phrases on public forums - are female.  No, this is not meant to be a slam against our ladies.  As Sgt. Joe Friday (old Dragnet TV series) use to say, "Just the facts, ma'am.  Just the facts!"

When we, as Christian believers, post on public forums such as Facebook - we are representing all Christian believers; and we are representing our Lord.  We are told in 2 Corinthians 5:20, "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."

When I read this Scripture verse, I am reminded of a story my good Friend and mentor, Pastor Sam Lacanienta, told us many years ago.  When Pastor Sam was a young pastor in the Philippines, one Sunday a relative, who also was the Philippine Ambassador to England, came to their worship service.  After the service, Pastor Sam asked him what it meant to be an ambassador for his country.  He told Pastor Sam,"My main job as an ambassador to England - is to not embarrass my nation while doing my job."

As Christian ambassadors for Christ, when we write on public forums, and even in private discussions - we should be very aware of not embarrassing our Lord.

For my young Friends, when you post such words on Facebook and other networking channels - keep in mind that you are representing, first, our Lord - then, yourself - and, very importantly, you are representing YOUR FAMILY, your mom, your dad, your siblings - all your family.

So, please, I know that you do not purposely want to be offensive.  And, I know you do not want to offend God, nor do you want to embarrass your family or yourself.  Therefore, when you write on Facebook or other networking channels - write your message as though you are writing it to your mother.  Write messages you would not be ashamed to have your mother, your father, and your Lord read.   Write messages which will glorify our Lord.

And, to my non-believing Friends, while you may or may not find these words offensive; keep in mind when you post on any Forum or network channel - that those things ARE offensive to we Christians.  So, as a courtesy to us, please try to find other words or phrases to use.  For that, we thank you.

To my past Religion Forum Friend, and to all my Friends - it was not just my Religion Forum Friends who sometimes made this faux pas.  Then, and still today, many Christians innocently make the same mistake.  This is why I asked them then and still ask all my Friends today:  Please, if you are going to begin a sentence with the words, "Oh, my God"  (or OMG) - please make sure it is followed by a sincere prayer.  Then, we can all be blessed.
You might ask, "Bill, why are you resurrecting an old article?  You posted it in 2010, 2013, and 2016 - so, why post it again?"
The reason is simple.  As long as I see Friends, many whom I know are Christian, some even in leadership positions - writing posts on Facebook and other venues using "OMG" as an exclamation point as though they were merely saying, "Check this out!" - or "This should get your attention!" - I will keep posting such articles, over and over and over again.  Why?  Because I love, respect, and worship the Creator, God.  And, I want all my Friends, believers and non-believers, to respect me, and all believers, enough to show respect for our God.
God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Why Is Bible Study So Important?

WHY IS BIBLE STUDY SO IMPORTANT?   Well, I can give you a number of reasons.  But, let me offer an analogy I have often used:  A church it like a three-legged stool.  Those three legs are (1) the Worship service sermon, (2) Sunday School, and (3) Weekly Bible study.  

What is really important in our lives?  First, having a personal eternal relationship with Jesus Christ Second, having a strong Christian environment within your family and your home.  Both depend upon the strength of your relationship with Jesus Christ and your knowledge of His Bible.

When we become Christian believers, we should have two goals:  First to grow more mature in our knowledge of His Written Word, the Bible, and the revelations God gives us there.  Second, to take that maturing knowledge outside our church fellowship and be "His witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth"  (Acts 1:8).   Our Jerusalem is our immediate family and friends.  That should be strongly established to enable you to successfully take His Word to your Judea and Samaria, i.e., your community, state, nation, and world.

We might look at our Jerusalem as our close family and friends ~ our Judea as our local community ~ and our Samaria as our city, state, and nation.  The remotest part of the earth is self-explanatory - we are to take His Word to the whole world.   But, how can we take His Word to the world - if we do not have a working knowledge of it ourselves?

This brings us back to our Three-legged Church stool analogy.  Is your church a three-legged church?  Does your church have an interactive Sunday School and discussion style Bible studies to augment what you learn in your Sunday sermon?  "Bill, why do you ask such a silly question?"   Glad you asked! 

When you sit on a three-legged stool, it is stable and you can relax knowing it will support you.  But, remove one of those legs - and the stool becomes less stable.  Remove another leg - and that stool becomes a precarious one legged seat where you had better not relax - or you might fall.  If your church is too big to have all three legs - would you be better off in a smaller church fellowship?  Food for thought.

"What is so important about Sunday School and Bible study?  What can you learn there that you cannot learn in a Sunday sermon?"  Good question.  Let me ask you a question.  What do you do during the Sunday sermon?  You sit and listen.    If you are really being honest, at times your mind wanders, sometimes you start to think about other things you have to do, you may even get up and go to the bathroom - just to stay awake. 

I can remember one Sunday in the late 1990s, our church had a guest speaker whom I always enjoyed.  Yet, during his message, I began to write a letter to Bill Gates with whom I had worked before he and Paul Allen started Microsoft.  Did God put that letter on my mind at that specific time?   I felt He did, but to be sure I let the letter, which I had finished during the sermon, sit for two weeks.  By that time I truly felt that God had wanted me to mail it, without me knowing why. 

Fast forward a number of years and I read that Bill Gates' mom had passed away in 1994, the same year my mom went home to be with the Lord - and I knew that Bill Gates was very close to his mom.  Did he need words of comfort at that specific time?   I don't know; but God knew.  Did my letter help Bill in any way?  I don't know.  My task was to write the letter and mail it.  The rest was up to God.

Why have I mentioned this?  To show you that depending upon only sermons, Sunday or midweek, to give us Biblical growth and maturity - can be a less reliable source than Sunday School and Bible study - for we can be distracted in so many ways, even good ways such as that letter.   A sermon is someone talking at you.  A Bible study is you being involved in an active discussion, exchanging ideas, weighing new thoughts - all part of the process of learning and growing.

Consider these points:

Bible studies - as I use the term - are groups of people actively engaged in mutual examination of the text of Scripture.  Bible studies differ from sermons, classroom lectures, and informal instruction in that they primarily consist of group discussion.  Bible studies can be terrifying, because you never know what people will say.   There’s always inherent potential for losing control of the discussion.  And for this reason, many people fear them.

But though it’s unscripted, the discussion does not have to be uncontrollable.  Though open-ended, it doesn’t have to be directionless.  Though interrogative, it can still be powerfully declarative.  Bible studies have something going for them that few sermons or personal quiet times can achieve: Interaction.  This is the chief advantage of Bible studies.   ("Why have Bible studies?" March 21, 2014 By Peter Krol - http://www.knowableword.com/2014/03/21/why-have-bible-studies/)


If we receive too much important information for more than about 10 minutes, our brain starts to get fatigued, doesn’t properly process, and some information is lost. Information is more likely to be retained and acted on if (1) we are interested and actively engaged, (2) we receive it via more than one of our senses, (3) we discuss it with others to assist in processing it, (4) we speak it out to reinforce it, and (5) we put it into practice immediately.

Sermons and lectures have almost none of these attributes, and studies show that only a small amount of any sermon is retained and acted on, generally from the first 10 minutes.  (Sermons – Not How We Learn Best?  https://theway21stcentury.wordpress.com/church/sermons-not-how-we-learn-best)


Studies show sermons make congregations feel better, but they neither learn much or change much as a result.  Pastors who want to equip their congregation for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12) instead of keeping them passive and doing most of the ministry themselves, will find ways to make gradual change.   (Sermons – Not How We Learn Best?  https://theway21stcentury.wordpress.com/church/sermons-not-how-we-learn-best)

"Why are Sunday School classes and Bible studies more productive means of maturing in our knowledge of God's Word?"  
In a well organized Sunday School and Bible study - we read Scripture AND we discuss what we have just read.   We talk among ourselves about what message or revelation we believe that particular Scripture verse or passage was intended to give us. 

We all can offer our thoughts and discuss them among the group.  Will every thought offered be valid?   No, but each one gives us food for thought.  We may even be inspired to go home and do more indepth study on our own to discover God's true message.  What has this accomplished?  It has gotten us deeper into both a corporate and a personal study of His Word.

In the corporate world many companies have "brainstorming" sessions.  What is the purpose?  It is a time when all the people in the meeting can offer ideas, thoughts, and suggestions for a new product.  After a time of "brainstorming" - they begin to discard those ideas which did not seem to fit.  And, they begin to shape and hone others.  And, finally, with all the irrelevant thoughts discarded - the product begins to take shape.  

Isn't that basically what we do in Bible study?  Everyone offers their thoughts on the meaning of a Scripture verse or passage - and then we begin to discuss, analyze, discard, and focus on what seems to be the true meaning.  That is a productive Bible study.  That level of learning is hard to get in a sermon, Sunday or midweek.

Personally, I never say that I "teach" a Bible study.   I will always say that I "lead" a Bible study - for we are all learning together. 

"But, Bill, if you are not teaching the Bible study - who is teaching it?"  So happy you asked.  The Holy Spirit is teaching it - and the Bible study leader is merely seeing that the discussions do not take the group off into an unrecoverable tangent, i.e., the leader is keeping the study focused and on track - while the Holy Spirit leads us and teaches us.
So, with those thoughts, let me share with you the post I wrote in November 2006 which took me on this thoughtful journey today:


Date:     Sat, 25 Nov 2006 14:51:38 -0800   From:  Bill Gray

Maybe I am different, maybe a bit weird - but is seems that God puts ideas and thoughts into my head frequently when I am taking a shower.  It could be because I am relaxed, my mind is not thinking of the hundred and one things I need to do, or maybe the warm water is just so soothing.  But, many times the things I write occur to me in the shower.  Maybe you have your special place where God talks to you.

Yesterday, as I was showering, I began to think about Bible study.  All my Friends know the high value I place upon studying and discussing the Word of God with other brothers and sisters.  Our Christian spirits are fed both by the worship of God and by studying His Word.  Although we should be worshiping God 24/7 (twenty four hours a day/seven days a week), there is one day each week which we set aside, a day when we gather with brothers and sisters, to worship Him in fellowship together.  That is our Sunday Worship Service.

And, there should be one day each week when we gather to study His Word, most often in a private home.  I have always like Friday Evening Bible Study - but whatever works for your group.  Bible study is a time when we sit together, read from the Bible, and discuss each Scripture verse or passage.  That is an interactive Bible study dialogue.

Our faith should compel us to do two things: worship Him, and share His Word with the world.  How can we say we worship God, if we do not follow up on that and go out into our world to share the Gospel as Jesus instructed us?  And what better way is there to prepare for the Great Commission Jesus gave us (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1-8, Mark 16:15) of "Going, Discipling, Baptizing, Teaching.  .  . being His witnesses" - than Bible study?

What God put on my heart on this November day is this:  November and December of each year are special times for all Christians.  This is a time when we give special Thanks to God for all He has given to us during the year; and a time when we give Thanks and Worship for His Son, sent to pay the penalty for our sins, to make salvation available to all who will believe. 

Yet, we seem to get so busy during this time of year that we often put Jesus Christ on hold, "Sorry, Lord, but we are so busy this time of the year.  You know, with lots of friends and family visiting, with making plans to celebrate Your birth, with buying gifts for everyone - we just don't have time to do Bible study during these months."

Whoa, hold it, let's back up.  Those reasons for canceling Bible studies - are the very reasons you should be more adamant about having Bible study.   What are our reasons?  First, we are just too busy?  Too busy for God?  Really?  Second, we have so many friends and family visiting, that we don't have time for you, God.  Really? 

I believe He would say, "Why don't you invite those friends and family to Bible study?  If they come with you, that is wonderful; they will be hearing My Word being discussed among believers - and, if they are not already believers, this might be the time.  If they decline; your faithfulness to Me will be obvious to them, it might give them second thoughts about their own lives.  Think about it."

And, third, we are just too busy shopping and buying gifts?  We just do not have the time to spend a whole evening in a Bible study when there is shopping to be done?  We might miss out on some good bargains?  Think about that; God gives us seven days in each week - and, we cannot give Him one evening to study His Word - because we have to shop? Really?

Yes, gift giving is a wonderful tradition.  But, it is just that - a tradition.  It does make us feel good when we can share the material blessings God has given us by giving gifts to our friends and loved ones.   But, what is the greatest gift you can give to them?  It is the gift of God's Word; it is the gift of sharing God's Word with those whom you love.  The greatest gift you can give to any friend or loved one is a deeper understanding of the love letter God has written to us - His Bible. 

All of those other gifts we buy at the shopping malls will rust, wither, and fade away; soon they will exist no more.  But, the Word of God you help plant in the hearts and minds of your loved ones will be eternal.  Is there a greater gift?  You give that gift by gathering as a family, including your extended Christian family - in reading and talking about, discussing, God's Word.  That is why Bible study is so important.

With that in mind; which should we put on hold - shopping or Bible study?

With that in mind; what should we do with visiting friends and family - sit around watching television and talking, or invite them to our Bible study?

I love what a pastor Friend, Pastor Ed Dacio, says when he gives an altar call at the end of a sermon, "Please bow you heads and do not be moving around or otherwise be distracting; for eternal decisions are being made right now."  Eternal decisions also are often made in a Bible study.  I recall a Bible study about five or six years ago, when Pastor Ed gave an altar call at the end of our Bible study.  Eight people stood to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  Three of those were from one family, a mother and her two young sons.

Bill Gray Update 2017
:  That Bible study was circa 2000.  The oldest son is now in seminary and is an associate pastor in a local Fil-Am church.

The next week the father came to Bible study and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Later, he told me that it was because his young sons came home from Bible study and witnessed to him.  Soon, the father's brother and his family came to our church where they received Jesus Christ.  Then, their mother, Connie, came to our church and was saved.   About two years later, Connie went home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Think what might have happened, several years before, if the Holy Spirit had not prompted Pastor Ed to give that altar call in our Bible study.  Think what might have happened if that Bible study had been canceled - because we were too busy.  Yes, we never know when an eternal decision is ready to be made.  Do we really want to be somewhere else - when that eternal decision could have happened in our worship service or Bible study?

God has put this on my heart - and I believe it.  I pray that you do, too, and that you will share this message with all your Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors - all your FRANs.  Invite them to Bible study.

I pray you found this enlightening.   If so, please feel free to share it.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

God Is Both Transcendent And Immanent ~ Revisited

CAN YOU EXPLAIN to another believer, or to a non-believer, what is meant by the statement, "God is both Transcendent and Immanent?"   No?  Why not?

"Bill, will you get off your theological soapbox!  All I want to know is that I am a Christian and that I am saved.  Why should I go into all that theological mumbo-jumbo?"

Glad you asked.  Jesus Christ left us a firm instruction, i.e., command - "Go, Make disciples, Baptize them, TEACH them.  .  . Be My witnesses in all the world"  (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15).  In other words, go into all the world, do battle for our Christian faith, rescue the lost.

Now, imagine you are in the military and your Drill Instructor is teaching you how to keep your weapon in good working order, how to disassemble and reassemble it, how to keep it clean and working properly - and then how to fire it.  Would you tell your Drill Instructor, "I don't need to know all that mumbo-jumbo.  Just let me start firing my weapon!"   Duh!  How long do you think you would last in an environment of hostile attacks?

The same is true of our Witnessing Weapon, the Gospel, the Word of God.   How effective can you be as His witness if you do not bother to learn the Bible and how to share it?

And, that brings me to the reason I am once again sharing the blog I wrote in May 2014, that God is both Transcendent and Immanent. 

What does it mean that God is Transcendent?  That means that God exists outside our universe and that is why He could create our universe.  If He were part of our universe, how could He have created it?  That would mean that He created Himself.  No, the truth is that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"  (Genesis 1:1) - because He is preexistent, i.e., He had no beginning, nor will He ever cease to exist.  At some point in eternity God decided to create us and our universe, for His glory.

And, we all must be eternally grateful that God is Immanent.  For that means that He is present, intimate, and actively involved in even the smallest details of our lives, He knows our needs, our desires, and He has a plan for each one of us.  Jesus Christ teaches us:  "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:29-31).  

Yes, God knows and cares for us, even down to the individual hairs on our heads - or, in some cases, the hairs which used to be on your head.  That is the Immanence of God. 

This is the depth of Biblical knowledge we, as mature Christian believers, should be able to share with all who ask.  That is the reason I am revisiting this blog.

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In a May 2014 TimesDaily Religion Forum discussion titled "I have Questions For Bill - #2 The Question" - a Forum Friend who posts using the blind pseudonym "CrustyMac" tells me he is a believer, but does not trust the Bible, nor most Christians, and has not been in a church service for so long that he would be looking for the ticket window - has posed questions to me. 

However, because his comments and questions tend to ramble, I will attempt to collect and divide his thoughts into coherent groups so that I might answer him more fully.   For clarity, this response to his comments/questions is the first of a three part response which I will space out over a short period of time.

First, CrustyMac offers, "I've been ready to ask my second question of Bill in his attempt to 'tutor' me for quite a while now.   Bill finally, after much dancing around the issue, confirmed that he believes that Jesus and God continues to work here on earth and in heaven.   For some reason he equates 'working' with the passive states of omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience.  But, whatever."

To get started, let me ask:  "What makes you think that God's attributes of omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience are passive?"

Personally I see God very active in all His creation.  There is nothing "passive" about our God, nor any of His attributes.  God is always all powerful (omnipotent), all knowing (omniscient), all places present (omnipresent) - and YOU should be very happy that, in His grace, He is also always merciful.  

"Mercy is God not punishing us as our sins deserve.  And grace is God blessing us despite the fact that we do not deserve it.  Mercy is deliverance from judgment.  Grace is extending kindness to the unworthy."   http://www.gotquestions.org/mercy-grace.html

Two other attributes of God which tie into this discussion are transcendence and immanence.  Everyone who is a Christian has to acknowledge that God is both "transcendent" and "immanent."   

Transcendence means that God exists outside our universe.  That is obvious since He created the heavens and the earth, i.e., our universe.  He could not have created our universe - unless He were outside our universe. 

Yet, God is very close, very involved in the lives of all His creation.  That is His immanence.  God is Immanent, intricately involved in even the smallest aspects, the tiniest details, of His creation. 

Scripture tells us:

Matthew 10:29-31 (nkjv), "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?  And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

God knows the very hairs on your head - or, for some, the very hairs that used to be on your head.  God knows all your major joys and happiness, all your sorrows and hurts.  He is there to lift you up - especially when you seem to have fallen.

There is a saying:  "If God brings you to it, He Will bring you through it."   No, that is not a Bible verse, but there are many examples of that philosophy found throughout the Bible.  God brought Israel into slavery in Egypt for 400 years because of their disobedience; yet, He brought them out of Egypt and made them an even greater nation.

Virtually every Christian believer, and definitely me, can tell of times when everything seemed so hopeless.  Yet, when we went to God in prayer, He brought us through it.  I have shared personal prayer experiences with you before on the forum: spiritual needs, physical and health needs, financial needs, etc. - when God allowed me to come to the edge of the abyss; then He lifted me over it.  That is an example of God's immanence, nearness to each of us, personal involvement in our smallest and in our largest moments of life.

Question: "What does it mean that God is transcendent?"


Answer:  To transcend means “to exist above and independent from; to rise above, surpass, succeed.”  By this definition, God is the only truly transcendent Being.  The “LORD God Almighty”  (in Hebrew, El Shaddai) created all things on the earth, beneath the earth, and in the heavens above. 

Yet He exists above and (is) independent from them.  All things are upheld by His mighty power (Hebrews 1:3), yet He is upheld by Himself alone.  The whole universe exists in Him and for Him that He may receive glory, honor, and praise.

A transcendent God must turn His face away (from sin), for He is forced by His very righteousness and holiness to keep Himself separate from anything or anyone sinful, impure, unclean, or less than perfect.  However, besides being transcendent (outside), God also possesses immanence (nearness), and it is in His immanence that God chooses to draw near to His creation.

This, too, is a paradox.  “‘Am I only a God nearby,’ declares the LORD, ‘and not a God far away?  Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?’ declares the LORD.   ‘Do I not fill heaven and earth?’  declares the LORD" (Jeremiah 23:23-24).  God’s transcendent nature strives to keep Him distant and remote from His creation both in space and time. 

Yet on the other hand, His immanent nature works to draw Him near to His creation and to sustain the universe.  God’s love for His creation is so great that we see His immanence overshadowing His transcendence.  This becomes clear in His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ, as He breaks through the barrier of sin and separation to draw all mankind back into a close, personal relationship (with God). 

We see God not only choosing to draw near to His creation, but to personally come into the hearts and minds of His people through the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit.  This is the miracle of God’s transcendence (and immanence).

Then, my Friend CrustyMac continues, "Here is what Bill has confirmed that he believes.  This is what we have so far:   Bill believes (1) Once saved, always saved."

Yes, we find that proven in Ephesians 1:13 where the believer is indwelled and sealed by the Holy Spirit at the moment of believing - and, in Ephesians 4:30, we are told that the indwelling and sealing of the Holy Spirit remains intact until the day of our redemption, i.e., until the day we die in this mortal body, or the day we are Raptured from this mortal body.

And, we see "eternal security" verified in many Scripture verses (too many to list here), such as, "He who believes HAS (not may have or could have - but HAS) eternal life" (John 6:47).  We see in John 10:28-29 that NO ONE (absolutely no one, which includes the believer himself/herself) can snatch the believer out of God's hands.  That, my Friend, is most certainly "eternal security" or, as we often define it: "once saved, always saved."

He continues, "Bill believes (2) The Bible is to be taken literally - except for obvious uses of metaphors, simile, and symbolism."

Yes, that is true.  Like all good narrative writing, the Bible is to be read literally.  However, since God is the best of all writers - He has made good use of the different figures of speech at times, for often a figure of speech is the best way to get a point, or message, across to the reader.  That is why Jesus Christ often taught in parables. 

God allowed the inspired writers, writing in their own personal and cultural styles, to use metaphors and similes, they used analogies, and they used symbolism.   The Bible contains books of law, poetry, history, and prophecy.  However, the main body of the Bible is narrative, intended to be read literally. 

A good rule of thumb when studying the Bible: first read the passage literally with the assumption that the writer, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has written it in clear, literal narrative form.  If it fits, that is the meaning.   But, if the writer tells us, "Jesus is the door of the sheep fold" or "Jesus is a rock" - we know those are similes, for Jesus Christ is neither a door nor a rock.

On the other hand, when we read in John 6:47, "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life" - we know that is to be read literally.  And, the vast majority of the Bible narrative is to read literally.  Knowing the difference is just a matter of common sense.

God created languages so that we, His creation, will be able to communicate with Him - and with one another.  Would such a God who created us and gave us the ability to communicate through language - then turn around and create His Written Word, His Bible, His full revelation to mankind for salvation and to guide our daily Christian lives - in secret coded messages and symbolism that we cannot understand?  Would God give us a Users' Manual that required a highly educated priest or scholar to interpret?  That would defeat the purpose of His Written Word.

Question:  Why have some liberal theologians come to view the Bible as a "spiritualized" rather than a "literal" style of writing? 

Answer:  Because that gives them more leeway to interpret the Bible to say what they want it to say - rather than what God has inspired it to say.  In other words, a "spiritualized" reading of the Bible more readily facilitates the use of eisegesis, reading INTO Scripture.  With a "spiritualized" reading of Scripture they can read INTO the Bible the theology they want - rather than reading God's intended message FROM Scripture.  

Doing that, they can more easily accommodate erroneous teachings such the Gap Theory, i.e., an "old earth" creation in billions of years instead of the "young earth" thousands of years.   They can more easily accommodate society's norm such as Same-Sex Marriage, abortions, and women pastors.  They can more easily insert extraBiblical teachings and traditions, such as those found only in the Apocryphal books, to support their desired theology.  Using a "spiritualized" reading of Scripture easily allows one to insert whatever he, or his church, wants INTO Scripture.

Imagine that you purchased a new Mercedes - and the Users' Manual was written in German.  Would Mercedes manufacture a car to be sold in America - and only supply a Users' Manual written in German which most Americans cannot read?  True, that would be dumb.  And, our God is definitely not dumb. 

So, when He gave us our Users' Manual, the Bible, He made sure it was written in language, and in a manner, which we can read and more easily understand - literally.   Then, He goes even further, giving each believer a personal guide to help us understand His Users' Manual, the Holy Spirit who indwells each believer - teaching us, guiding us, convicting us  (John 14:26 He teaches us, John 16:13 He guides us, John 16:8 He convicts us).

But, we are told that the Holy Spirit is not guiding and teaching the non-believer:  John 14:17, "That is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you."

So, yes, my Friend, God's Written Word, the Bible is intended to be read literally.  Maybe the reason you have a hard time doing that, or understanding what you are reading - is that you have not yet become a believer and do not have the indwelling teaching and guidance of the Holy Spirit.   You might want to give that some thought.

My Friend's next point, "Bill believes (3) Everything in the New Testament, including all of Paul's writing, is God's word to us, straight from God, and God doesn't change his mind."

That is 100% true!  You could not have made a more accurate statement, nor attributed a more accurate statement to me.  Yes, that is exactly what I KNOW to be true of the Bible.

Do you have any reason to believe that God would have allowed the apostle Paul to write half the books of the New Testament (13 for sure, and 14 if we agree, as do many scholars, that Paul also wrote the book of Hebrews) -  and, then allow those books to not be accurate, inspired Scripture?  Of the 27 books of the New Testament, Paul wrote either 13 or 14.   Would that not be foolish of God to allow a person who is not inspired by the Holy Spirit - to write over 50% of His inspired text?   Do YOU think that God is foolish?  I most certainly do not!

And, yes, everything written in the New Testament and the Old Testament, was inspired by God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."

Does God change His mind?  NO!

Malachi 3:6, "For I, the LORD, do not change; . . ."

James 1:17, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."

Next, my Friend attributes to me these words of wisdom, "Bill believes (4) If someone willfully disobeys the Bible, then they were never Christians, and still aren't."

Yes and no.  Yes, if a person tells us that he/she is a Christian believer - but, then purposely chooses to live an active lifestyle which is against Biblical teaching - then I would say that this person was never a believer. 

A good example is the person who claims to be Christian, yet is actively living the homosexual lifestyle, maybe even participating in a same-sex marriage.  God says one thing.  This person is living totally opposite to what God has declared to be right.  How can that person be a Christ Follower when he/she is walking in the opposite direction from Christ?

On the other hand, a person who is a believer - will still always have the inherited Adamic Sin Nature as long as we are in this mortal body.  What does this mean?  It means that we will and do sin (Romans 3:23).  It means that we are only "forgiven sinners."

1 John 1:8-10, "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us."

So, what is the difference between the person who purposely chooses to live an active sin lifestyle and lives in sin - and the person who purposely chooses to live a Christian lifestyle and sins?  Good question.  Glad you asked!

The person who is purposely living an active sin lifestyle has turned his/her back upon God.  God says walk this way - and that person chooses to purposely walk in the opposite spiritual direction.

Whereas, the person who has chosen the Christian lifestyle has committed himself/herself to walking with God, in His direction.  And, even though we will stumble and fall, even though we may step in sin mud holes at times, even though we at times may reach for forbidden fruit - we still are moving in the right spiritual direction - toward and with God.

This Scripture passage tells us, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."   Do we need to confess our sins?  Yes. 

Why?  Another good question.  Since we know that God is omniscient - He already knows what we did wrong, and why.  So, what do we accomplish by confessing?  First, we are doing as He told us (1 John 1:8-10) when we confess. 

Second, confessing our sin is not so that God will know.  He already knows.  Confessing our sin is for the purpose of us recognizing our sin, acknowledging our sin, and owning our sin.   How can God forgive us if we will not admit and acknowledge our sin?  But, the moment we do confess that sin - "He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us."   That is why we confess our sin.

Here are two good articles on sin and overcoming sin:

Question:  "Do we sin daily?  Is it possible to go an entire day without sinning?"



Question:  "How can I overcome sin in my Christian life?"


Finally, my Friend accuses me, "Bill believes (5) God and Jesus are omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and continue to work here on earth and in heaven."

We have already covered this point in the beginning of our discussion.  However, let me once more affirm that, YES, I know that God is Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipresent (all places present), Omnipotent (all powerful) - and praise God, YES, He most definitely does continue to work here on earth (immanent) and in heaven (transcendent).   If He did not do both - we and all His creation would be in really big trouble.

CrustyMac, my Friend, I thank you for your questions and comments.  In responding to them, I have learned and grown in my knowledge of God's Word.  And, I pray that you and all who read our discussion will also learn and grow in that knowledge.

The rest of your comments/questions I will respond to in subsequent dialogues.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Friday, May 12, 2017

You Might Not Recognize The Word "Polyamory" - I Did Not!

YOU MIGHT NOT RECOGNIZE THE WORD "POLYAMORY" -  I did not.   And you might think this is just a Conservative fake news attempt.   But, no my Friends - this is the Liberal Left Secular Society's attempt to sell Americans on the idea that marriage can be anything you can imagine:  one couple of any gender mix - or - any group of people, in any gender mix, even mixes which includes animals - which strikes the fancy of the Liberal Left Secular Society.  

It is their attempt to turn America from being a nation of traditional moral values - into a fully amoral nation of self-anointing seekers of sexual pleasures.   The word "polyamory" is just another word for "polygamy" or "bigamy" - both which have long been illegal and immoral in America's national Christian world and culture.

From the associated article: 

"But this has been coming down the pike for years.  Plenty of us were mocked for asking questions about where it all stops if we start redefining marriage.  And yet here we are in 2017, and polygamy is making a comeback.  In the midst of a quick Facebook check while writing this piece, 
an article on the Institute for Family studies blog analyzing a recent study on rising acceptance for non-monogamous marriages scrolled through my feed."

The Urban Dictionary defines Polyamory as:

The practice, state or ability of having more than one sexual loving relationship at the same time, with the full knowledge and consent of all partners involved.  This is the definition used by California polyamorist Morning Glory Zell, who coined the term in the early 1980's.  Polyamory differs from adultery because all the partners know about each others' lovers, so there is not secrecy or betrayal.  

A form of relationship involving more than two people. The relationships may be symmetrical (like a triangle), or something more complex. The relationships may also be open or closed, straight or gay, or a mixture.  A purely heterosexual form of polyamorous marriage was once practiced among the Tibetans: each man had many wives, and each woman had many husbands.   (The Urban Dictionary)

Bill Gray Note:
  This Urban Dictionary definition well describes the Swinging, i.e., Wife Swapping, culture in America, which reached its peak in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s.  During that period Playboy magazine even highlighted the Swinging Culture of Southern California in an article which shared about a group in Southern California who maintained a cabin in the Big Bear Mountain community - just for their swinging parties.

Let's boil it all down.  What is really happening in America?   The LGBTQ community activists have, for quite a while, been launching an attack against traditional morals, traditional
values, and against the traditional one man-one woman marriage as instituted, defined, and ordained in the Bible.   The following article I have shared in several blogs over the past several years.  My reaction?  Finally a spokes-person from the LGBTQ community is brave enough to speak the full truth.

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage
- The Illinois Family Institute
By Micah Clark  - April 6, 2013 

Even knowing that there are radicals in all movements, doesn’t lessen the startling admission recently by lesbian journalist Masha Gessen.  On a radio show she actually admits that homosexual activists are lying about their radical political agenda.  She says that they don’t want to access the institution of marriage - they want to radically redefine and eventually eliminate it.

My Friends, a sow under any other name - is still a sow.   And amoral values, under any other name - are still amoral values.  And they go diametrically against the Written Word of God, the Bible.

Isn't that why we see two factions within the LGBTQ community?  One group wants to deny, denigrate, and destroy all societal reference to God.  The other wants to change all doctrinal teachings of the Christian faith from within - and remold Christianity to make it accepting of all their fleshly desires and pleasures, welcoming their aberrant lifestyles into the Christian churches and fellowships.  That is not the Christian faith nor the Bible which God has given us.

Folks, when we drive our cars on the streets and highways of our communities - we must first know how to start and drive our cars - and then, as we drive our cars, we must know and obey all the rules and regulations given to us by our governing powers.

Jesus Christ left us similar instructions for knowing and living our Christian faith.  This can be found in the Great Commission:  "Go, Make disciples, Baptize them, Teach them.  .  . Be My witnesses in all the world"  (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15).

Let's look more closely at the first part of the Great Commission:  Matthew 28:19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Jesus Christ did not teach polygamy, bigamy, or the swinging lifestyle.  Jesus Christ did not teach the LGBTQ lifestyle.  He taught us traditional Biblical marriage between one man and one woman.  He taught us to put aside our amoral fleshly desires and to walk in the Light of our Christian faith.  That is what He taught His disciples and us - and that is what He wants us to share when "we teach them to observe all things that He has commanded."

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
